Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk in Houston, USA
September 10, 2016


When one attains a higher state of mind, he will guard his speech from committing negative karma. Keep in mind that eliminating negative karma of speech will help you advance in your cultivation. If you have observed, you will notice that Buddhist practitioners will not comment on matters which they are uncertain because “illness enters by the mouth, trouble comes out by the mouth”. And if you are not mindful of your speech, others will be doubtful of your trustworthiness. As Buddhist practitioners, we have to practise the Right Speech by being careful of what we say and abstain from saying things that are unwholesome or unreliable. This is one of the precepts that Buddhists should observe.

20160910 美国 休斯敦
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Excerpt from Master Jun Hong Lu's Public Talk
Auckland, New Zealand
6 November 2016


Life is like a journey on a one-way train. We must live well at every moment of our lives. Every person who boards and alights from the train has predestined affinity with us. Thus we should treasure them. We must learn to tap on our kind innate nature, to be worthy of our conscience. To cherish every affinity that accompanies us through every part of our lives. Persevere to overcome vexations so that we can be persistent in our cultivation to acquire Buddha nature that is free from sufferings.
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Dear Dharma Friends,

Below are the links to the videos that we shared during the Online English Group Study on 12 June 2021.

*Topic: The Karma of Speech (Part 2)*

*Right Speech Gives Rise to Peace and Happiness*

*Giving of Kind Words will Bring Joy to Others*

*To Guard Your Speech is to Guard Your Wisdom*

Do share these videos with your family and friends and share the dharma bliss.

*If you would like to revisit our past sessions’ notes, please click the link below:*

*For more information about the Online Group Study*
Please contact Loh sx (96978356) or Woan Yi sx (82182248).
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On 12 June 2021, Guan Yin Citta, Singapore, held an online English sharing session that focused on one of the five Buddhist Precepts: *Karma of Speech* - in continuation of the previous session.

At the outset of the session, the gravity of negative karma of speech was reinforced by a short video in which the Buddha said, *“Though, I have attained Buddhahood, but the calamity that is to befall me from my slandering of others in my previous life is not over. Hence, Buddhist practitioners should always guard their speech as part of their cultivation."*

The participants gained insights of the many terrifying retributions for unwholesome speech which include physical ailments, major misfortunes, burning of one’s forest of virtues, leading a lonely life and the most dreadful being unable to uncover one’s Buddha nature for hundreds of lifetimes!

In a testimony, the participants were awakened to the fact that *verbal restraint and forbearance can quell our negative karmic grievances and demagnify imminent calamities*.

Through a host of interesting discourses, the facilitator put forth the following pointers:
1. The *pertinence of evaluating their words by making them pass the three sieves test* - whether it is True, Kind and Necessary (TKN).
2. *Good listening skills are the fundamental quality of a cultivated person*.
3. It *takes courage to be receptive to what others have to say, as without it, we put ourselves at risk and get stuck in our wrong ways*.
4. *Silence is golden*.

The participants were reminded that *when propagating the dharma, they must aspire to touch others’ hearts deeply, besides contemplating causes and conditions and avoid reckless remarks*.

In an inspiring closing video, Master Lu said, *“As humans, how we speak is of the utmost importance. We need to make others understand by reasoning and move them with emotion. To guard one's speech is to guard one's wisdom.”*

There will be no session next week and will resume on 26 June to cover the other two precepts: *Abstain from Stealing and Intoxicants*.

🌿 *Let us now look at some comments from participants:*

_It is so important to guard our speech! Recitation has helped me to be more calm and mindful so as not to create unwholesome speech. Both sharing sessions on the Karma of Speech served as a good reminder in my daily dealings with people._

_I must learn to use the 3 sieves, TKN, before speaking and be genuine in my speech so that I can move others with emotions and propagate the Dharma. I will also make the effort to learn from others by listening and looking at how others deal with different situations in order to learn how to speak._

🌿*Join us in our next session*
Please contact Loh SX (96978356) / Woan Yi SX (82182248) for more information.

 ⏰ Date and time:
Saturday 26 June 2021 (2.00pm - 4.00pm)

Please click here to download the Summary Slides shared during the Group Study:
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*Exercise Verbal Restraint and We Keep Ourselves Out of Trouble | 同修分享:守住口业,让我逢凶化吉*

Master Jun Hong Lu: Verbal restraint and forbearance can quell our negative karmic grievances and have the power to demagnify imminent calamities.

*Get the full story from the link below*:

For more inspiring sharing from our Buddhist friends, please visit the link below:

Please feel free to share this with your family and friends and share the dharma bliss! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse
(Question 369)
15 Mar 2020


Question: In Buddhism in Plain Terms, it is mentioned that we must use our ears to listen to our own recitation of Buddhist sutras and mantras to help us focus. Doing so will also generate huge meritorious blessings.

I would like to ask how does listening to our own recitations generate large blessings? Aren’t we all listening to our own recitations, anyway?
Answer: Using our ears to listen to our recitations can be aptly defined by the Chinese word ‘Listen’ (闻 wén). This word consists of two Chinese characters with the word ‘ear’ (耳 ěr) inside the word ‘door’ (门 mén). This means, once you shut your door, you pay no attention to outside matters.

What does “Listen to the dharma” mean? There are some people who are capable of totally cutting out external noise because they are listening with their heart. This is how it should be when you listen to the Buddha-dharma. When your recitation is sincere you are able to truly feel your recitation. Otherwise, when you merely recite with your mouth but not your heart, you won’t be able to hear your own voice.
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Master Jun Hong Lu's Discourse
(Question 197)
28 December 2017


Question: When offering incense and paying respect to Buddha, is it alright to leave our outer garment unbuttoned or unzipped?

Answer: That is improper and disrespectful. How can you leave your clothes unbuttoned when you pay respect to the Buddha?
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting
Melbourne, Australia
25 August 2017


Master Jun Hong Lu: As Buddhist practitioners, we know that a kind person does no harm and a person who is morally upright will not go back on their words. We should not underestimate the power of kindness; neither should we think that one’s moral conduct is worthless. We should always remember that, our kindness is a mode for us to amass blessings while our moral righteousness is the disposition that gives us the room for manoeuvring in life.
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Master Jun Hong Lu
World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting
22 April 2016


In this society, no matter what we do; there will always be comments and judgements from others. If you pay special attention to other people’s comments on your views and thoughts, you will develop a sense of fear in whatever you do. Thus, many people do not succeed because they developed anxieties in this way. Some people live their entire lives based on what others say or see of them. They are afraid that other people might criticise them.

Regardless of what others say, this negative mentality will make our lives very exhausting. *So long as you are truly cultivating and not putting on an act, other people’s views are just passing clouds*. In this way, you will become fearless and there will be no anxiety and nothing to fear.
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk, Hong Kong 2014


Master Jun Hong Lu: “The ultimate objective of cultivation is to attain the level of selflessness. As Buddhist cultivators, when met with hardships in the human realm, aim “to abandon sufferings and embrace happiness”. Think about it, cultivators emerge as a result of sufferings. In cultivation, *we should aim to attain a state of emptiness*. In doing so, you will be a Carefree Buddha in the human realm. *My wish is that all of you will have less thoughts, less greed and less hatred; only then, can ignorance be curtailed.*”
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