Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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One who is grateful can make progress;
one who is contented can be happy.
-Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 9

感恩的人,才会进步; 知足的人,才会幸福。
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With the many attachments, desires and worries in this world, it is only when you steer clear of them, you can *let go of clinging to the notion of ‘existence’ and ‘emptiness’.*

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Daily Words of Wisdom, 24 March 2021_
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*Someone asked Lord Buddha, “As human, how do we prevent our single drop of water from ever drying up, especially when it tend to evaporate even more rapidly under the sun”.*

*Lord Buddha replied, “To prevent this drop of water from drying up, we will have to put it into the river, lake or sea”. Similarly, when we are able to unite our heart with those of sentient beings’, we are able to rise above lives’ many obstacles and resolve its many grievances.*

*Master Jun Hong Lu’s*
*Discourse in Malacca*
*19 August 2016*
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*20/08/2023 | Words Of Wisdom*

*Master Jun Hong Lu: If you want to become a Buddha, visualise the Buddha’s image, recollect the Buddha’s virtues, and recite the sacred name of the Buddha. When you do these, there and then you are a Buddha.*

*Many people ask me, “How can I become a Buddha?” Let me tell you how. Visualise the Buddha in your mind, look at the Buddha’s image in veneration, recollect the Buddha’s virtues, think of the Buddha’s moral character, express gratitude to the Buddha for His compassion in helping us to be spiritually awakened.*

*Finally, recite the sacred name of the Buddha and be sincere in your recitation of the Buddhist scriptures. When you worship the Buddha, you are a Buddha. That said, when you kneel in front of the Buddha’s image and prostrate, essentially, you are already a Buddha.*

Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Volume 12 Chapter 62
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Master Jun Hong Lu: It's crucial to recognise that life is fraught with tribulations, difficulties, and bitterness (人生多劫,人生多难,人生真苦). Simply being a human being in this world is never a walk in the park, not to mention the trials of one's fate. I have oftentimes talked about the complexity of life, the difficulty of being a human, and the existential challenges that come with it (做人难,难做人,人难做).

This underscores the importance of rising above and eliminating your ego (克制自我), as only by doing so, can you slowly change the course of our destiny. If you turn a blind eye to your shortcomings and your karmic obstacles, would it be possible that you will have a smooth-sailing life in this world?

The same goes to Bodhisattvas who descend to the human realm. They would have to go through a multitude of karmic challenges too. This lays the groundwork for Their profound understanding and Their eventual spiritual accomplishment which highlights the importance of having great aspirations.

*Please bear in mind that to cultivate well, the crux lies in cultivating the mind. The objective of Buddhist practice is to help us overcome every obstruction that comes our way so that we can claim victory in this life journey of ours.*

Suffering is inevitable, and this applies to both Buddhist practitioners or a Bodhisattva, who is in the human realm to fulfil Their vows.

A caller once asked, "Since a Bodhisattva, who descends to the human realm to save people, will undoubtedly receive the blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, why will He still have to suffer and fall ill?"

Let me share this with you: It’s universally known that Tang Seng (Note: the central character in the Chinese novel entitled ‘Journey to the West’) had already attained Buddhahood, and even with the continuous protection of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, He still had to shoulder the numerous trials and tribulations that came His way. Why is that so?

The rationale behind this principle mirrors that of worldly wisdom: *"Only those who endure the hardest hardship will be the best spiritual cultivator" (吃得苦中苦,方为修心人). Only by clearing all karmic debts and karmic obstacles, and enduring trials and tribulations, can one attain true spiritual fruition (证得正果).* Just like in the human realm, in the face of numerous difficulties, it is only through perseverance that progress and success can be achieved. The underlying principle is extremely similar.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms (Radio Program), Volume 1 Chapter 20_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Surmount your desires and mental afflictions, as that is the essence of *Transforming Troubles to Bodhi.*

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Daily Words of Wisdom, 25 February 2021_


— 卢台长每日佛言佛语
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Caller: Today is Amitabha Buddha's birthday. Could you share a word or two about this special day with Buddhist practitioners from around the world?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Amitabha Buddha is truly phenomenal, to say the least. He used His power of vow to save sentient beings, and paved the way for  sentient beings to be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Imagine what a great Buddha he is! He is also called the Immeasurable Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite  Life.

Why are there three statues of Amitabha Buddha in some Chinese temple halls? This is to depict His Dharma body (Dharmakaya) that radiates brilliant rays, as means to deliver sentient beings and shower them with the Buddha's guiding light.

Why is Amitabha Buddha a great master who teaches goodness? This is because He established the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss - one great Buddha who is shepherding us to transcend the illusory mortal mindset so that we can enter the path of righteousness.

Why is He called "Amitabha Buddha"? He is the embodiment of boundless life, boundless merits and boundless blessings.

Understanding all these is of the utmost importance as it will help you gain wisdom. Honestly, many people are clueless about it. With the sheer power of His vows, Amitabha Buddha was able to become the Buddha of Immeasurables, in other words, He has boundless and immeasurable power, wisdom and practically in all aspects. This is because He is endowed with the Ten Thoughts, and hence, the term “Namo Amitabha Buddha".

"Namo" actually means to take refuge in Buddhism. The next time you encounter the title "the Buddha of Infinite Life (无量寿佛), you should know that it is referring to Amitabha Buddha.

Caller: Master, what’s the difference and connection between "Namo Amitabha Buddha Hidden Within All Dharma Realms (南无法界藏身阿弥陀佛)" in the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance, and "Namo Amitabha Buddha"?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Of course there is a connection. Think about it. How many Amitabha Buddhas are there in the human realm? Don’t you think everyone who silently recites "Amitabha Buddha" in his heart is in fact an “Amitabha Buddha Hidden Within All Dharma Realms” (南无法界藏身阿弥陀佛) ?

If everyone in the dharma realm can silently recite "Amitabha Buddha", don’t you think Amitabha Buddha is dwelling in each and every one of their hearts? After all, the light of Bodhisattva is buried in your heart!

Caller: The Three Sages of the Western Pure Land are Amitabha Buddha, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva (the Great Strength Bodhisattva) and Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Is Amitabha Buddha Guan Yin Bodhisattva's Master?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That's right! The Amitabha Sutra states that if a person can persist in reciting "Namo Amituofo" without any distraction whatsoever for one, two, three, or up to seven days, Amitabha Buddha along with the rest of the sages will appear before him in his passing".

Caller: Understood.

 _Source: Wenda20181223B 38:42, Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program_
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On 20 September 2020, from the vast emptiness came the voice of a Dharma Protector, _“I’ve been summoned by Amitabha Buddha of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to be here to greet you, the Heavenly Child. May the Heavenly Gods quickly open the Gates of Heaven"._

Soon after, my soul was removed from my body and a golden lotus flower appeared right under my feet. Perching on the head of an enormous golden dragon, we glided through numerous Heavenly Gates, as we made our way to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

*The Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss*

Qilins were seen galloping and circling around in the air. With auspicious clouds below their feet, countless numbers of small Bodhisattvas were manoeuvering their way, at will, to the places of spiritual practice in the various palaces in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Here, every building seemed to emit a huge golden halo.

Not long after, Amitabha Buddha was heard announcing, “May all Heavenly Sages come forward to listen to the dharma”.

*Read the full discourse here:*
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When you can only see
the shortcomings of other people, you will fail to see their strengths. When you can see
the strength of others,
you will fail to see their shortcomings.
看人缺点多了,就看不到优点; 看人优点多了,就看不到缺点。
Master Jun Hong Lu, Words of Wisdom Volume 4
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要改变自己多么难, 学佛人不能有杂念, 因为它会繁殖。任何业障都会繁殖, 一点恶业都不能有。

To change oneself is no easy task. As Buddhists, we must avoid harbouring distracting thoughts, as they will grow and multiply. Any karmic obstacles will multiply. Therefore, avoid creating even the slightest bit of negative karma.

Words of Wisdom Vol.2
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