Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 424)

Shakyamuni Buddha:

*“All phenomena in their own-being are empty”*. The same goes for both the positive and negative karmic affinities, which are also empty ultimately. That is life. *It is impossible for one to pursue eternal happiness in this illusory world.*”

Master Jun Hong Lu: “In the human world, no matter how luxurious life you enjoy, how much fame and wealth you have, how successful your career is, how high your status may be, and how enviable you are, which realm do you think you would go to after your passing? Would you be ascending to the higher realms or descending to the lower realms?

On the contrary, *when you start practising Dharma and performing recitation, you sacrifice the time you spend earning money to help all sentient beings*. *You sacrifice the time you spend for your family and career to help others awaken spiritually, and perform volunteer work*. *These are precisely the most meaningful endeavours in life*.

No matter how perfect your life is in this world, how many people would still remember you after you leave this world ? *People, you are spending your years in vain*. *In the end, you are just being busy for nothing.* You must understand that the nature of everything is emptiness.”
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Wenda20181116 52:07
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master, please enlighten us on the way to overcome ignorance.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Listen more and talk less; think more and move less; be vigilant and cautious when dealing with people and refrain from being arrogant and anxious; learn from and listen more to others. Befriend virtuous and noble people, with that, you will surely overcome ignorance. Would you commit foolish acts if you are watched by me everyday?

Caller: No.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Some of them can still make foolish mistakes even with me around, however, I am able to stop them from continuing immediately.

Caller: I understand now. For those who are not by the side of Master...

Master Jun Hong Lu: Study _Buddhism In Plain Terms_. The energy in it is from the Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva has told us that we will be blessed by the Dharma protectors each time we study _Buddhism In Plain Terms._
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Wenda20180608 39:08
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)

Caller: Greed, anger, ignorance are eliminated through discipline, concentration and wisdom. In that case, what should we rely on to eliminate arrogance?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Rely on humility and prudence so as to guard against arrogance and impatience. Do not be haughty; one should not be arrogant as after all, what does Bodhisattva teach us? Bodhisattva teaches us to be modest.

Caller: Yes, indeed.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Bodhisattva also teaches us to strictly observe the precepts. If you observe the precepts, you will not be arrogant or view others with suspicion, isn’t that right?

Caller: Yes, take the precepts as the foundation.

Master Jun Hong Lu: When you have trust in sentient beings, how will you develop suspicions?

Caller: I understand now, Master Lu.
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On 29 May 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore, held an online English sharing session that focused on *the First of the Five Buddhist Precepts: Abstain from Killing* – in continuation of the previous session.

This session delved into ways to eliminate our karma of Killing and abstain from the act of Killing. Both are important to our Buddhism practice as a large build-up in negative karmic affinities with animals could put our spiritual life at risk.

To eliminate our past karma of Killing, the Three Golden Buddhist Practices have been recommended.

*To abstain from the act of Killing, the participants have been reminded to overcome the Three Poisons*, by:
1. *Understanding the fact that animals feed on filthy food* and when we consume their meat, we are likely to develop illnesses.
2. *Cultivate Compassion* – compassion is the key that unlocks all ‘doors’ and the foundation of our Buddhism practice.
3. *Avoid developing negative karmic affinities* with animals.

The participants were encouraged to *practise vegetarianism, which is the foundation for compassion.* Not only does it engender good health, wisdom and compassion, one *can receive blessings and gain resonance with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.*

Master Lu once said, “You must persistently maintain a vegetarian diet so that your merits and virtues will continue to grow. *With these merits, a lot of minor troubles can be resolved and a lot of minor calamities can be eliminated.”*

In the upcoming session – scheduled on 5 June – we will explore *Karma of Speech*. Join us to find out how to practise right speech anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.

🌿*For more details*
Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information
 ⏰ *Date and time:*
Saturday 5 June 2021 (2.00pm - 4.00pm)
*Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:*
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting,Los Angeles, USA
5 October 2018


Master Jun Hong Lu: In this world, there is no such thing as a point of no return nor is there a mistake that is irreversible. Thus, when we see the mistakes of others, at times we should remind ourselves that forgiving others is more powerful than punishing them. One’s willingness to forgive is in itself relieving the sufferings of others, and doing so could mean saving their lives. Hence, we should be kind and generous towards others. Let there be tolerance and magnanimity between us as if we are one and the same, where we are detached from hatred and our insistence on the ‘rights and wrongs’ in life. We should cherish life and all that it has to offer.
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Buddhism In Plain Terms (Audio)
Episode 29
(An Excerpt)


“Formless Giving”, on the other hand, means after the act of giving, you neither revisit the deed nor put it to heart. After you have given somebody something or treated them well, just let it end there.

Our practice of giving should surpass the worldly benevolence. When you expect nothing in return, and you continue to do what is virtuous, treat others well, be kind and empathise with them and hope that you will be able to help them, this is how you will amass meritorious blessings.

Therefore, without the wisdom of emptiness, your deed can only be regarded as a kind act.

In contrast, if your deed involves the propagation of the dharma to benefit sentient beings, you have surely accumulated the meritorious blessing.
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*Words can hurt or heal. What did yours do today?*

On 5 June 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore, held an online English sharing session that focused on the one of the five Buddhist Precepts: *Karma of Speech*.

As aptly put by Master Lu, “*One is halfway to achieving Buddhahood if he is able to guard himself from creating negative karma of speech*. Speak less is a must; *not uttering a word at all is the best*. *One single word of kindness wins praises from all the Buddhas of the Ten Directions*.”

The facilitator set the tone about the gravity of negative karma of speech by putting forth a stern warning that the Lord Buddha once issued to his disciples, “All of you should guard your speech. *Bad karma of speech would result in consequences more terrifying than a ferocious fire*.”

This message was further reinforced by a poignant short story which served as a good reminder to all participants that *words spoken in anger leave wounds that will never completely heal*.

The participants also learned that:
1. *Refraining from false speech is a deep practice that reaches into all aspects of one’s life*.
2. *Practising right speech means being mindful not to use speech (of any kind) to get people on my side against others*.
3. To achieve righteousness of mind, one must *refrain from frivolous talks that lack depth or purpose*.
4. There will be *severe karmic ramifications of drawing conclusions about things without understanding*.

In the closing video, Master Lu said, “*When you lie for the sake of riches and honour, your lies will come back to haunt you for your entire life.*”

In the upcoming session scheduled on 12 June, we will explore the second part of *Karma of Speech*. Join us to find out about *the practice of mindful speech*.

*Let us now look at some comments from participants:*
_All the points that were discussed today are good reminder to me. It provides me with more guidance in handling my speech in the working environment and also at home._

_I enjoy the Buddha stories, His teachings remain a very important guidance for practice in our daily lives._

🌿*Join us in our next session*
Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information
 ⏰ *Date and time:*
Saturday 12 June 2021 (2.00pm - 4.00pm)
*Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:*
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
28 December 2018

Master Jun Hong Lu:
*Buddha once said, ‘money is just like a poisonous snake.’* Sadly, there are so many people who perceive money to be as important as their life, even to the extent of falling out with family members over the family assets, or to the extent of paying the price with their lives.

*Buddhism advocates contentment* with what one has and to understand that *all fame and profit in the human realm is just like a transient cloud that will eventually dissipate*.

Bad and good circumstances are types of karmic affinities in the mortal world. *As humans, we should learn to act in accordance with all conditions and learn to not be greedy or pursue desires. When free from desires, our minds will be as calm as still water.*
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
28 December 2018

Master Jun Hong Lu:
*Buddha once said, ‘money is just like a poisonous snake.’* Sadly, there are so many people who perceive money to be as important as their life, even to the extent of falling out with family members over the family assets, or to the extent of paying the price with their lives.

*Buddhism advocates contentment* with what one has and to understand that *all fame and profit in the human realm is just like a transient cloud that will eventually dissipate*.

Bad and good circumstances are types of karmic affinities in the mortal world. *As humans, we should learn to act in accordance with all conditions and learn to not be greedy or pursue desires. When free from desires, our minds will be as calm as still water.*
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Wenda20161021 01:07:24
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)

Caller: Master Lu, a Buddhist practitioner dreamt that he descended to the underworld, and noticed that there is a Book of Merits that records the quality of Little Houses recited by us. In the dream, he was told that an ordinary person’s Little House will only warrant 50 marks whereas those recited by him scored 1,000 marks. Master Lu, why is he able to obtain such a high score?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is very simple. Let me ask you, do you think a person could recite Little Houses that are constant in quality?

Caller: Not at all.

Master Jun Hong Lu: The underworld does have a booklet that records Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door’s Little Houses; otherwise it would be chaotic as many people are not reciting properly. I will pose you a question and you will understand. If Master Lu and yourself each recite the Great Compassion Mantra once, do you think there is any difference?

Caller: Oh dear! The difference will be like heaven and earth.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Alright, a difference of 1,000 times or 10,000 times?

Caller: He is also powerful as he can gain 1,000 marks.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Now you know, he recites very well.

Caller: Master Lu, he also dreamt that his Little House is as large as the size of a table.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Do you understand now?

Caller: Then Master Lu took that piece of Little House and showed it to many people. Master Lu said his Little House is very well dotted. Master Lu, is there any relation with the dotting on the Little House? Is there a major relation between dotting and recitation?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Dotting is merely an act after recitation. It is the quality of recitation, and not how well you dot, that determines the quality of the Little Houses.

Caller: Master Lu, I would like to share that he has heart disease and he vowed to offer 5,000 Little Houses when he commenced recitation. After he recited more than 500 pieces, his heart ailment recovered immensely. This is so efficacious.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Right, it is very efficacious, very good.

Caller: He is also very capable as he could recite seven Little Houses in one day.

Master Jun Hong Lu: *I can tell you that this is due to his past life’s affinity with Buddhism, not just his present life*.

Caller: You mean he has a solid foundation of Buddhism practice?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Definitely.

Caller: I understand now. It is very good.
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