President Trump

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Came across the first article; thought the writer's view is quite interesting.

After reading both articles, I am not as optimistic that a trade deal(or at least a mildly positive one) btw US and China is going to happen these coming 1-2  years. As a result, I am now more inclined to take profit and increase my cash holdings in case of a downturn moving fwd.  Huh


Here’s why Trump’s poll numbers are defying the impeachment mess

No matter where you turn, the news is filled with embarrassing stuff about President Trump. The CIA whistleblower complaint about his conduct on a call with Ukraine’s president has turned into a full-court impeachment scandal.

But through all of this, Trump’s approval rating is at its highest level of the year according to the Hill-HarrisX survey, and the other major polls taken since this Ukraine phone call whistleblower story emerged show few changes from the last surveys taken before the news broke.

How is this possible? ........

Read more :

Elizabeth Warren could be ‘even tougher than Trump’ on China, says analyst

“The Chinese, they would like to wait out President Trump ... they may be miscalculating because if they get a President Elizabeth Warren, she’s probably going to be even tougher than Trump,” said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at Phoenix Financial Services.

Warren could bring up more issues — such as climate change — while negotiating with China, said Kaufman.

That would add to the many sticking points currently which include China’s lack of intellectual property rights protection, making it harder for the U.S. and China to seal a deal......

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Original context:

I find it interesting that, being banned from Twitter/Pinterest/TikTok/Instagram/Facebook etc. = "render toothless". Previous US Presidents seems to do fine with conventional media (press conferences, media appearance etc.). 

[Image: UdDLjhO.jpg]

Not agreeing or disagreeing, just very curious, lol.
“If you buy a business just because it’s undervalued, then you have to worry about selling it when it reaches its intrinsic value. That’s hard. But if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing.” - Charlie Munger
He already kenna cornered by Main stream Media. From the press conference, you should know how rude and uncivilise the reporters are towards him as he basically tried to bypass them to internet. Rendering them "jobless". Interesting Internet banned him ...

Just my Diary

Maybe if a President can be " render toothless" without social media. He was already "toothless" to begin with?  Rolleyes

Just a thought.
“If you buy a business just because it’s undervalued, then you have to worry about selling it when it reaches its intrinsic value. That’s hard. But if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing.” - Charlie Munger
That's why is quite amazing or should I say miracle he get elected in the first place. He maximised his chance through internet as Mainstream Media is basically managed by democrats. Hillary must be really frustrated not being the first women president. Now with Internet blocked, I wonder Trump able to do anything in next election.

Just my Diary

My Fav Trump memorabilia....

[Image: 1oz-Silver-Shield-Trump-2020-proof_Golde...er_777.jpg]
The iconic Silver Shield design is back with a new spin with Trump 2020.

No other coin design captures the visceral momentum behind Trump 2020.

Trump will drain the swamp.
Trump will Make Silver Money Again.
Trump will payoff the debt.
Trump will audit the Fed.
Trump will audit the gold in Fort Knox.
Trump will endorse #REPEAL1913
End the Fed.
Bring home the troops.
End the Income Tax.

Like President Andrew Jackson, Trump will cast off the Den of Thieves that has hijacked America from its divine destiny.
This is a land of freedom and we should be building shinning cities on the hills.
Anything short of that miracle... and America will not survive any other way.

And if Trump doesn’t win… And Biden and Bernie come into power with their taxes and inflation…
You will have real valuable silver to protect you as the world burns.

My fav. trump parody MTV

Enjoy the weekend guys...
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
(01-08-2021, 01:12 PM)corydorus Wrote: That's why is quite amazing or should I say miracle he get elected in the first place. He maximised his chance through internet as Mainstream Media is basically managed by democrats. Hillary must be really frustrated not being the first women president. Now with Internet blocked, I wonder Trump able to do anything in next election.

Me disagreeing with many of your premises aside:

What Trump did was nothing new. Rallying people around a cult/religion/demagoguery has been one of the oldest tactic ( ; ; In his case, it's stoking conspiracy theories, xenophobia, racist/sexist bigotries, among others etc.

Unfortunately, he did it at a point of time where Social Media is still relatively new, and the required infrastructure of regulations, checks and balances were not mature enough to deal with bad-faith actors, intentionally trying to skirt rules, social conventions, and blatantly lies to appeal to the darkest side of the human condition; while hiding under the guise of "free speech".

Fortunately, he is too incompetent to do real damage. 

On hindsight, a silver-lining that comes out of it, is that he stress-tested American style of democracy. Social Media landscape has been changed forever. Now you actually see Twitter, and to a smaller extend Facebook, cracking down on bad-faith abuses and misinformation spreading in their platform. Biden's win is a clear demonstration of that. Future elections, wherever and whenever it happens, we are now clearly more prepared for individuals like him. But a lot still needs to be done.

“If you buy a business just because it’s undervalued, then you have to worry about selling it when it reaches its intrinsic value. That’s hard. But if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing.” - Charlie Munger
Just got one small remark to add; Biden's NARROW win is worrisome demonstration for democracies.
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)
(02-08-2021, 01:14 PM)specuvestor Wrote: Just got one small remark to add; Biden's NARROW win is worrisome demonstration for democracies.

Has more to do with America's Electoral College system, which gives more voting rights per vote to more sparely populated States with large landmasses (mostly Red States). By popular vote, Biden's 4.5% lead is the 2nd largest margin since 2000.

One more factor to consider, is that the demography of key battleground states has been shifting, and will continue to shift away towards Blue leaning demographies:
“If you buy a business just because it’s undervalued, then you have to worry about selling it when it reaches its intrinsic value. That’s hard. But if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing.” - Charlie Munger
thanks... when I see phrase like "2nd largest margin since 2000" in the article, I'm more incentivized to look further:
So Biden has the 18th highest of 59 presidential elections. And that is in the context of hundreds of thousands Americans dying of COVID due partly to his handling. In other words, in my opinion, Trump was not beaten by democratic reasoning; he was beaten by his handling of COVID.

NB. Electoral college is a political system to achieve certain parity objectives, not simple fairness, just like GRC in Singapore, if it is not misused.
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)

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