WikiLeaks trove plunges Democrats into crisis on eve of Convention

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WikiLeaks trove plunges Democrats into crisis on eve of Convention

Washington: On the eve of the convention at which Hillary Clinton is to be confirmed as presidential candidate, the Democratic Party has been plunged into crisis – the US media is brimful of ugly and embarrassing stories from within the party's head office, all based on 20,000 emails dropped on Friday evening by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

The correspondence seems to confirm allegations by the campaign of defeated Senator Bernie Sanders that the Democratic National Committee was actively rooting for Mrs Clinton to win, a revelation that will most likely serve as a wedge between the two camps and make it even more difficult for her to persuade Sanders voters to support her.

The emails also reveal plotting within the DNC to embarrass Republican candidate Donald Trump, including drafting a fake ad to recruit "hot women" to work for him.

Bad as this trove of emails is, it could presage something much worse. A brief introduction to the emails, that were released on Twitter with a link to a webpage, described them as "part one of our new Hillary Leaks series".

Naming key DNC officials, the introduction says how many of the emails came from each, including communications director Luis Miranda (10,770 emails), national finance director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), and finance chief of staff Scott Comer. The emails are dated through the five months to May 25, 2016.

Several of the emails address efforts to embarrass or to wrong-foot the Sanders campaign, which began almost as a non-event but surged with young voter support in particular to become a serious and determined challenger to Mrs Clinton.

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This election is going to be entertaining for sure, for the new level of gutter politics.

"Hillary Clinton knew what was going on. She knew everything that was going on,'' Trump said. "She knew it's a rigged system that Bernie Sanders never had a chance. OK? He never had a chance.''

Party officials have said they suspect Russian intelligence services for the hack and noted that Trump has taken positions that might find favor with Russian President Vladimir Putin, without directly linking the e-mail hack to Russian support for the Republican candidate. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said Monday on MSNBC that “what we have is a kind of bromance going on between Putin and Trump.”

A-List Democrats Make Case for Clinton as Sanders Delegates Hedge
Yah will be very interesting.

If trump can get those Bernie supporters to swing over, he will win loh.

He has already started to engage more of the women voters by saying he will be following his daughters advice. She gave quite a good speech during the Republican conference.

Wonder what will wiki leaks leak out in the coming weeks. It seems like Clinton has not learnt her lesson, still using private emails that got hacked.

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