Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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*13 Jan 2024*





Master Jun Hong Lu: Our thoughts, be it kind or evil, are all the same in the eyes of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Just like how a mother would perceive the good and bad deeds of her child – they are of no difference to her.

As the mother feels sorry for the child, understanding that he is just a child, as long as he does not repeat his mistakes, all is fine. At the other end of the spectrum, when her child does something good, the mother will rejoice. This is the mind of a Bodhisattva.

*Bodhisattva regards all the good and evil deeds as the manifestation of human’s karmic obstacles* (业障的显化). In modern context, it is like a teacher who perceives norms when her students are sometimes mischievous but at other times, obedient.

*When we give rise to a kind or an evil thought, as far as Bodhisattva is concerned, She recognises that we are just humans who have yet to attain a high state-of-mind (还没有这个境界), hence it is absolutely normal. Therefore, Bodhisattva takes mercy on us and forgives us.*

Despite our wrongs, why does Bodhisattva still render us help? Despite us already ending up in hell, why does Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva still make His way to hell to save us?

*Because the Bodhisattva regards all beings with an equanimous mind, including all our good and evil.* What great compassion! Are you willing to do so?

You are happy when others treat you well but when they mistreat you, you immediately turn around and curse them. Isn’t this the case? Do you think Bodhisattva will behave this way? Bodhisattva only sees the good side of you and your past and regards you as sentient beings without partiality (平等众生).

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 6 Chapter 28_

🪷 Thank you for your participation! 🪷

🙏🏻 If the sharing is improper in any way, we seek the forgiveness from Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Dharma Protectors and Master Lu. 🙏🏻

🔖 Reference:
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What matters the most in life is to cultivate the mind and attain liberation; there is nothing more important than this.
– Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7
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Bodhisattva tells us that once we are content with what we currently have, happiness has already permeated our life.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk Melbourne, Australia 8 Dec 2019_
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【Eng】 Everything is Arranged in The Best Possible Way 一切都是最好的安排
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According to the written accounts in the scriptures, our great Shakyamuni Buddha relinquish His throne and ordained as a monk to seek the truth of life (人生的真谛) and the way to liberate from life and death (生死解脱).

Under a Bodhi tree that stood by the shore, the Buddha made the vow, “If I fail to accomplish this path of Supreme-Bodhi, I would rather have this body of mine decimated than rise from this seat”. After seven days and seven nights of uninterrupted contemplation, the Buddha came to a sudden realisation about the root of all human suffering and the path to its cessation.

In a nutshell, the Buddha gained a thorough understanding about the truth of the universe and life – this is what is termed as “the attainment of Buddhahood” or “the attainment of the Way”.

On this day when we commemorate the Enlightenment Day of the Lord Buddha, we must recollect His teachings about the truth of the universe that allows us to liberate ourselves from the suffering and vexations of this world. We must learn to understand the law of karma, differentiate good from evil and cultivate all that is virtuous and do no evil, as only then can we set foot on the path to enlightenment. We must also emulate the compassion of our revered Guan Yin Bodhisattva as we embark on this path in order for the Buddha Dharma to bear fruits in this world. With that, we should follow in the footsteps of the Buddha towards unsurpassed and supreme enlightenment.

I hope all Buddhist friends will put in your best effort in your practice.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Daily Words of Wisdom, 20 January 2021_
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Buddhists must never forget the kindness of others, never bear any grudge against others, never think of the mistakes of others, and give no thought to the resentment of
– Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 7
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Master Jun Hong Lu: We can draw parallels between Shakyamuni Buddha observing the universe and a person with normal vision observing an elephant, while the approach taken by the science field is analogous to “a group of blind feeling an elephant” (mistaking the parts for the whole).  

The realm of science is by no means capable of bringing out and portraying the fullness and the true nature of an elephant. This explains why the Buddha teaches us to ‘seek an understanding of the true nature of things and worry not about the inconsequential details’.

For some 49 years, the Buddha propagated the dharma using expedient means. He was both forthright and ingenious at applying a myriad of wondrous oratory methods in delivering His teachings. Technical aspects like the lengths of the elephant’s nose and tail were not what He wanted us to know. It was just a figure of speech to prompt the ‘blinded’ ones like us to open our eyes to see this world.   

Some 2,500 years ago, the Buddha already saw planet earth and painted it as a round-shaped Amalaka fruit and this fact was only validated by scientists two millennia later.   

He also revealed that there are eighty-four thousand lives that take the form of microorganisms in a bowl of water. Thanks to the invention of the microscope because without which, humanity would not have known what bacteria are till this very day! 

Scientific laws are formulated in a specific time and space. While Buddhist practitioners should be sensible of the existence of a specific order of the universe, they should also understand that as humans, we can make use of our own mind to design the life we want. 

Be diligent and steadfast in your practice. If you do so, you will surely attain Buddhahood in the human realm, and be assured of returning to the embrace of the Buddha in heaven.   

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting _, Singapore, 23 April 2016_
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I wish to tell you that, no matter what happens, *it is through composure that wisdom arises.* If you are able to keep your composure today, you will have wisdom. Failing which, you won’t have wisdom whatsoever. *Buddhist practitioners should have fearless spirit. What is fearless spirit? It’s the willingness to give our time, our effort and money, no matter how meagre it is. It also includes the giving of dharma and wealth, as well as the giving of fearlessness.* It is through these that we shall understand the spirit that propels us in our propagation of the dharma and to instil the kindness in our mind.

Master Lu | Buddhism in Plain Terms | Episode 12 | Being tolerant is virtuous, being calm is a form of blessing
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Let me tell you this. If you are merely living your life doing the things you are supposed to as a human and stay away from evil deeds, the best outcome will be for you to be reborn as a human in the next life. That said, how many people are doing the ‘humane’ things now?

There are many people who are committing all sorts of evil deeds in this world. They con, sabotage, speak ill of others behind their back and commit negative karma of speech. They play with others’ emotions and swindle others – all of these are tickets to descend to the lower realm and become underworld spirits.

When you deceive others for financial gain, sexual gratification, social status or reputation, you will be sent to the hungry ghost realm. On the other hand, those who do not commit any evil deeds throughout their life, that is, they behave like a decent human being, at best, they will be reborn as a human in their next life. The problem is, how many animal-like acts have you committed? If you commit deeds that you should not do, you must understand that you will end up in the animal realm in your next life.

In cases involving heinous and grave misdeeds, hell is where you will be heading to. If you rob others or harbour jealousy towards others, you are setting yourself a path to the hungry ghost realm. Let me reiterate this. Your jealousy is something that is severely detrimental to you.

Here I am desperately urging all of you so that you do not end up in the lower realms. You will only grasp the significance of my words when you are about to leave this world. We have been committing all those immoral acts in the past, we cannot continue to be like this. We must seize this very moment to mend our ways so that there is still a chance for you to ascend to heaven, or at least be reborn as a human in your next life. Failing which, you will lose your precious human form in your next life.

You need to recognise the human realm and the six realms of existence and ask yourself which realm you are aiming for. To say the least, it’s not easy to be a human of morality. How many of you are able to be one? Who has never back-stabbed or spoken ill of others?

Unfortunately, there are still some who will give lame excuses such as, “What’s the big deal? Everyone’s doing it”. Ask yourself this question: When these evil doers fail to ascend to the higher realm, are you willing to be a ghost and join them in the ghost realm?

Are you ready to endure the pain and suffering that they are bound to undergo? Just because these people are doing something that seems like a norm, you want to descend to the lower realm like them too?

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 8 Chapter 34_
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Question: Can one open his hairdressing shop on the first day of New Year (1 January)?

Answer: That’s absolutely fine as it is not the first day of Lunar New Year. Also, please note that one should not cut their hair on the first day of Lunar New Year. It is to be done beforehand. This is because the first day of Lunar New Year marks the beginning of a new year and hence, it is inauspicious to have a haircut on that day. In fact, anything involving rearranging things, tidying or cleaning up a room must be done before the eve of the Chinese New Year.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse (Question 351), 16 December 2019_
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