President Trump

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The climate pact is an important part of global value. Go against it, does not seem a good idea, especially due to $, and withdrawal from a commitment. A sad outcome indeed.

World leaders vow to defend climate pact after Trump pullout
[PARIS] World leaders reacted with anger and defiance after President Donald Trump on Thursday announced the United States, the world's second biggest carbon emitter, was quitting the 2015 Paris climate agreement.With France's Emmanuel Macron taking the lead, they lashed Mr Trump's decision as misguided and vowed to defend an accord they portrayed as crucial for the planet's future.In an exceptional step, continental Europe's three biggest economies - Germany, France and Italy - issued a joint statement to criticise Trump's move and slap away his offer of renegotiating the deal."We note the United States' decision with regret," they said, describing the carbon-curbing accord as "a vital tool for our planet, our societies and our economies." "We are firmly convinced that the agreement cannot be renegotiated," they added, referring to Mr Trump's announcement that Washington was open to negotiating a new agreement.

Source: AFP
More protests on the decision.

Paris withdrawal sets business world at odds with Trump
02 Jun 2017 07:21
[WASHINGTON] Captains of industry, corporations and business groups distanced themselves from the White House on Thursday, as many expressed frustration with President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

The reactions from across the business world - including oil producers, the tech sector and finance - stood apart from Trump's portrayal of the decision as a needed corrective to rules that could stymie commerce.
Source: AFP
I cannot think of a western leader as bad as he. Closes to mind is Hitler but I think he is worse. For Hitler at least his damage is limited to Europe whereas for this idiot he wants to screw up the whole world. If the climate is screwed how he can protect America?? Does climate recognise boundaries?
It is ignoring the rest, while pursuing his own interest.

As a world citizen, we need to give Britain a hand now to calm down, rather to "leverage" on the attacks, IMHO.

Outrage as Trump targets London mayor over attacks
05 Jun 2017 06:36
[WASHINGTON] Donald Trump lashed out Sunday at London's mayor Sadiq Khan, accusing him of downplaying the threat of terrorism a day after knife-wielding men mowed down and stabbed revelers in the British capital.

London's mayor swiftly shot down the US president's remarks, made in a series of overnight tweets, as critics accused Mr Trump of exploiting a terror attack for political gain - and not for the first time.

A spokesman said Mr Khan "has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed tweet."

Mr Trump poured scorn on Mr Khan's attempt to reassure the public after three assailants smashed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge then attacked revelers with knives.

"At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'" the US president said in one tweet.
Not very good when you don't have great relationships with the media. It is ironic that Trump first came into celebrity status from leveraging on the media.

In Trump’s White House, Everything’s Coming in ‘Two Weeks’
He has opened out the Pandora box of "hate". The "hate" has reached a critical mass to explode. Anyway, violence should be condemned.

Trump makes call for unity after lawmaker shot
15 Jun 2017 06:43
[Washington] A grave Donald Trump called on Americans to unify after the shooting of a Republican lawmaker and three other people Wednesday at a baseball field, striking a notably less partisan tone in response to his first major domestic crisis.

From the Diplomatic Room of the White House, the US president turned statesman as he praised first responders and led prayers for wounded Congressman Steve Scalise.

Ditching derogatory rhetoric about the Washington "swamp", Mr Trump rallied in support of his fellow politicians and called on the country to pull together.
Source: AFP
Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding

By Jennifer Epstein
August 23, 2017, 11:39 AM GMT+8 Updated on August 23, 2017, 12:46 PM GMT+8

President Donald Trump threatened Tuesday to bring the U.S. government to the brink of a shutdown if needed to pressure Congress into funding the border wall that was a centerpiece of his 2016 campaign.

Delivering a warning to Democratic lawmakers who have objected to his plans to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico frontier, Trump called them “obstructionists” and said that it was time for the U.S. to crack down on illegal immigration.

"If we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall,” Trump told thousands of supporters gathered in Phoenix for a campaign-style rally. “One way or the other, we’re going to get that wall.”

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A trade war in the making?

Canada blasts Boeing, warns US jobs at stake in Bombardier trade row
Trump Says Military Gathering Might Be 'Calm Before the Storm'

By Justin Sink
October 6, 2017, 9:10 AM GMT+8 October 6, 2017, 10:44 AM GMT+8

U.S. President Donald Trump offered cryptic remarks Thursday night while posing for photos with military leaders, saying the gathering might represent “the calm before the storm.”

He made the comments among senior military leaders and their spouses in the White House State Dining Room ahead of a dinner expected to include the discussion of a range of national security issues.

“You guys know what this represents?” Trump asked assembled members of the media. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”

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Trump and Kim Jong-un 'agree' Biden has a 'low IQ', White House says
* Sarah Sanders told Meet the Press the president’s point of view was not guided by the North Korean leader

Edward Helmore
Published Sun 26 May 2019 15.42 BST Last modified on Sun 26 May 2019 18.52 BST

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un “agree in their assessment” that former vice-president and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden has a “low IQ”, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Speaking from Tokyo, where the president is on a state visit, Sanders told NBC’s Meet the Press Trump’s point of view was not guided by the North Korean dictator, whose state media this week attacked Biden as a “fool of low IQ”.

In a tweet on Saturday night, Trump called the former vice-president a “low IQ individual”. He first misspelled Biden’s name as “Bidan”.

“The president doesn’t need somebody else to give him an assessment of Joe Biden,” Sanders said. “He’s given his own assessment a number of times. I think you’ve seen it. I’m sure you’ve covered it on your programme. The president watched him and his administration with President Obama fail for eight years.”

Sanders also rejected the contention that Americans should be “concerned that the president of United States is essentially siding with a murderous authoritarian dictator over a former vice-president in the United States”.

“The president’s not siding with that,” she said. “But I think they agree in their assessment of former vice-president Joe Biden.”

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