Fears of a Black Swan in Singapore General Election 2011

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Comprehension must really not be your strong point.

You registered/joined just to post on the GE?

This will be my last reply to you. You are free to make of it as you will.

The thread was initially conceived to swing marginal voters over with a scare of economy collapse. This fear is unfounded. Using fear-mongering tactics to rally others is below the belt.

I know of well-off retirees who voted for PAP for they wanted to live out their lives in peace. Does anyone deny them of that right? No. People can understand and respect their choice.

If you are extolling the virtues of the incumbent for own selfish bias and yet unable to provide substantiative well-thought out arguments to support your claims, you will continue to receive the kind of flak from your friends/peers whom you derogate as immature, emotional types. Might there than be some basis of truth in their reply to you? Or you would then prefer to come online to deride them instead?

I read the intent behind other's action very clearly. One should be able to clearly state their vested interest. They should not seek to spread rumours which are unsubstantiated. That is damaging. This is the same for analyst reports. Why do you think that they will issue a disclaimer of vested interest for coverage?

Selective quoting does not gain you points. We have more discerning readers than that. I have apologise to hyom for the tone of the rebuke while he has seen the fallacy of his original stand. Now why can't you?

Learn to understand and intepret why those around you respond in the manner they do. Take out the extremes at both end.
I am glad I am witness to these interesting times in Singapore - albeit I am far away from home now.

Singapore is once again blessed that we can effect change with civility and respect for diversity.

I have not experiecend the blood and violence during Singapore's turbulent 50s and 60s - for this, I appreciate olders Singaporeans may have a different perspective on change.... And I am humbled by the energy and passion of younger Singaporeans who are voting for the first time.

One thing I am heartened - it's better to agree to disagree; than to have politcial apathy (bo chap attitude).

I personally don't think we are One People One Nation yet. But with this wind of change, we are making a stride forward.

Singapore is home to me.

Just google singapore man of leisure
isterry Wrote:Comprehension must really not be your strong point.

Look who's talking. I thought you were talking abour yourself.

isterry Wrote:This will be my last reply to you. You are free to make of it as you will.

So convenient if you have lost the argument.

isterry Wrote:The thread was initially conceived to swing marginal voters over with a scare of economy collapse. This fear is unfounded. Using fear-mongering tactics to rally others is below the belt.

You are defending your petty emotional outbursts again by saying other people are employing fear-mongering tactics to rally others on an issue which you feel strongly against. Are you being somewhat self-righteous? Do you have an axe to grind against the PAP government doe to bad personal experience as a former SAF regular? Was your contract with the SAF not renewed due to poor performance?

isterry Wrote:Selective quoting does not gain you points. We have more discerning readers than that. I have apologise to hyom for the tone of the rebuke while he has seen the fallacy of his original stand. Now why can't you?

Why can't I do what? I just said your outburst online reminded me of an exchange I had with a colleague in real-life. Was I wrong to say your initial reply was an outburst? Then, why did you apologise? Well, readers are advised to go back to read the first post and your emotional reply in its entirety, then judge for themselves.

Anyway, one credit to you is that you apologized for the outburst and that colleague of mine didn't.
The Entries of new migrants do delay our National Integration. (National Identity)
The Casino is Positive though it comes with a price. ( Any seen a promotion pamplet to visit there ? Sad )
The MRT congested (Inter dept planning)
The HDB has a price surged (Salary alignment)
The Medical Care very sensitive (Retirement Saving)
The Mid income foreigner grabbing singaporean jobs (No Safety Net)
The Salamat Escape (High Profile)
The Excessive Salary and jumb of all scales (Median)

The fact of the matter now is there is no BlackSwan and I think LHL saved his teams and the Party with a right timed apology delivered in a light hearted manner. He must have read a lot of feedback in CNA forum or maybe even here, understand the grounds and acted decisively. He has came down from the Ivory tower but i am not sure about his few fellow Ministers. We will judge them for the next 5 years.

The WP got a strong foothold this time round and appears they have done solid ground work in Hougang and sourrounding area for the past 5 years. If they have stayed happy with status quo and start work during election period within hougang limits, results may not be far off from the other opposition parties. WP has shown they have future planning and no doubt they will start with bigger plan for the next election.

The failures of others parties despite quite a few strong candidates, to get an "outright" wins i think (my assumption) got to do with them staying within limits of their SMC boundary or working on candidates and ground work support only on the last minutes. If they are hoping for PAP to trip themselves to snatch away votes, they are certainly not ready. If they are serious, the work starts now.

Getting votes is not a last minutes thing. It starts with today till 5 years later. There's need to be a roadmap starting from Day 1 till 5 years later on how to garner support, grassroot activities, candidates grooming and participation with residents.

Not surprising a few of the constituency almost won by WP as well. I do see Depth in this Party. They have done their work.
I hope NSP,SPP and SDP do take the initiative now if they are serious. RP and SDA personally I would love to see them leapfrog the learning curve by joining other opposition parties.

On a personal note i like to see more education on how to vote. There's a sizeable void votes and i hope the Election department takes some concrete action in the next election.
This should be part of Election Department KPI.


Just my Diary

Congrats to the Worker's Party for an election well fought and well won. Personally I do not agree with some its manifesto but that's what happened in a democracy, you live by the decision of the majority vote. I did not vote for WP when I was in Hougang and even though I lived under WP for > 10 yrs, there was not a lot of difference. Life goes on.

WP has 5 years now to prove themselves to be an alternative party (I always dislike the negative connotation of the term opposition party), I really hope they carry out what they set out to do. I do not want to see a passive team of opposition MP sitting in parliament doing nothing. And then saying, there was nothing much I can do anyway. The WP now has 6 members and possibly another 2 NCMP. Sure the number is still too small to do much or make a difference when it comes to voting on bills etc.. but I want to see them try.

Slyvia Lim says WP does not want to oppose for the sake of opposing. I want to see that and if the PAP policies makes sense, then they should come out to support it. There's nothing to stop them from filing motions to make changes to policies they strongly believe in. Let see if they do what they will say they do. The spotlight is very much on the WP just as much as it is on the PAP.
(08-05-2011, 11:02 PM)corydorus Wrote: On a personal note i like to see more education on how to vote. There's a sizeable void votes and i hope the Election department takes some concrete action in the next election.
This should be part of Election Department KPI.


So true Cory!

Despite all the promo material over radio and TV, there was appaling lack of instruction at the centres and on the poll card itself. I heard many accounts from friends and relatives yesterday that they were even unsure whether to 'tick' or 'cross'. For myself, even though I saw the instructional vid on the TV, it was also quite apparent that at the centre itself, there wasn't much instruction.

They really failed on this account.
Did you people know that Aljunied has the second lowest rejected votes, at only 1.34%. It was widely thought that the rejected votes in Aljunied would be high as people are in a dilemma, but no, Aljunied people are more sure of what that want than the other constituencies. Only one constituency has rejected vote lower than Aljunied, and that is Hougang, the WP stronghold.

Which constituency has the highest rejected votes? Well, it is AMK at 3.01%.

The voice of the people is clear and loud.
(08-05-2011, 05:33 PM)Gosling Wrote: Look who's talking. I thought you were talking abour yourself.

So convenient if you have lost the argument.

You are defending your petty emotional outbursts again by saying other people are employing fear-mongering tactics to rally others on an issue which you feel strongly against. Are you being somewhat self-righteous? Do you have an axe to grind against the PAP government doe to bad personal experience as a former SAF regular? Was your contract with the SAF not renewed due to poor performance?

Why can't I do what? I just said your outburst online reminded me of an exchange I had with a colleague in real-life. Was I wrong to say your initial reply was an outburst? Then, why did you apologise? Well, readers are advised to go back to read the first post and your emotional reply in its entirety, then judge for themselves.

Anyway, one credit to you is that you apologized for the outburst and that colleague of mine didn't.

I apologize to readers for reneging on my word to stop replying to this guy.


You still trolling around?


Every single one of your post on the GE? Registered conveniently just to flame?

You apparently still have not learnt anything. My apology to him was for the tone used, not for the content. You are the exact reason why the PAP supporters are generally cast in a bad light.

Like I've said earlier. If you really feel that strongly about an issue, come out with credible well-thought out points to substantiate you argument. Don't resort to name-calling, mindless trolling and character assassination. It speaks volumes.

Your colleague is not here to defend himself. No one really knows what transpired between you and him. If you behaved in such a manner offline, likelihood would be that you get ridiculed wherever you go. Do not try to argue your case by way of association in an attempt to seek sympathy.

With regards to your question on my identity, my online & offline identity is far more visible than you have been led to believe, albeit not in investment forum. My evaluation upon my time of leaving was "Outstanding" in all aspects. Does that ruffle your feathers in the wrong way again? To go further with you would be akin to arguing whose "****" is bigger. Sorry. Get a life.

@Moderators. Haven't this clown gone on far enough?

(08-05-2011, 11:02 PM)corydorus Wrote: On a personal note i like to see more education on how to vote. There's a sizeable void votes and i hope the Election department takes some concrete action in the next election.

There is currently an issue of "double standards" exercised by the various table chiefs in the different counting stations.

I believe the post in particular can be found here. Many of the volunteers have posted on their experience this time round.

iisterry Wrote:You apparently still have not learnt anything. My apology to him was for the tone used, not for the content. You are the exact reason why the PAP supporters are generally cast in a bad light.

Obviously, you are the one who have not learnt anything. Because of your big ego, you have problems understanding criticism and end up defending your petty uncontrolled outbursts.

Below was what I originally said which probably provoked you.

Gosling Wrote:I like the honesty of the thread-starter. At least he admits he is afraid of losing money in the stock market if PAP loses badly. On the other hand, I don't like emotional immature outbursts from anti-PAP people who calls pro-PAP people ugly names. I was a victim from these unbalanced people while discussing politics on the way home with a colleague. I should not even be considered pro-PAP but I just told him to be fair to PAP in his comments. We also saw this happened in this forum when iisterry called someone who disagreed with his views an idiot. These people really make a fool of themselves. My blood boils when I think of that immature colleague of mine.

Obviously, I was not against your content but against your tone. Did you or did you not call somebody who disagreed with you an idiot? Now, you are making a fool of yourself again by with another round of outburst by diverting readers to the content and not the tone. The entire issue was about your tone.

It is ok in a forum to disagree with each other but not ok to call people idiots. You know you are wrong. But, now you try to defend yourself again when I pointed out your shameful, undesirable behavior which should be censured on an intelligent forum like this one.

iisterry Wrote:Moderators. Haven't this clown gone on far enough?

Once again, you are the sort who thinks others are wrong but never yourself. Has it not occurred to you that you are the clown here? This is no longer about general election. It is about proper behavior in an intelligent forum. Moderators, I dare say iisterry has exhibited immature behavior that shows himself incapable of controlling his own emotion. This is not the SAF where you can just shout around at people to show you are right. You have no rank to throw around here. Stop behaving like a self-righteous person where everyone else is wrong except you.

isterry Wrote:My evaluation upon my time of leaving was "Outstanding" in all aspects. Does that ruffle your feathers in the wrong way again? To go further with you would be akin to arguing whose "****" is bigger. Sorry. Get a life.

Same to you. Get a life. Sorry to provoke you into reneging your promise and spend time to write a reply. Is it my fault? Please think about it yourself and don't be self-righteous. The fact is, you are too petty and have to make a response to get it off your back.
Hi Gosling,

I guess I ought to make a reply since I started the thread which provoked a strong response. The tone to me was bad but an apology has been made. The apology has also been accepted. Period.

Your time and energy will be more profitably spent hunting for good stocks. Getting into an argument in the faceless online world is a waste of time.

Thank you.
Trust yourself only with your money

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