Fears of a Black Swan in Singapore General Election 2011

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Election is almost over. I estimate 5 - 8 opposition seats.

D.O.G has provided a good breakdown of the different mentality of the voters. Humans are innately selfish. Society however, requires people to work together.

It is a simple issue of admitting the rationale behind the casting of the vote. Others will respect you for that.

What is unacceptable however, is trying to explain their actions using motherhood statements and spreading baseless fears to rally others to their course. This kind of action speaks volumes.

Debate about the vice and virtue of the incumbent has been done through and through.

Calling people immature, anti-establishment, emotional and un-balanced while using the facade of other issues to mask own bias will result in a harsh retort from others. Dodgy

Learn to look at the context of what you are seeing. Read and re-read again. Hyom is able to understand. You should too.

Pap may have won 90% of the seats but most seats are like accumulated 23 demerits and cannot afford to flaunt anymore traffic rules for the next five yrs.
The thing about karma, It always comes around and bite you when you least expected.
This just proves the inertia to change is rather high in singapore. Since I aspire to live better than the average peon, it's about time to explore sweeter shores... working so hard for a mediocre lifestyle just isn't worth it
The Workers' Party truly deserves their resounding wins in Hougang SMC and Aljunied GRC, and the 6 parliament seats. Based on the voting results....
with a little extra luck, the Workers' Party could have had also taken Joo Chiat SMC and East Coast GRC, and another 6 more parliament seats, from the PAP.

In the coming 5 years, with the PAP now wakened up, and a bigger and better opposition in the parliament, the prospects for having better, more balanced and carefully crafted/implemented government policies in Singapore, are indeed good and real.

Watch the Workers' Party's video entitled "For People. For Nation. For Future".....
to better appreciate why the Workers' Party and the people behind it, have and deserve the support and love from their supporters and voters, and from more and more Singaporeans.
iisterry Wrote:Calling people immature, anti-establishment, emotional and un-balanced while using the facade of other issues to mask own bias will result in a harsh retort from others.

Learn to look at the context of what you are seeing. Read and re-read again. Hyom is able to understand. You should too.

Firstly, please read and reread the very first post and the read and reread what you wrote in response. Some quotes of what you wrote;

iisterry Wrote:The irony and hypocrisy of your posting astounds me. Firstly you claim to be non-partisan and then you delve into fear-mongering tactics in an attempt to skew other's voting mentality.

iisterry Wrote:Your colleagues are right. You are an idiot.
Next issue you might be spewing would be that we should all vote for the incumbent as they can track down votes and make hell out of your life.

Reread your replies to a well-balanced post. Were they immature, emotional and un-balanced? Now, please be honest with yourself. hyom could do it, could you?

iisterry Wrote:What is unacceptable however, is trying to explain their actions using motherhood statements and spreading baseless fears to rally others to their course. This kind of action speaks volumes.

Secondly, stop defending yourself by saying others are spreading baseless fears. The title of this thread is "Fears of a black swan". By definition, black swans are low-probability events. Because they are low-probability, they will always look baseless because they are so unlikely. Your own biased view and lack of self-control caused your overreaction to a valid post.

We all have biased views. In politics, who doesn't? I don't have to mask my own biased views because I readily admit I have biased views. What is wrong are emotional over-reactions to perfectly valid but opposing views and then defending it. Such behavior simply deteriorates the quality of this forum.
I really don't know what to say. 16k/mth for people like tpl, and booting good experienced people like georgie, chiam in exchange.... well done guys. GRC system is really the way to go! I hope the pp people finally get the lift upgrades they wanted
I'm disappointed that the other 2 GRC by cigarette and karaoke owner did not goto opposition.
Why waste tax payers money on hosting elections? Don't people realize 6 seats opposition is as good as none? Think it's really just very expensive entertainment... A 50 years mandate would've the same effect.
Hopefully worker's party can make use of this historical opportunity to create a bigger history. I hope they will not look only at short term issues but create a team in next election that could contest PAP in principles. They should start recruitment now as I believe more qualified talents and influential people may now step out from their comfort zone with the 6 candidates sharing/coaching the future party that would eventually lead Singapore to a dual political environment. It may be the better or worst of Singapore but no one will truly know.

Alternatively, let us hope that PAP or the people working in government offices will start to wake up its bloody idea and start to implement much fairer policies that have taken away much limelight from the good policies they have in placed. I also hope that PAP will stop being arrogant and connect with the citizens much more. PAP may really change for the better as what PM Lee and his fellow ministers have promised and win overwhelming in the next election.

Congratulations Worker's Party. They have made Singapore politics more interesting. Personally I wish they can change the name somehow as it sounds abit corny. lol. So now, back to our usual lives or George yeo for the president? haha

Overall it is a good election. With 6 MPs in the Parliament, WP can finally kickstart their learning process of running a GRC and also providing a louder voice in the Parliament.

As for the ruling party, it is also a wakeup call that the "economic 1st" policy may not be what the people want. It is time to let go the GLC dominant policy and let the SMEs flourish. The highest productivity does not come from big giant corporation but many many design houses that serve the needs for the world. The Israel tech industry has shown us that it is possible to have a flourishing industry without having big corporation churning out lots and lots of low margin sales. Ultimately, these big corporations will one day move to somewhere else that can offer them a lower cost of production.

It is also time to let go the media control. It has been proved to be less effective in doing the mouthpiece job. Since it is useless, why not free it so that a whole new media industry can evolve? I think many media companies will love to setup shops in Singapore since it is a great place to live in and a highly educated workforce(bilingual in chinese and english) is readily available. Not to mention that any reporter can be deployed to any part of Asia with our wide connection to the entire asia via our changi airport.


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