Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu's
Public Talk
Melbourne, Australia
9 June 2019


Master Jun Hong Lu: We need to understand that our heart is “feng” (风 - wind) and our luck is “shui” (水 - water).

One who is able to accord with conditions is said to have “feng” (风) while one who cherishes good fortune is said to have “shui” (水).

The traditional Chinese saying goes, “shui” (水) represents one’s wealth luck, while “feng” (风) represents one’s compassion.

Hence, a compassionate person is capable of “calling the wind and summoning the rain”.
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Wenda20160624 46:12 [Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: Master Lu, when we are confronted with unhappy events or obstacles in life, how do we reverse our state of mind instantly and let go of the past? Can you please advise us?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That requires Wisdom.

Caller: Can you elaborate?

Master Jun Hong Lu: I myself am able to do so. When I’m very upset, I can laugh within seconds and get over it immediately. Why is it so? Because I know that even if I am a little bit unhappy now, I am doing it for the sake of all sentient beings and not for myself. Once I have given them a piece of my mind for their sake, I would feel that the matter has been resolved. I would not then continue to allow myself to be angry, sad or suffer because of others’ wrongdoings.

Caller: I see. Master Lu, I know that you are able to change your emotional state very quickly, but how do we achieve the same?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Through practice. Always remember these words of advice: When you get scolded by someone and feel angry, for instance, immediately remind yourself, “I’m a Dharma practitioner, why should I be angry?” This is the first pointer. Second, “Hey, they are committing a sin, I shall not follow suit”. Third, “I’m not angry, so you can’t do anything to me!” Keep these three pointers in mind. You will cool down immediately by recalling these pointers whenever your anger is triggered.
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Master Jun Hong Lu's
Public Talk
22 April 2016


In truth, all the happiness in this world stems from human beings’ desires. The pleasure of eating stems from our desire to consume food, the pleasure of wealth and fame stems from our greed; our quest for sexual intimacy stems from our sexual desire, the pleasure derived from sleeping and laziness also stems from a type of desire, that is the desire for enjoyment. As such, in this human realm, beware! The happiness you experience today could become the foundation for your slackness in your cultivation tomorrow!

Why the practice of extreme asceticism? It is to allow us to be enlightened, as all things in this world are impermanent. They are all worldly desires. It is through cutting down these worldly pleasures that we are able to experience the “real” happiness within. Happiness within is something you sense on a spiritual level.
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Wenda20140504B 50:18 [Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: A friend of mine in my neighbourhood used to be a fellow practitioner but had given up in the end. According to her, though she had benefited a lot from the practice, she felt that doing daily recitation and Little Houses had taken up too much of her time. On top of that, she still had to take care of her children. As such, she felt very stressed out. I asked her if she had experienced positive changes in her life brought about by the practice and she was quite certain she did. What advice shall I offer her?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s very simple. Do the monks get stressed out by performing recitations day in and day out? No pain, no gain. A person who refuses to study hard will end up learning nothing and working in low-skilled jobs. Without diligent cultivation, how are you going to succeed? How can she possibly change her life if she thinks that doing a little chanting gives rise to pressure? It would be too late when she starts regretting on her deathbed one day, praying to the Bodhisattva that she would recite scriptures. There’s nothing I can say about your friend. It can be attributed to lack of conditions, her laziness and weakness.

Caller: Understood.
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Let us read more about the story on the miraculous work of Bodhisattva which allowed our Buddhist friend to *meet the “RIGHT” doctor at the “RIGHT” time and at the “RIGHT” place!*

*Get the full story from the link below*:

Please feel free to share this with your family and friends and share the dharma bliss! ????
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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk
18 May 2018


Master Jun Hong Lu: Let me share with you, Guan Yin Bodhisattva will make her presence at 8 o’clock in the morning. No matter what issues you are facing in life, you must insist on offering incense at 8 am and pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva with the utmost earnestness: “Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please save me! Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please save me!”. When the Bodhisattva sheds tears for you, you will receive her blessings. Do you understand?
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Wenda20161125 35:50
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu, last week, you mentioned that people who have affinity with the Dharma may not have the diligence to cultivate. In the course of helping other people, sometimes, we come across people who have very special affinity with the Dharma, but at the same time, they are not eager to pursue further. How can we encourage them to forge ahead?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is very simple. Inspire his power of understanding. Despite this, if he is not inspired, then it means it is not time yet. And he is considered as a sentient being who lacks affinity. We cannot help people with no affinity. Thus, when you meet people who are haughty and arrogant who ignored your presence, do not pursue any further with them. However, it does not mean that people who lack affinity with the Dharma shall remain as such forever. At certain point of time when they suffer from setbacks in life, realisation may set in, and they may develop affinity with the Dharma again.
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Excerpt of Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk in Malacca, Malaysia
August 20, 2016


Three Life Lessons:
1st: Learn to admit mistake;
2nd: Learn to be gentle towards others;
3rd: Learn to let go.

Three Moral Principles:
1st: To be patient;
2nd: To be humble;
3rd: To be dignified
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Dear Dharma Friends,

Below are the links to the videos that we shared during the Online Buddhism In Plain Terms Group Study on 21 Nov.

*Topic: Everything you need to know about short sutras & mantras (Part 1)*

*Put Your HEART into Reciting Buddhist Scriptures*

*Sow The Seed Of Kindness And You Shall Have A Harvest Of Peace*

*Cundi Dharani*

*Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra (Wang Sheng Zhou)*

*Do share these videos with your family and friends and share the dharma bliss.*

*If you would like to revisit our past sessions’ notes, please click the link below:*

*For more information about the Online Group Study*
Please contact Loh sx (96978356) or Woan Yi sx (82182248).
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True Inspirational stories (even in times of covid) !!!
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