Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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A road cannot be driven on without the effort of its builders. A flower cannot blossom without the care of gardeners. Sentient beings cannot be liberated from suffering and attain happiness without the compassion of Buddhist practitioners.
没有修路的人,哪有金光大道?没有栽花的人,哪有鲜花灿烂?没有学佛人的慈悲, 哪有众生的离苦得乐?

– Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 1
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Caller: It’s common to observe an online social norm where people disseminate information to forewarn others of deceptive schemes, etc. For example, information cautioning people against scams or child abductions. We do pass on such information to those around us, stating, “Scam Alert! Stay Vigilant!”. If the recipient is destined to go through these calamities but having read our alerts, he is more vigilant now, does it mean we have intervened with the working of karma (动因果)?

Master Jun Hong Lu: No. *You should uphold the principle of doing all that is wholesome (众善奉行).* You are just being kind. It is wrong to say that they are destined to be unlucky. Even if they are truly suffering from bad luck, you should still do your part to rescue them from their misery. You have made a conceptual mistake here.

Caller: Am I right to say that despite the alerts, calamities will still befall him since such misfortunes have been predestined?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. *You are performing a kind deed by forwarding those alerts. As for him, if he is fated to encounter the calamity, he will likely ignore what you send and still fall prey to the scam as it is meant to be.*

Caller: Whatever it is, we should still do kind deeds.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course!

_Source: Wenda20170623 01:00:07, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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🎉 2019-09-06 卢台长法国 巴黎《世界佛友见面会》



Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk
Paris, France, 6 September 2019


Master Jun Hong Lu: A happy life is a simple life. We have to learn contentment, tolerance, magnanimity and not to complicate things unnecessarily. When we find ourselves to be spiritually burdened, we tend to impute all faults and blame on others. Therefore, it is essential for us to periodically erase those bad and unpleasant memories that we have been holding on to. Life is short, do not be attached to fame or wealth. Live a life of simplicity – this is true cultivation.


*Online Beginner's Guide to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Daily Recitations*
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Master Jun Hong Lu: If you can see all events in life as ordinary occurrences, then sadness, grief, and sorrow will not affect you. *By maintaining an ordinary mind when observing the world, the heart finds stillness (平常心看人间,心能安止).* Only with such a mind can the heart remain calm, ceasing the operation of worries and troubles. *When everything is viewed with equanimity as a natural occurrence, your heart becomes stable, peaceful, and motionless.* When the heart is still, it has attained serenity. Before we act, it’s our heart that moves first, which spurs us into actions. Impulsive actions arise from a restless heart, followed by physical movements.

It’s essential to discern unwholesome things and illusions, and not be deceived by them (不被幻相所惑). Understand this: *appearance can be deceptive*. Humans and all things possess dual natures. Thus, do not let worldly illusions mislead you. What you see might not necessarily be the truth, and what remains unseen might not always be illusory. One should rely on their capacity for enlightenment, and wisdom (要靠悟性和智慧).

Practising the dharma is a form of realisation (修法就是体悟的一种). It pertains to cultivating our human practices — it is the method of cultivation in the Human Realm. This encompasses acts of kindness, accumulating merits and virtues, assisting others, and prioritising the greater self over the lesser self. Being benevolent, offering assistance, and practising generosity are integral aspects of this spiritual practice in this human realm. Practising the dharma involves gaining insights into one’s feelings and capacity for enlightenment, understanding the principles of the human experience, and helping others. When you assist others, they often return the favour. Once enlightened, you will realise that as you recite Buddhist scriptures, Bodhisattvas will come to your aid and protect you.

Those whose minds are swayed by external marks or appearances tend to have their priorities mixed up, allowing their minds to be swayed by circumstances. For instance, when everyone is engaging in an action, even if it’s clearly misguided, you may find yourself compelled to jump onto the bandwagon. Isn’t this getting your priorities wrong? You become captivated by the spectacle of others’ actions, disregarding your conscience and inherent nature, and focusing on superficial illusions. *Do not let your heart’s direction be dictated by the environment. Just because everyone is doing something doesn’t mean you must follow suit.* Remain grounded regardless of external pressures. Remember, do not be deceived by what’s in front of your eyes and always distinguish between what’s false and true. Learn to keep your mind unswayed by circumstances, and let your soul remain unaffected by karmic conditions, which means your soul remains unaffected by karma.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 2 Chapter 20_
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As Buddhist practitioners, we need to purify our hearts and reduce our desires. The more desires we have, the less likely we are to ever satisfy all our desires. We should learn to be content with what we have, to change ourselves through practising Buddhism, and to learn to ask for nothing.

学佛人要清心寡欲,一个人欲望越多 越不能满足自己的欲望。我们要乐天知命,要透过学佛来改变自己,要学会无所求。

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Volume 1
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Master Jun Hong Lu: What are the ways to eliminate our resentment towards others (去除对别人的憎恶)? *We must adopt the habit of putting ourselves in others’ shoes. We should understand that everyone has their own struggles in this world. Hence, we should learn to forgive and always think of the good that they have done.*

*Regardless of what happens, you must first remember those times when the person had treated you well.* No matter what you are facing, you should apply your compassion and think, “I am also not any different from them”.  Only then, you will not go in the wrong direction (不会走偏差).

*Sometimes, one single thought can wrought upon us suffering that lasts for a lifetime* (害我们一生痛苦). On the flip side, one single wholesome thought can bring about enduring good reputation (流芳百世) and allow us to save sentient beings.

*Wholesome thoughts are the basis of being human and the foundation of one’s success in life.* One mere wholesome thought can determine one’s success and happiness in life (一念善决定了你人生的成败与苦乐).

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 December 2016_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: At the spiritual level, one must cultivate compassion, as it is the golden key that unlocks all ‘doors’. Whenever you find yourself reluctant to adopt a vegetarian diet, try viewing animals through the lens of compassion – image the animal part you consume are the hands of the children, and that the tin of sardines resembles a coffin. When compassion arises within you, your craving for freshly-killed animals and your desire for meat-based food will diminish.

Where does a compassionate heart come from? It’s through the recitation of the Great Compassion Mantra and the Heart Sutra.

Source: Wenda20120101 75:25, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program
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Be kind to others
from the beginning to the end,
and they will be touched.
-Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4

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Caller: Master Lu, when praying for something, we just have to say it once and Bodhisattva will know. If so, why do we have to repeat our prayer to Bodhisattva?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Let me ask you a question. *Regardless of what you are doing, don’t you think it’s helpful to have more frequent communication as people tend to forget?*

Caller: Indeed.

Master Jun Hong Lu: *Bodhisattva will never forget, however, if you are someone with heavy negative karma, Bodhisattva may not be able to hear you*.

Thus, *if you repeat yourself a couple more times, Bodhisattva may be able to hear your prayers*. For example, it’s common to hear people repeat themselves while on walkie-talkie, “Please respond, please respond ….” When the opposite party can’t hear you, don’t you have to repeat a few times?

_Source: Wenda20160807B 50:31, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program_
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There are two things a person can learn from memories: one is suffering, the other is awakening.

Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9
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