China Minzhong Food Corporation

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(01-09-2013, 01:39 PM)KopiKat Wrote: I have a different take.

I think it's highly possible we're attracting crooks rather than honest Chinese nationals who turns into crooks because of the temptations (plus the high chance of getting away with their crime) when they list here...

Perhaps I come from a different generation. Whether it's $100 or $1Mil or even $1Bil (if it's even possible), I don't feel any urge to take what's not mine.... or even take short-cuts that's not legally, ethically, morally right. I think it's more fun to earn it thro' the hard way, by myself...

I don't disagree that the system attracts crooks. Even if they are not crooks to start with, they may be tempted to become crooks. That is what makes the system so bad.

As for not taking $1B, I want to be intellectually honest with myself. I can guarantee that I will not take money up to $100m. With money up to $1B, the most I can say is unlikely but cannot guarantee.

It is easy to say I won't do this, do that under certain circumstances. But when really put to the test, who can really guarantee? If I put Helen of Troy dressed sexily on your lap and she moves on to touch the right spots, can you truly guarantee that you won't be tempted? I can only speak for myself. My honest answer is ... I am not sure. Having said that, it is easier to waive off money temptations when one is already financially secure. When one has a simple lifestyle that is sufficient with 1m, another extra 1m does not matter. But when it comes to women ...
Trust yourself only with your money

Some interesting report. Don't know from where and don't ask me about authenticity of the report.
The interesting part is as shown below..

其次不合规,该机机构发布的报告数据和资料从哪个渠道获得的?媒体从中国工商局获悉,中国工商管理行政条例明确规定,任何人不得擅自抄录工商局企业等登记档案资料,查询人不得利用获得的档案资料展开有偿服务活动,也不得公布企业登记档案资料,否则将对其追求法律责任。 因此,各人或机构向从工商局拿到中国企业档案资料,从就不容易。更别说,一个远在美国的机构,可以轻易拿到这么多资料。媒体用虚假报告做空中国企业是外国机构惯用的伎俩,之前新东方、恒大等企业也曾在美国蓄意做空.

If that is trued, then what Glaucus shown is definitely not from official source since the officials will not co-operate. Most likely, it was either obtained from CMZ subsidiaries or the auditors of CMZ subsidiaries.

Although technically, the financial statement can be fabricated but the look of statements do look authentic enough. The auditor that signed off the statement is indeed the owner of the auditor firm.

If the rules are indeed real as described above, it is really making life difficult for anyone to check any company information via official channels.

At least in Singapore, anyone can go ACRA to buy information of any Singapore registered company.
(01-09-2013, 03:56 PM)yeokiwi Wrote:

Some interesting report. Don't know from where and don't ask me about authenticity of the report.
The interesting part is as shown below..

其次不合规,该机机构发布的报告数据和资料从哪个渠道获得的?媒体从中国工商局获悉,中国工商管理行政条例明确规定,任何人不得擅自抄录工商局企业等登记档案资料,查询人不得利用获得的档案资料展开有偿服务活动,也不得公布企业登记档案资料,否则将对其追求法律责任。 因此,各人或机构向从工商局拿到中国企业档案资料,从就不容易。更别说,一个远在美国的机构,可以轻易拿到这么多资料。媒体用虚假报告做空中国企业是外国机构惯用的伎俩,之前新东方、恒大等企业也曾在美国蓄意做空.

If that is trued, then what Glaucus shown is definitely not from official source since the officials will not co-operate. Most likely, it was either obtained from CMZ subsidiaries or the auditors of CMZ subsidiaries.

Although technically, the financial statement can be fabricated but the look of statements do look authentic enough. The auditor that signed off the statement is indeed the owner of the auditor firm.

If the rules are indeed real as described above, it is really making life difficult for anyone to check any company information via official channels.

At least in Singapore, anyone can go ACRA to buy information of any Singapore registered company.

No, that's not true. Any China law firm can pull the SAIC filings for you for a fee.
CMZ has posted their response in SGX net with the documents to prove that Glaucus evidence were not right. Now is up to us to determine who is right or wrong.

Could VB ppl help me interpret the documents. As my Chinese is a bit rusty. Thanks
China Minzhong's Response:

Main Report:

Annex A, B, C, D:

Annex E:

Annex G:
Good rebuttal, point by point.

Now the ball is at Glaucus court.

But most importantly, how Mr. market react tomorrow.... exciting! Idea

(01-09-2013, 07:23 PM)Wildreamz Wrote: China Minzhong's Response:

Main Report:

Annex A, B, C, D:

Annex E:

Annex G:
(01-09-2013, 08:01 PM)Ray168 Wrote: Good rebuttal, point by point.

Now the ball is at Glaucus court.

But most importantly, how Mr. market react tomorrow.... exciting! Idea

(01-09-2013, 07:23 PM)Wildreamz Wrote: China Minzhong's Response:

Main Report:

Annex A, B, C, D:

Annex E:

Annex G:

Is Glaucus expected to serve a return shot?
My Dividend Investing Blog
Market likely will be still at a loss. Who to believe? Who can verify that these receipts, invoices, shipment orders, import/export notes, personal statements are true?
The experts will dissect the receipts and invoices..

I look at pictures ..haha
The first picture of the new industrial park has a very strange contrast.
Normally, the sky is very bright. In order to have a detailed sky, the ground details will be very dark. But, in this photo, both the sky and the ground buildings have very good details.

In picture 5, on the right of warehouse has a gray color building which I thought should appear in the first photo.

And, interestingly, the buildings have the english label "Minzhong organic food" rather than chinese??
Next course of action is to sue Glaucus for damage... to rebuild investors confident.

We view the Report as damaging the value that we have created for shareholders over the years and are consulting our legal advisers on possible recourse. We will not hesitate to take legal action to defend our rights and reputation, including reporting any party to the authorities for possible breach of securities legislation.

(01-09-2013, 08:02 PM)Dividend Warrior Wrote:
(01-09-2013, 08:01 PM)Ray168 Wrote: Good rebuttal, point by point.

Now the ball is at Glaucus court.

But most importantly, how Mr. market react tomorrow.... exciting! Idea

(01-09-2013, 07:23 PM)Wildreamz Wrote: China Minzhong's Response:

Main Report:

Annex A, B, C, D:

Annex E:

Annex G:

Is Glaucus expected to serve a return shot?

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