Sing Holdings

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what happened to mdm lark? i tot she recovered somewhat from her cancer?

what is mcst?
(12-05-2013, 12:37 PM)pianist Wrote: what happened to mdm lark? i tot she recovered somewhat from her cancer?

what is mcst?

MCST -Management Corporation Strata Title.
committee to manage the property and collection of management and sinking fund.

Most likely, Koh San had lost the fight to some unfair resolution.
Just like what the MP had said and gotten himself into a squabble.. "Gang rape, after all, is a democracy in action."
Same as those oldies who had refused to agree to the enbloc sale and yet were forced to sell by the majority.
(12-05-2013, 12:31 PM)koh_52 Wrote: …my earlier days in forum not a good experience many a times kenna poked by the 2 great saga, Dennis Ng and Mdm Lark, heard both up-lorry liao, the later was still active in the 2nd Arfurxxx forum (sori cannot remember the name) until late 2008 down with some illness, and exit in 2009, a retired teacher very intelligent and sharp in stock picking, but after she bot the stocks she will highly recommend other to go in…….anyway money cannot bring beyond the grave.

Yes, I remembered Mdm Lark and some exchanges with her on 2 of her favourite penny stocks, MIT & AEM, IIRC (on the stocks). Despite her claims about not using any FA, she's very sharp and knows her stocks very well. Make any uneducated comments on her stocks, you'll definitely live to regret it...Tongue

Before I stopped visiting WS, she was still around, after having gone for her cancer op & was undergoing treatment. I was only briefly at Afralug and didn't noticed her posting there.

If she's indeed gone from this world,.... RIP...Confused
Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
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饮杯茶,Ya个包(有事好商量)- :《盖世豪侠》(1989年) 段飞(周星驰饰演)台词
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An important development took place on 10 May 2013 where the price of SingHldg broke the resistance of 0.435. This breakout was accompanied by a higher than average traded volume which shows the enthusiasm of the traders to push the price higher and past this resistance hence giving a higher probability of a successful breakout.
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omg, it keeps rising, i regret not buying more when the company was given away at 41 cents last week Sad
(12-05-2013, 12:31 PM)koh_52 Wrote: Thank you bro & sis for your comforting words, YUP! One must not be easily angry it’s bad for health.

Me not ‘old bird’ lar. Infact Contrarian san was 4 yrs ahead for me in the formal 1st WS forum, me slightly earlier than MW beginning of 2007, there are still a handful of gurus ‘old bird’ in the 3rd VB forum…my earlier days in forum not a good experience many a times kenna poked by the 2 great saga, Dennis Ng and Mdm Lark, heard both up-lorry liao, the later was still active in the 2nd Arfurxxx forum (sori cannot remember the name) until late 2008 down with some illness, and exit in 2009, a retired teacher very intelligent and sharp in stock picking, but after she bot the stocks she will highly recommend other to go in…….anyway money cannot bring beyond the grave.

Ok must learn to take things easy, life is short….( of late things not smooth in work and in EGM, the chinaman chairman of a MCST at people park and the managing agent are crook, just because they can brainwash the those greedy trader shop owner..bulldozed all the way to get the resolution passed…evil do thing god watching above…karma will make those greedy vomit out all the ill gotten money, 1day.

This morning just learned some wise teaching from Buddhism on How to Uplifting Character.
1. Maintain a relaxed body and mind and meet and greet with a smile. Relaxation enhances physical and mental health and smiling face promotes friendship.
2. Before you open your mouth to speak, think twice and chew your words carefully. The point is not to hold your peace but ot speak with discretion and prudence.
3. Try to cultivate this attitude in life, if I cant have what I want that’s good if I can’t that fine too. This will help us turn our suffering into joy and live a happier life.

Ok, thanks buddies for your advice…..will contd to contribute within my capacity.

Hi Koh San

I apologise if my posting came across as offensive to you. I meant no disrespect, ill will or intent. Hope you dont take it too seriously as it was just a tounge in cheek comment.
I like the maturity of VBuddies. A round of applause to all...
This company has a net debt to equity ratio of 1.35 at end 2012, and 1.82 (I take long term loan + short term loan - cash) at 1st qtr 2013.

How much cash it is going to collect and how much more is it going to borrow this year, can any experts share?
(You need to do some adjustments here and there if you want to be precise because The Laurels is 70% owned)

(07-05-2013, 10:06 AM)Behappyalways Wrote: When The Laurels' TOP in 3Q2013

Sing Holdings will have around $230-240m worth of shareholders fund. It will mainly own 3 assets, 2 plots of land and office units in Biz Tech Building.....

The Robin plot of land cost around $180m and Punggol around $170m(70% stake will be around $120m) and cost of office units are about $30m.......which meant a total of $330m ($180+$120+$30).

This meant the company would need to take up about $100m debt since the shareholders fund is around $230m(3Q2013). During the AGM, boss said the company try to follow a net debt to equity ratio of around 1(pg 88 of annual report) which meant the company could take on another $130m debt.....but let's not forget about the possible revised plot ratio of Robin, they will have to top up cash if they decided to go for higher plot ratio plus development costs for Robin and Punggol EC if they adhere to the policy, I doubt they would be aggressive in land bids till more clarity on the plot ratio (during AGM, seems like they are going for EC now since first timers are not affected by curbs....let's see if the company bids for the next EC on may 9)

As for the debt level and cash flow.....

FY 2012 $673m worth of development properties of which it includes Robin($180m) and Punggol ($170m) two plots of land....meaning the other $320m worth of development properties are due to The Laurels....As we know the company already accounted for 70% progressive payments of The Laurels as of FY2012 and that it would TOP in 3Q2013. This meant that the company will be able to collect at least $320m by 3Q2013....together with its $57m cash on hand($45m project account), company will be able to pare down its debt levels significantly.

my two cents worth.....

(if your story is clear, you will know what you are doing....whether you should buy or whether you should sell)

(13-05-2013, 06:50 PM)Contrarian Wrote: This company has a net debt to equity ratio of 1.35 at end 2012, and 1.82 (I take long term loan + short term loan - cash) at 1st qtr 2013.

How much cash it is going to collect and how much more is it going to borrow this year, can any experts share?
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