Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Caller: Hi Master, let me share with you this: My relationship with my husband turned sour two years after our marriage, and this has persisted over the past six to seven years. I have started practising Buddhism for more than a year now and since then, I have been reciting the _Mantra to Untie the Karmic Knots_ ( _Jie Jie Zhou_ ).

Just one week ago, I had a dream, and it was about my past life with my husband. In that life, we were also a couple. He murdered me with a knife before dismembering my corpse. The lady police officer, who was tasked to protect me in that life, failed to do so due to her unsound reflex, and now, in this present life, she is my daughter.

Through this dream, I now truly understand how horrifying the cycle of rebirth could be. We don’t have the slightest clue about the type of people that could end up as part of our family nucleus.

Master Lu: You are exactly right! *Destiny brings enemies together as a family* .

Let me tell you this: Had you not dreamed of the lady police officer, who is now your daughter, and your husband of your past life murdering and dismembering your dead body, you would never know how the three of you are interconnected. Now you understand why, at times, I am not willing to divulge information like this to all? It does no one any good by knowing. In fact, it is potentially troubling! Do you wish to know how your life would end in this life?

Caller: My guess is he would continue to bully me and push me beyond my limits. And, if I did not practise Buddhism, I might end up killing him sometime in the future which would then perpetuate our cycle of rebirth.

Master Lu: Correct!

Caller: However, this dream has strengthened my resolve in practising Buddhism. I will be diligent to learn from Master Lu and to transcend the cycle of rebirth. I will definitely do so. I will ensure that I repay all my karmic dues, clear all my negative karmic debts and eventually transcend the harrowing cycle of rebirth.

Master Lu: You are exactly right!

Caller: I would like to tell all Buddhist friends that we should not be too obsessed with our family relationships, as they are all transient and illusory. Nothing here is real!

Master Lu: Now you understand? This is what being “Disillusioned with the mortal world” means. It should not be looked upon as a pessimistic outlook. Instead, *it is a positive attitude as your knowledge of the illusory nature of all phenomena makes you more steadfast in your spiritual cultivation* .

Caller: Yes! Thank you to Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu for the opportunity to chance upon Buddhism in this lifetime. I will surely remain steadfast in my Buddhism cultivation. I surely will…

_Source: Wenda20110624 05:18, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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Learning Buddhism is to learn to adjust your state of mind.

_Master Jun Hong Lu_
_Words of Wisdom Vol. 4_


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Master Jun Hong Lu: *To be compassionate is to be selfless* (慈悲就是无我). When you can feel how pitiful others are and how desperate they are in needing your help, in this context, you are considered selfless, because you only think of others.

*Compassion is* not a type of affection, but *a kind of wisdom*. Today, if you are able to be compassionate towards someone, it is not because you get along well with each other, and you want to offer your help.

Rather, it is a reflection of your wisdom, knowing that he is a sentient being, it is meritorious to help and I should fulfil my vow, with that you help him to be free from suffering. Hence, *compassion in Mahayana Buddhism means wisdom*. Similarly, prajna wisdom (般若) is compassion. Hence, the prajna wisdom of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Her great wisdom is about Her great loving-kindness and compassion.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Episode 53_
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Compassion is the foundation for changing our destiny.
Spare more thought for others, and less for ourselves.
In this way, we can reduce our desires and our heart will be pure and calm, unperturbed by any circumstances.
We can then gain control over ourselves and be the master of own destiny.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 1


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Wenda20160313B 34:54

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: A fellow practitioner has discovered that he is in good form when reciting scriptures on the 1st and 15th days of Lunar Calendar months and on other significant Buddhism festivals. Is it true that it is easier to be connected to the Heavenly energy on these days?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, of course. There are additional heavenly blessings on those days. For example, when we hold Dharma Conventions – many Bodhisattvas are present. The 1st and 15th day of the lunar months, are days where Bodhisattvas get-together in Heaven, it is a day they descend to the human world to save sentient beings, and to visit all of us the disciples of the Buddha. Bodhisattvas know that we are gathered in the Guan Yin Citta Local Chapters on these days and as such they will visit us.

Caller: Is it right to say that it is scheduled by Heaven for Bodhisattvas to visit the human realm and bless the people on the 1st and 15th days of the Lunar Calendar as well as Commemorative days of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Not necessarily on those days, but basically this is the case. This is because the 1st and 15th days of the Lunar Calendar months are days of festivities in Heaven.
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Master Jun Hong Lu:

*A Buddhist practitioner should frequently introspect, feel ashamed of his own misconduct and repent. This is because repentance will enable one to gain Prajna wisdom.*

The Buddha’s teachings tell us, if you are able to frequently repent and feel ashamed of your wrongdoings, you will definitely be able to make progress on this path of spiritual cultivation. This allows you to attain the perfection of diligence as you will always remember this noble character, continue to work on its perfection and always be reminded of your original nature.

*The purity of one’s heart is the provision for one’s enlightenment.* That is why I want all of you to become more and more pure. Only when you rid yourself of all distracting thoughts, can you free yourself from the five desires and their corresponding six sense objects.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Episode 73_
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While the Buddha is immensely compassionate, the compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva is especially renowned. Representing the very embodiment of Buddha’s compassion and a saviour from suffering, Guan Yin Bodhisattva stands as a symbol of immense mercy and compassion among the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. She is the embodiment of salvation during hardships. During times of challenge, seeking Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s assistance is highly recommended. Even Shakyamuni Buddha encouraged beings to invoke the help of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Shakyamuni Buddha noted that Guan Yin Bodhisattva, throughout immeasurable eons past, had already attained Buddhahood. Though Guan Yin Bodhisattva achieved enlightenment before Shakyamuni Buddha, her immense compassionate vows led her to continue appearing as a Bodhisattva, helping all beings accomplish their Way. Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s compassion stands as an exemplar for all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Each Bodhisattva, upon reaching enlightenment, takes unique vows. This includes the Great Compassion of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the Great Wisdom of Manjushri Bodhisattva, the Great Conduct of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and the Great Vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Every Bodhisattva’s vow has its distinct features, and one must not compare one against the other. Remember, each Bodhisattva possesses consummate wisdom, varying only in their respective vows. Shakyamuni Buddha, during his time on earth, also guided those in suffering to recite the holy name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Considering this, shouldn’t we do the same?

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu's Buddhism in Plain Terms, Volume 2 Chapter 21:
Learning from Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Way of Alleviating Suffering upon Hearing It; the Singular Approach to Spreading the Dharma and Liberating Sentient Beings
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Please bear this in mind: *The most honourable thing in life is, even when faced with hypocrisy and injustice from other people, you are still able to maintain kindness towards them.* If you find out that the other party is a hypocrite or an unrighteous person, yet you’re still able to extend your warmth to them with a smile, then you are a Bodhisattva.

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Volume 1 Chapter 3 | The Meaning of Life Expounded by Buddhism
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Caller: Master, is it true that being a vegetarian will purify not only our body and blood, but also our eighth consciousness so as to awaken our Buddha nature?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Certainly. A person who is on a vegetarian diet is very clean and pure. *Physical purity creates a clean heart in you. When your heart becomes pure, your eighth consciousness will be cleansed.* Thus, the more purity you achieve, the more impurity you remove.

_Source: Wenda20161113B 01:01:58, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: During the Ullambana Festival, it is best that you go about your chores steadily. By doing so, you avert inviting the unwanted attention of the foreign spirits. This is because a slightest change in you could stoke the interests of foreign spirits. For example, if you are suddenly overwhelmed by grief and sorrow, they will immediately come for you.

There is a folk belief that during the Ullambana Festival, even if you need to pretend to be happy and smiling, you have to do it. This is because as soon as you feel sorrowful or troubled, the spirits will come for you. They may even occupy your body and start having a conversation with you, causing you to suffer from misfortune. These are all possible phenomena.

_Source: Wenda20180831 16:46, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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