Full-time Investor

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(18-07-2016, 12:09 PM)Boon Wrote: I think Post # 3 and # 79 from D.O.G were excellent.

Boon san

A question for you. Why did D.O.G. pick year 2002 as start date for his computation?
(18-07-2016, 01:37 PM)smallcaps Wrote: Would be interesting to know how to get past the 35% limit after stock gains... is it possible by offsetting the trades?

AFAIK, contra is not allowed for CPF trades. So once a person makes enough $$$ on CPF, it becomes a big pain to navigate the 35% limit.
(18-07-2016, 10:50 AM)BlueKelah Wrote: @Weijian evidence of someone trolling can only be seen via their posts, so as u can see it is quite hard to prove if not impossible. But that does not mean it should be allowed.

Imho it is very obvious someone with million dollars wealth and such high income will not be flaunting it online. On top of that , asking on an internet forum , much more one on value investing, advice on how to managed that wealth by trad8ng? Got to be joking rite???

I am sure most vB here are experienced enough to read the thread with he@lthy level of skepticism., But what about the unwary.?

Lastly, imho this thread would probably fit better under personal finance but for some reason is posted in others.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

hi Blue Kelah,
Thanks for your reply. Here are some of my thoughts to your reply:

(1) The issue here is not whether trolling should be allowed or not. The issue is about presenting the necessary "evidence" to back up the claim that there is trolling. For example, as value investors, we don't state that a company is a good value buy and then end there. We back-up with numbers and facts from our fundamental analysis. This is something that d.o.g does consistently, whether is it working full time for his fund, or replying a potential troll-er.

(2) Moderators work on a pro-bono basis and would not be able to vet through the veracity of everything for the benefit of the "un-wary". In other words, we are not going to assume a nanny role. For example, User A posts "I bought at X.XX and sold at a profit at Y.YY" --> Moderators don't try to verify that for the unwary.

(3) This thread indeed fit under personal finance from the way it has evolved. But I reckon it should be kept in "Others" so that it appears at the bottom of the VB page. In anyways, this thread will be closed as thread starter as requested so.
(18-07-2016, 12:34 PM)funman168 Wrote: Hi moderator,
pls help to close this thread.


hi funman168,
the posts have been closed as per your request.

There are some questions on how you are able to overcome the 35% OA limitation to make those sums, which I think are value-added to the forum, if there is something interesting in your experience to share.

You can continue to post via here: http://www.valuebuddies.com/thread-6318.html

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