China Minzhong Food Corporation

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Facilities Agreement

Do note that the facilities agreement appears to have a shareholder's covenant. It will not be in the interests of Indofood to shake the bankers' confidence in CMZ too.....
If Glaucus have spent some money to show pictures of site visits that the plant or customers are non-existent. It will be more damning. All they did was to highlight the lack of transparency on the information in public domain. Using US standards to apply to China, it will take probably another decade before more transparency sets in. Heck, sometimes when u spent $20+ trying to look at ACRA reports one will also double the validity in the statements.
Very sorry to be very off-topic. I'm trying my hands at creative writing so that I can guide my kids better in their school work...

Once upon a time, there was a smoker, living a happy and carefree life. Yes, he was aware of the high risk to his health but, no, he was not going to kick this habit any time soon. One day, during a routine medical check-up, he got the shock of his life… he was diagnosed with Cancer….

He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat…. He read up all he could and spoke to many people on this subject of Smoking and Cancer. There were very clear and obvious evidence of the high co-relation between the two… He was totally devastated… “Oh why, oh why must it be me…”, he mopped in self regrets…. He knew the risks but he thought he had a high chance of avoiding it due to his superior genes (no family history of cancer, zero!) and healthy lifestyle (eating organic food and regular workout at the gym, even training and participating in marathons!)… But, it was too late for regrets… The only way left is to move forward… He sat down heavily to make his decision on the treatment plans and the hope of a possible recovery…

The next day, he dragged his feet as he went for his consultation with his doctor on the treatment options. The doctor was wearing a funny look…. He was expecting the worst…. Instead, the doctor suddenly smiled and informed him that the results from his most recent tests showed that his cancer cells seemed to have gone into remission…. He was medically free from cancer! Our hero whooped for joy! This must be the happiest moment of his life! He almost wanted to hug his doctor (a male one) but refrained himself, at the very last moment.

However, even as he happily made his way home, doubts started to appear in his head… “The doctors must have made a wrong diagnosis… there must have been no cancer cells in the first place… this must be a cover up!”, he thought to himself. “There’s no way I could have gotten cancer… my superior genes and healthy lifestyle of food and exercise would have guaranteed that…”, he muttered to himself. “In fact, I don’t even really believe the link between Smoking and Cancer!”, he convinced himself. Even as he thought about the whole incident and got angrier and angrier…. he headed towards the nearest convenience shop to buy himself… a pack of cigarette…

Disclaimer : The above is created purely from my own imaginations. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. Further, I have no bias against smokers.
Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
------------ 知己知彼 ,百战不殆 ;不知彼 ,不知己 ,每战必殆 ------------
Whoever said short selling is easy?

Muddy Waters Stumbles
(05-09-2013, 08:45 AM)KopiKat Wrote: Very sorry to be very off-topic. I'm trying my hands at creative writing so that I can guide my kids better in their school work...

Once upon a time, there was a smoker, living a happy and carefree life. Yes, he was aware of the high risk to his health but, no, he was not going to kick this habit any time soon. One day, during a routine medical check-up, he got the shock of his life… he was diagnosed with Cancer….

He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat…. He read up all he could and spoke to many people on this subject of Smoking and Cancer. There were very clear and obvious evidence of the high co-relation between the two… He was totally devastated… “Oh why, oh why must it be me…”, he mopped in self regrets…. He knew the risks but he thought he had a high chance of avoiding it due to his superior genes (no family history of cancer, zero!) and healthy lifestyle (eating organic food and regular workout at the gym, even training and participating in marathons!)… But, it was too late for regrets… The only way left is to move forward… He sat down heavily to make his decision on the treatment plans and the hope of a possible recovery…

The next day, he dragged his feet as he went for his consultation with his doctor on the treatment options. The doctor was wearing a funny look…. He was expecting the worst…. Instead, the doctor suddenly smiled and informed him that the results from his most recent tests showed that his cancer cells seemed to have gone into remission…. He was medically free from cancer! Our hero whooped for joy! This must be the happiest moment of his life! He almost wanted to hug his doctor (a male one) but refrained himself, at the very last moment.

However, even as he happily made his way home, doubts started to appear in his head… “The doctors must have made a wrong diagnosis… there must have been no cancer cells in the first place… this must be a cover up!”, he thought to himself. “There’s no way I could have gotten cancer… my superior genes and healthy lifestyle of food and exercise would have guaranteed that…”, he muttered to himself. “In fact, I don’t even really believe the link between Smoking and Cancer!”, he convinced himself. Even as he thought about the whole incident and got angrier and angrier…. he headed towards the nearest convenience shop to buy himself… a pack of cigarette…

Disclaimer : The above is created purely from my own imaginations. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. Further, I have no bias against smokers.
Sound like share investing has the equivalent emotions. No?

Extract: Singapore Business News.

{Singapore regulators called on to punish "unscrupulous" short-sellers

SIAS demands tightening of short-selling rules.

The Securities Investors Assocation (Singapore) said it is "seriously concerned" that the "unscrupulous actions" of certain short sellers have caused the investing public to suffer and challenge the integrity of the Singapore capital market.

"We call on The Singapore Exchange and the Monetary Authority of Singapore to look into tightening short-selling rules to prevent and punish these shortsellers, especially those who stand to gain from their unfounded and unscrupulous acts. Left unchecked, this can have a negative effect on our capital markets development. The heavy weight of the law must be felt by these mischievous perpetrators," it added.

The call came as SIAS finished meeting up with representatives of the Board and management of China Minzhong Food Corporation (CMFC) with regards to the allegations made by Glaucus Research (Glaucus) against the company.

From the company’s presentation to SIAS and its detailed rebuttals and the extensive supporting documents the company had posted on SGX in the past three days, we are satisfied that CMFC had vindicated itself, said SIAS.

SIAS added that the company’s largest shareholder, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) has stated that it “is satisfied with CMFC’s rebuttals of the allegations and finds the rebuttals to be consistent with Indofood’s due diligence findings and analysis” and accordingly, “is confident that the due diligence that it conducted was sufficient to provide comfort over its investment”.

In the light of the strong rebuttals put up by the company, Glaucus’ unwarranted attack on CMFC with reckless and unsubstantiated allegations, resulting in panic selling was an attempt to serve its own ends of selfish gains.

The Glaucus report on August 26, 2013 had not only wiped out half of CMFC’s value then, it caused many of its shareholders who sold their shares that day to lose money. The report also threatened the livelihood of thousands of workers and farmers who depend on the Company and its subsidiaries.

"Two of our SGX-listed companies have already come under attack and many investors have been hurt by these short-sellers. How many more of such reckless, unfounded assaults on honest companies does the Singapore market need to see before such unethical practices are stopped?" said SIAS.}
What do you think of the above articles?
It sounds as if the world has no thief, what's the use of police? The police can not be 100% right all the time, does that mean we don't need the police (Glaucus)? Then we all better be thiefs. No need police liu.

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
However, even as he happily made his way home, doubts started to appear in his head… “The doctors must have made a wrong diagnosis… there must have been no cancer cells in the first place… this must be a cover up!”, he thought to himself. “There’s no way I could have gotten cancer… my superior genes and healthy lifestyle of food and exercise would have guaranteed that…”, he muttered to himself. “In fact, I don’t even really believe the link between Smoking and Cancer!”, he convinced himself. Even as he thought about the whole incident and got angrier and angrier…. he headed towards the nearest convenience shop to buy himself… a pack of cigarette…

On the way to the convenience shop, he heard a shout, "Hey, Ah boy!" from behind. He turned back and saw his 80 years old uncle was waving at him with a lighted cigarette between his fingers.
"Hi Uncle, where are you going?"
"Going to the convenience store to top up my cigarettes."
"Uncle, after smoking for so many years, you still look healthy!"
"Ya lor, I have been smoking since 15 years old, still as fit as a fiddle."

Hearing that, the smoker was totally convinced. Uncle and nephew went happily together to convenience store to buy the premium minted extra strong ciggies.
(05-09-2013, 09:11 AM)yeokiwi Wrote: On the way to the convenience shop, he heard a shout, "Hey, Ah boy!" from behind. He turned back and saw his 80 years old uncle was waving at him with a lighted cigarette between his fingers.
"Hi Uncle, where are you going?"
"Going to the convenience store to top up my cigarettes."
"Uncle, after smoking for so many years, you still look healthy!"
"Ya lor, I have been smoking since 15 years old, still as fit as a fiddle."

Hearing that, the smoker was totally convinced. Uncle and nephew went happily together to convenience store to buy the premium minted extra strong ciggies.

Your reported speech is good, but marks will likely be deducted for using Singlish in our education system...Tongue

Temperament Wrote:Sound like share investing has the equivalent emotions. No?

For the vast majority, the head knows the correct answer. It's the heart (emotions) that can mess up our decision making process. If we're in better control of our hearts, we have a better chance of making fewer mistakes in life, be it stocks or temptations... But then again, the market will be truly efficient if that happens and many of us here will go hungry...Tongue
Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
------------ 知己知彼 ,百战不殆 ;不知彼 ,不知己 ,每战必殆 ------------
Given that the company's filings to SAIC in China may be inaccurate, how can investors be sure that its financial statements and announcements to the Singapore Exchange here are really true and fair, especially when it is clear that regulatory enforcement is easier for Chinese authorities than for Singapore authorities? China Minzhong's statement also confirms the challenges of doing proper due diligence for Chinese companies using publicly available information, even those filed with regulatory authorities in China, and once again highlights the risks of investing in Chinese companies.

Is China Minzhong saying it keeps 2 sets of books?
You can find more of my postings in
I had thought if we had these 2 high profile short-seller cases much earlier to "jolt" the complacency of retail investors, less will be hurt:

After reading KopiKat's story, I am completely wrong Sad

1. People have short memory.

2. I am invincible; cancer only happens to others.

3. If smoking is bad, govt would have banned them oredi.

4. See? That famous fund manager also smoked what! Eh? What brand he smokes? Must be good! I follow.

5. If surprise surprise got cancer must complain to convenience store (underwriter) and govt (SGX)!!!

Don't they know smoking is bad for our health?
Just google singapore man of leisure
(05-09-2013, 08:52 AM)Temperament Wrote: {Singapore regulators called on to punish "unscrupulous" short-sellers

SIAS demands tightening of short-selling rules.

The Securities Investors Assocation (Singapore) said it is "seriously concerned" that the "unscrupulous actions" of certain short sellers have caused the investing public to suffer and challenge the integrity of the Singapore capital market.

"We call on The Singapore Exchange and the Monetary Authority of Singapore to look into tightening short-selling rules to prevent and punish these shortsellers, especially those who stand to gain from their unfounded and unscrupulous acts. Left unchecked, this can have a negative effect on our capital markets development. The heavy weight of the law must be felt by these mischievous perpetrators," it added.

Ridiculous! Might as well say ban short trading completely.

Its like telling the authorities to ban knives because people got injured or killed by knives. At the end of the day its not the action of short selling that is bad. From what i see, all this saga can be avoided if the investors had known better (like indofood). Obviously there is a disconnect between the regulations and way of doing things in china and other countries. Credit to glaucus for exploiting this loophole.

How can SIAS help? For a start, they can conduct a seminar on this episode and educate the retail investors on the existing gap between regulations and business filings in china vs other countries. They can go ahead and charge a fee and i for one, will be very willing to pay up and go listen.
There are no good stocks. Stocks are only good when they go up after you bought them.

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