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(10-05-2013, 03:19 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: yes I understand

yes why 1 lot down at 17:04.....they are shorting? or accumulating.....

even if one is selling he will hope that the price is up so that he can sell the rest at a higher price

hse 8, 47 still selling...
Not a call to Buy or Sell

Mr Bump: All I Can Smell Is My FEAR
(10-05-2013, 03:57 PM)kbl Wrote: Good The Afternoon Kar Kia Gallen Smile

How are you SIR?

any soap tits SIR?

Yes, Sir Boss Kbl-san!
Please see your pm Big Grin
(10-05-2013, 02:26 PM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 02:19 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: If I am not wrong House 8 is the one that sold 1 lot down everyday at 17:04......he has been doing it for a since, I think before the last AGM on Apr 10.....does not make sense due to the cost of doing it.......maybe he hates Mr Lee ....hee hee

Hello, house 8 dont have to pay brokerage ok. They are brokers themselves. They are direct members of the exchange. They only need to worry about clearing fees and GST.

Remiser/dealer been capitalize this loop holes and sgx know it why didnt they take action...lidat those from broking hse can suka suka buy 1 lot and let your remiser make the full commission from you..... retailer LL cannot do anything.
(10-05-2013, 09:03 PM)koh_52 Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 02:26 PM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 02:19 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: If I am not wrong House 8 is the one that sold 1 lot down everyday at 17:04......he has been doing it for a since, I think before the last AGM on Apr 10.....does not make sense due to the cost of doing it.......maybe he hates Mr Lee ....hee hee

Hello, house 8 dont have to pay brokerage ok. They are brokers themselves. They are direct members of the exchange. They only need to worry about clearing fees and GST.

Remiser/dealer been capitalize this loop holes and sgx know it why didnt they take action...lidat those from broking hse can suka suka buy 1 lot and let your remiser make the full commission from you..... retailer LL cannot do anything.

You first time trading Singapore market is it? It has been this way for the past 20 years. Rolleyes

Why should SGX take action? 1 lot done is willing buyer and willing seller what. WHy deprive SGX the chance to earn clearing fees? If 1000ppl kenna 1 lot sell down or buy up every day, imagine how much money SGX can earn. Big Grin

The truth is, the remisiers and dealers cant do anything to help you either. You are the willing buyer & the other counter party was the willing Seller.
(11-05-2013, 01:14 AM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 09:03 PM)koh_52 Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 02:26 PM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-05-2013, 02:19 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: If I am not wrong House 8 is the one that sold 1 lot down everyday at 17:04......he has been doing it for a since, I think before the last AGM on Apr 10.....does not make sense due to the cost of doing it.......maybe he hates Mr Lee ....hee hee

Hello, house 8 dont have to pay brokerage ok. They are brokers themselves. They are direct members of the exchange. They only need to worry about clearing fees and GST.

Remiser/dealer been capitalize this loop holes and sgx know it why didnt they take action...lidat those from broking hse can suka suka buy 1 lot and let your remiser make the full commission from you..... retailer LL cannot do anything.

You first time trading Singapore market is it? It has been this way for the past 20 years. Rolleyes

Why should SGX take action? 1 lot done is willing buyer and willing seller what. WHy deprive SGX the chance to earn clearing fees? If 1000ppl kenna 1 lot sell down or buy up every day, imagine how much money SGX can earn. Big Grin

The truth is, the remisiers and dealers cant do anything to help you either. You are the willing buyer & the other counter party was the willing Seller.

Hello, the ways you talk look like only u know how to play share other are stupid…

Let me tell me your uncle play share you still drinking milk ok…I bot my first share during the time SGX at Hong Leong building, no computer the ‘runner’ using chalk to write on a huge whiteboard and transaction in hard copy script and usually remiser will collect the scripts put in their personal safe, daring dealer can just sell your script and run-road….do you know about Pan Electric case???

OK me not stock expert but I had remiser friend been talking about this 1 lot or 1 share issue….

The Institution and Broking house been taking advantage on this buy only 1 share trick..the dun mind paying a small cost of clearing fee to SGX cos they dun have to pay commission, their purpose is to force the seller to sell at a lower price after they eat your 1 share, this usually happen at the ‘ unit share’ transaction…Well SGX got money to make sure closed 2 eyes.
By the way nowadays I dun have to trade I leave it to my fund manager to manage my stock portfolio..

Dun have to tell people you are PropertyInvestor…..I wonder how long you are in the property market and how many ppty you have in hand…Ok stop here ..i might be living this forum for good, will not reply to you …put on the ignore button.
Quote:Dun have to tell people you are PropertyInvestor…..I wonder how long you are in the property market and how many ppty you have in hand…Ok stop here ..i might be living this forum for good, will not reply to you …put on the ignore button.

Koh san, relax.....
need you around to provide info when properties crash.
what happened to the pan-electric case? care to share more pls
(11-05-2013, 08:49 PM)koh_52 Wrote: Ok stop here ..i might be living this forum for good, will not reply to you …put on the ignore button.

Koh san, we will miss your postings --especially those property insights. Please reconsider.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
(11-05-2013, 08:49 PM)koh_52 Wrote: Dun have to tell people you are PropertyInvestor…..I wonder how long you are in the property market and how many ppty you have in hand…Ok stop here ..i might be living this forum for good, will not reply to you …put on the ignore button.

Koh san, you're one of the most "old birds" around in this forum, many "new birds" need your guidance and in-depth and insight properties knowledge and "lobang"
Thank you bro & sis for your comforting words, YUP! One must not be easily angry it’s bad for health.

Me not ‘old bird’ lar. Infact Contrarian san was 4 yrs ahead for me in the formal 1st WS forum, me slightly earlier than MW beginning of 2007, there are still a handful of gurus ‘old bird’ in the 3rd VB forum…my earlier days in forum not a good experience many a times kenna poked by the 2 great saga, Dennis Ng and Mdm Lark, heard both up-lorry liao, the later was still active in the 2nd Arfurxxx forum (sori cannot remember the name) until late 2008 down with some illness, and exit in 2009, a retired teacher very intelligent and sharp in stock picking, but after she bot the stocks she will highly recommend other to go in…….anyway money cannot bring beyond the grave.

Ok must learn to take things easy, life is short….( of late things not smooth in work and in EGM, the chinaman chairman of a MCST at people park and the managing agent are crook, just because they can brainwash the those greedy trader shop owner..bulldozed all the way to get the resolution passed…evil do thing god watching above…karma will make those greedy vomit out all the ill gotten money, 1day.

This morning just learned some wise teaching from Buddhism on How to Uplifting Character.
1. Maintain a relaxed body and mind and meet and greet with a smile. Relaxation enhances physical and mental health and smiling face promotes friendship.
2. Before you open your mouth to speak, think twice and chew your words carefully. The point is not to hold your peace but ot speak with discretion and prudence.
3. Try to cultivate this attitude in life, if I cant have what I want that’s good if I can’t that fine too. This will help us turn our suffering into joy and live a happier life.

Ok, thanks buddies for your advice…..will contd to contribute within my capacity.

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