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This year's annual report more chatty than usual:


'This was to support their future product launches in the field of vehicle telematics system and fitness equipment. This was in line with our goal to manufacture more design content projects. As a result of our engineering and manufacturing capabilities, we were engaged by a US company to manufacture a box-build product which comprised both electronics and mechatronics parts. This further enlarged our product portfolio.'

'Over the last twelve months, we started to set up a new manufacturing facility in Kunshan, China. We plan to relocate our current Shanghai operations to Kunshan in the next financial year. The 10,000 square metre Kunshan facility is a larger facility compared to the existing Shanghai site. In the 4th quarter of the year, we acquired a factory in Batam. The plan is to merge our two existing Batam plants to one in the next financial year. With the new facilities in Kunshan and Batam, we are poised to support our EMS growth objective.'
I like the new guy that chh transferred over to improve operations at PCI. can see that he is doing things to slimline and improve costs and inefficiency at their current operations.

Hopefully there will be a push for new customer and increase in topline.

sent from my Galaxy Tab S
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
Correction to Annual Report 2015 on page 73 listing 20 largest shareholders.

With reference to page 73 of its 2015 Annual Report, PCI Limited (the "Company") wishes to correct an error in the names of shareholders in the table showing the Twenty Largest Shareholders, due to information erroneously provided by the Company’s share registrar.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
For the first half ended 31/12/2015, revenue was down 7.1% to US$88,263,000, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014 of US$95,021,000.
As a result, gross profit declined by 26.20% to US$7,410,000, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014  of US$10,046,000.
Gross profit margin was 8.40%, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014 of 10.57%.
Net profit after tax was US$2,005,000, mainly due to lower profit contributions from EMS and estate management activities, compared to net profit after tax of US$3,718,000 in the first half ended 31/12/2014. A decline of 46.1%.

Net Cash Flows used in Oerating Activities was (U$648,000), compared to net cash flow used in operating activities of (US$1,224,000) in the first half ended 31/12/2014.
Net Cash Flows Used in Investing Activities was (US$5,558,000), compared to net cash flow used in investing activities of (US$2,001,000) in the first half ended 31/12/2014.

Strong balance sheet, no debt. Cash and bank balances was US$27,320,000.
NAV per share as at 31 December 2015 was US$ 40.54 cent (compared to last transacted price of S$ 38.5 cent).
Number of ordinary shares was 199,099,000.

No dividend declared for the first half ended 31/12/2015.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
3Q16 RESULTs profitable but not looking too good. Revenue down 17.9% YoY.  EPS only 0.5c for the quarter. 

This year if continue downturn, 3c dividend will require dip into cash pile. 

Looks like PCI not spared by recent softening in electronics sector..

Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.

Back to good profits and better than last year 4Q excluding the one-off sale profits last year. The booming semicon/electronics sector in Greater CHina is likely giving it a boost.

Usual 3c Div declared makes div yield 6%++ at current prices, of course most of it going to mothership Chuan Hup Holdings...

Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
1Q results out last month but forgot to update here.

Stable 1Q with earnings coming in at ~SGD 1.09c.

NAV expanded to SGD61.8c vs. 42.5c share price now post XD (used up some to drink Strongbow Apple Cider, YUM!).

Net cash also up to SGD 58.3m vs. Market cap 84.6m (63.76%)

Div Yield now 7.06% 

[The global business climate is uncertain. With the change in the US leadership, impact on potential trade policy changes remains to be seen. The
directors remain cautious about the Group business outlook for the next 6 to 12 months.]

Should benefit from depreciating yuan and appreciating USD. Collecting more soon.

Anyone vested also? or is it just me?

Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
(04-12-2016, 03:18 PM)BlueKelah Wrote: 1Q results out last month but forgot to update here.

Stable 1Q with earnings coming in at ~SGD 1.09c.

NAV expanded to SGD61.8c vs. 42.5c share price now post XD (used up some to drink Strongbow Apple Cider, YUM!).

Net cash also up to SGD 58.3m vs. Market cap 84.6m (63.76%)

Div Yield now 7.06% 

[The global business climate is uncertain. With the change in the US leadership, impact on potential trade policy changes remains to be seen. The
directors remain cautious about the Group business outlook for the next 6 to 12 months.]

Should benefit from depreciating yuan and appreciating USD. Collecting more soon.

Anyone vested also? or is it just me?

I'm vested bro Blue. Sorry for this unrelated reply Admin. Just replying to BlueKelah qn.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Using Tapatalk
Dun worry lah, stating ur vested position is related to the stock what ;D

sent from my Galaxy Note 7
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
(04-12-2016, 03:18 PM)BlueKelah Wrote: 1Q results out last month but forgot to update here.

Stable 1Q with earnings coming in at ~SGD 1.09c.

NAV expanded to SGD61.8c vs. 42.5c share price now post XD (used up some to drink Strongbow Apple Cider, YUM!).

Net cash also up to SGD 58.3m vs. Market cap 84.6m (63.76%)

Div Yield now 7.06% 

[The global business climate is uncertain. With the change in the US leadership, impact on potential trade policy changes remains to be seen. The
directors remain cautious about the Group business outlook for the next 6 to 12 months.]

Should benefit from depreciating yuan and appreciating USD. Collecting more soon.

Anyone vested also? or is it just me?

Vested in Chuan Hup instead and adding more - In view of their recent transaction.

still unsure of investing in PCI Ltd. Will look at it after reading your post

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