Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Caller: Master Lu, I used to have thyroid and lobular hyperplasia when I was younger and would like to seek advice from you.

Master Jun Hong Lu: There are still some problems with your throat. It is still slightly enlarged. You mentioned when you were younger, in fact, you suffered from these ailments since you were little.

Caller: Yes.

Master Jun Hong Lu: You must put in more efforts. I can see that you are still having some endocrine disorders. Take my advice. Recite 7 times of the Great Compassion Mantra before you sleep. This is because the Great Compassion Mantra has the effect of strengthening your energy and letting you have a good night sleep. In addition, foreign spirits will not be able to occupy your body.

Caller: I see. How about my psyche?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Not bad but you need to be careful. You need to drink more water to replenish the water levels in your body.

Caller: Is there anything else I should take note of?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Continue to perform your recitations diligently and liberate captive lives, as performing life liberation will enhance your longevity.

Caller: How many Little Houses do I need to recite and how many lives should I release?

Master Jun Hong Lu: 69 Little Houses and liberate 3,000 lives.

Zongshu20161112 17:24
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
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(中英版,Chinese & English

In this world, no matter how intelligent, wealthy or powerful a person is, they will lack judgement when they are in a state of anger. Let me share a tip with you - the next time you are outraged, when you think that “I must let it out!”, the best way is to wait for one minute. This is because a person will lose all of his judgement when he is outraged, and this ability will only return to its normal state after one minute.

So, the next time you are at the verge of an argument with your spouse, look at your watch and do not say a word. After one minute, put it down and you will say, “There is no way that I am going to fight with you. I am a Buddhist practitioner, I have regained my senses”.

Please remember never make any major decision when you are in a state of outrage, as you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Source: An excerpt from
Master Jun Hong Lu's
Public Talk in Singapore
April 23, 2016
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Master Jun Hong Lu: We must always cultivate a sense of gratitude, which will help us maintain a calm and peaceful mind. As Buddhist practitioners, we should never forget our beginner’s mind, which is to be grateful towards sentient beings for being present in our lives.

Our daily growth and development are inseparable from everyone. From the first day we enter this world, we rely on the care of nurses and mothers. As we grow, we depend on the guidance and support of our teachers, parents, friends, superiors, and all the people we cross paths with in various aspects of life. Therefore, we should be grateful towards them for their presence in our lives.

Just like today, the volunteers have to prepare meals for more than 1,000 people here and it is hardly an easy task.

Keeping to your original aspiration leads you to success. Remember, those who are willing to bow down to others will never meet with a rebuff, and those who are willing to compromise will never regress.

Last but not least, contentment comes to those who are not in pursuit of worldly things, and happiness is within the reach of those who cherish others.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, New Zealand, 8 November 2019_
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Turning a deaf ear to advice is the beginning of delusion.
Turning a blind eye to one's mistakes is the beginning of failure.
Always thinking that you should have a fair share of everything is the beginning of affliction.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 3
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Master Jun Hong Lu: As the saying goes, ‘great undertakings have small beginnings, and difficult tasks are tackled from where it is easy’. After all, even a large tree has the origins of a small sapling; a high platform is constructed piece by piece; and walking a thousand miles would not be possible without that first step forward.

Indeed, all who have accomplished great undertakings did so bit by bit. Hence, do not refuse to do something because you perceive it to be insignificant as the accumulation of these acts can give rise to something important.

In any domain, as long as you persist in putting ten thousand hours of deliberate practice, you could become an expert regardless of the field. Likewise for Buddhism studies, it is our daily recitation and spiritual cultivation that forms the foundation of Buddhahood.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s World Buddhist Fellowship Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, 5 October 2018_
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At that time, someone asked Buddha: Life is so tiring, how could this be solved? Buddha answered: The heaviness of life half stems from survival, and the other half stems from desire and comparison. If you do not allow too much desire to reside in your heart, then there would not be suffering.

When we first came to Australia, just as many of you when you first came to New Zealand, you might have thought, “As long as I have a house to live in, it would be enough.” But gradually, after a while, you saw things and thought, ‘Wow, look at that humongous house; I want one’. Although you are already in old age, you still want to work and earn more money. This would only do more harm to your body.

If a person is not greedy and can say, ‘It’s enough. I’m satisfied. I’m OK’, that is being content with what you have.

Do not let too much desire reside in your heart. A person only has one heart with two atriums. In one atrium lives happiness, and in the other lives sadness. Do not be overjoyed; if you are overly happy, and laugh too loudly, it will wake up sadness on the 
other side.

_Source: Extract from Master Jun Hong Lu’s Public Talk in New Zealand Auckland 3rd December 2017_
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Think about it, just how many things we have given up since we were little. The minute we let go, we feel at ease. Whenever we say, “I don’t want it anymore”, our heart just settles. If we still think about those things, we will not be able to let go.

As such, it is important to know when to let go. When you tap into such wisdom, it will give you a more sober view of life, allowing you to examine your inner potentials. When you let go, a kind of power is derived from within, enabling you to respond to any external factors.

To quote a simple example: Everyone is eyeing this position at your workplace while you say, "That’s alright, I’m not going to fight for it”. The abandoning of the need to contend gives you strength. By not competing for the position, you keep sorrow and fear at bay. Similarly, you will not have the inkling that others are trying to make life difficult for you or are harbouring jealousy towards you.

This is how you let go of things. When you let go and accord with conditions, you have no concerns at all. No matter what happens in your external environment, you are able to experience a sense of inner peace naturally. Paradoxically, there will even be times when you find joy and wisdom despite your battered body and spirit. Wise are the ones who are able to cast away their worries Conversely, people who are paralysed by worries are eternal fools.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Buddhism In Plain Terms, Episode 33, 4 April 2020_
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk
Sydney, Australia
5 September 2010

When paying respect to the Buddhas, offering flowers will improve your appearance, and offering oil is good for our eyesight and for gaining wisdom. Some wise people suggest children spend their pocket money in buying a bottle of oil as an offering to the Bodhisattva and to pray for more wisdom. Offering water can ease and calm our mind while also helping us eliminate greed as water doesn’t cost anything. Many people are even attached to the offerings made to Bodhisattva. A novice Buddhist practitioner will feel secure once they offer water to Bodhisattvas. Their mind will be as pure as water. Therefore, if one prays for a sense of security, it’s best to offer water. The water offered on the altar needs to be changed every day. Furthermore, offering fruit can help you to achieve what you wish at a sooner time if you pray for something specific. For example, if you pray for a smooth career path or job security, offering fruit such as oranges and apples could speed things up, so you’ll get the outcome sooner. Offering fruit makes the wishes of a kind-hearted person come true sooner. For evil people, even though they make fruit offerings, karmic retributions come due earlier, too. The severity of the karmic retributions would be reduced if they take place earlier, which is better than suffering harsh retributions at a later stage. This is the law of cause and effect.
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Master Jun Hong Lu: Some people say, "After practising Buddhism, we interact less with our parents, and as a result, there is less room to show our filial piety towards them".

Do you agree with this? It’s precisely the opposite, because only in this way can you save unlimited fathers and mothers out there. Don’t tell me we should not help those parents, who are unrelated to us, and only care about our own? Herein lies the difference between universal and ordinary love.

During His time, the Buddha totally had the choice to remain as the prince with innumerable concubines at His disposal. He could have immersed Himself in all the worldly pleasures, but He chose a different path in order to help us find the way to liberation. Don’t you think his parents and wife would have agonised over His decision? Think about it, aren’t we now so blessed because of Him? Imagine the number of sentient beings who are able to abandon suffering and gain happiness because of Him.

If it had not been our revered Shakyamuni Buddha, would we have had the privilege to be seated here today to learn the dharma? Would Buddhism even have existed in the human realm?

You must know how to safeguard the heart of compassion in you, and let go of your selfish love. It is perfectly fine to help our own parents, but we must do even more for all the parents in this world.

_Source: Master Jun Hong Lu’s Discourse, Guan Yin Hall, Sydney, Australia, 14 July 2018_
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We must not do things to suit our whims and fancies. Instead, we must learn to exercise self-restraint.

Master Jun Hong Lu
Words of Wisdom Vol. 4
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