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Shuohua20170630 22:01
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]
Caller: Is there any difference in effect between offering the *_Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance_* (LIFO) self-cultivation form when we are offering the first incense and on the following day? Is it better to offer during the day or night?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Day time is the best. LIFO is an act of repentance and carrying out such an act in an open and above board manner, like during day time, will be better
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Wenda20170903A 57:54
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)
Caller: Nowadays many mothers are perturbed by how to educate their children, they do not know how to educate their children and felt that they are lacking in the wisdom to do so. Master, can we recite 7 times of _*Heart Sutra*_ daily and pray for Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s compassion in helping us to attain wisdom, and be able to educate our children with wisdom? Is it appropriate to say such a prayer?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Absolutely fine.
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Shuohua20170707 21:45
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]
Caller: Master Lu often teaches us not to be greedy, that is, “being contended find us noble”. May I ask is resentment for others considered as a form of greed as well?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Absolutely. Feeling of resentment for others arises out of failure to get what you want, hatred, jealousy, or because you feel that he is not as good as you. Aren’t these elements of greed? Don’t you think you have ‘desire’ for it?
Caller: Yes.
Master Jun Hong Lu: What has the character of other people got to do with you?
Caller: That’s right.
Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s all due to your greed as you will feel that the person is better looking than you. There’s nothing you can do if someone looks better than you. But, you have your strength as well.
Caller: Yes.
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Wenda161118 57:50
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: Master Lu, in time of urgency, should one recite *_Great Compassion Mantra_* or is it better to recite *_Xiao Zai Ji Xiang Shen Zhou_*?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Recite *_Great Compassion Mantra_*. You would want many Bodhisattvas to come together to save you.
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Shuohua20140829 21:33
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]
Master Jun Hong Lu:
Listeners, please remember that it is painful to correct one’s weaknesses. But there will not be gain without pain. Many of your shortcomings were a result of wrong doings from the past. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to correct your bad habits, which were developed since you were young. When you dislike being taken advantage of during your younger days, you will never want to be taken advantage of when you grew up; but you will end up suffering greater loss.
Therefore, we have to learn to correct our weaknesses. If you made a mistake, admit it no matter what. Admit as long as you are in the wrong and do not get embroiled in it. If we fight on desperately and try to push all the blames away, it will lead up to more wrong doings.
You will be the first to get hurt and next, you will hurt others. A person who refused to admit his mistake is considered as incorrigible. You have to come to term that there’s simply no explanation to account for some happenings at times, as they happened purely due to Karma.
You must have bullied someone in your previous life which resulted in you being bullied in this life. If you are bad towards a person in your previous life, he will certainly treat you badly in this life. I hope everyone will understand this logic.
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Wenda20170709A 12:59
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]
Master Jun Hong Lu:
We should be feeling happy while going through the path of Buddhism. If a person gossip frequently, he would have already entwined within. Why do I keep reiterating the importance of being magnanimous, not allowing ourselves to be entwined in the right and wrong of this human realm and learn to let nature takes its course to the Buddhist monks and my disciples?
To break away from affliction is to stop dwelling on matters that we should not be thinking, not doing things that we aren’t supposed to do, and not saying things that we shouldn’t be saying. Affliction is a by-product of our speech, action and thoughts.
Therefore a truly wise person is characterized by his magnanimity and righteousness. He knows that one’s true nature can only be revealed with a pure heart and only a wise person could attain enlightenment.
Let me tell you, everything happens for a reason. Be it love or hatred, it has something to do with your previous life. Therefore a truly wise person is one who can look beyond and let go!
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[emoji216] 什么是邪淫? 一切非合法夫妻的性关系,均称为邪淫。如偷吃禁果、未婚同居、一夜情、嫖娼、婚外情、手淫、意淫、同性恋等。
[emoji216] 1、犯邪淫者,定削福报,求财不成。家庭不合。 疾病缠身,官业必堕寿命必短。邪淫最损阴德,容易折减福禄寿
[emoji216] 2 、婚前性影响双方感情和婚姻幸福,人流损害女方健康,带给女方无尽痛苦!
[emoji20] 婚外恋影响家庭和谐稳定,浪费时间精力,阻碍事业发展,破坏自己幸福。
[emoji20] 衣着暴露,损耗福报,招引邪人,咎由自取!
[emoji20] 一夜情,嫖娼是禽兽不如的丑行,玩人等于玩自己,请自爱!
[emoji20] 我们向邪淫说不!我们要做好女人好男人!
[emoji216] 3 、穿吊带衫,露出肩膀,露掉的是你的健康,那不是美而是轻浮无耻!穿低胸衣,露出乳沟,露掉的是你的福报,那不是美而是伤风败俗!穿露脐装,露肚脐眼子,露掉的是你这一生的元气,那不是美而是猥琐下贱!穿超短裙,露大腿根子,露掉的是你好女人的名声,那不是美而是淫荡下流!
[emoji216] 4 、肉体服务,淫荡下贱。引人邪思,伤风败俗。糟蹋自己,传播性病。破坏家庭,罪大恶极!
[emoji20] 嫖娼狎妓,就是违法,就是亲近罪恶和死神,幸福和健康正在离你而去!
[emoji20] 远离娼妓,就是守法,就是孝顺父母,忠贞的伴侣和温馨的亲情正在向你走来!
[emoji216] 5 、如果你事业不顺,家庭不和睦,夫妻争吵不断,孩子忤逆,身体多病,贫穷困苦,想想你是否犯了邪淫之罪导致的结果,什么是邪淫? 一切非合法夫妻的性关系,均称为邪淫。如偷吃禁果、未婚同居、一夜情、嫖娼、婚外情、手淫、意淫、同性恋等。
[emoji216] 6 、邪淫者有如下十大不如意果报:
[emoji317] 一、耗损身体。
[emoji317] 二、降低智商。
[emoji317] 三、资财耗散。
[emoji317] 四、霉运连连。
[emoji317] 五、前途黯淡。
[emoji317] 六、名声不佳。
[emoji317] 七、婚姻不顺。
[emoji317] 八、父母蒙羞。
[emoji317] 九、连累子孙。
[emoji317] 十、善友远离
[emoji216] 7、是什么导致我身体不健康?这么烦恼忧愁?导致我欲望那么大、脾气那么大?导致我自卑、自闭、懈怠、焦虑、恐惧、抑郁、强迫、神经衰弱?导致我家庭亲人不和谐、人际关系不和谐、婚姻爱情不美满、学习工作不顺利、生活不如意?人不人、鬼不鬼?到底是什么?原来都是这个叫“邪淫”的东西害的.
[emoji216] 8 、邪淫的女人容易得宫颈癌或者乳腺癌、子宫癌,这些古书有记载,三精成一毒,专杀不洁女。现在年青女子竟然得旧社会妓女才得的病。而二十多岁的很多男孩因邪淫过度“肾衰竭”“尿毒症”,人们被错误观念毒害得厉害,对邪淫的危害没有足够的认识!邪淫人容易得耳聋、前列腺炎、淋病、梅毒、艾滋病
[emoji216] 9 、肾元气,是生命的原动力。肾虚则生命力减弱,各种疾病会来。肾生精,精生髓,髓壮骨,髓通脑,肾亏则髓空,髓空则骨软,骨软则腰膝酸麻,牙齿脱落,骨质增生,椎间盘突出,头晕目眩,耳鸣健忘,反应迟钝,精力下降,脱发皮皱等。男人阳痿、早泄、遗精;女人月经不调,痛经、宫寒不孕等。淫乱最伤肾
[emoji216] 10 、科学证实安全套不安全,阻挡不了艾滋病毒,所以这么多人得了艾滋病,并迅速扩散,这就是真相,不要再上当了,不要再放纵了,洁身自爱,守身如玉,忠贞自己的爱人,才是预防艾滋病的最好防护,艾滋病和很多性病只找那些不懂得自尊自爱的人[DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK]
[emoji127] [emoji127] [emoji127] 《邪淫果报,远远不止这些》
[emoji317] 为了自己的家人,为了自己的未来!请戒除邪淫。南莫阿弥陀佛,南无观世音菩萨,南无地藏王菩萨,南无韦陀菩萨,南无十方三世一切佛菩萨……《功过冥罚淫律》精华节选:
[emoji317] 凡喜看淫戏(A片)者一次减寿三月,有功名者罚停迟功名,转兽一世。
[emoji317] 凡喜看色文淫书者:三次,减寿半月,致生疾病者,减寿三年。
[emoji317] 手淫一次十过,积十罪,夺寿禄,扣福报,生以手疮脓毒猪手脓疮之报,死堕入拔手足狱,转世手足残缺。
[emoji317] 口淫(黄色笑话):依轻重分五等,一等一言百过,二等五十过,三等三十过,四等二十过,五等十过;满十罪夺寿禄,一生潦倒困厄凶死;死入铜柱狱转世男化女质,女为娼妇,罪满再转湿生。
[emoji317] 诱有夫之妇,或与有妇之夫有染,减寿二纪,一纪十二年,历一百年即受苦于地狱,为虫蚁禽兽,历一百劫。再转为人,为孤独身。有害人命者,罪加二等5
[emoji120] [emoji120] [emoji120] 见此篇者传一百人可增寿一纪。传二百人,无子得子。传三百人,增寿二纪。 传四百人,子孙盛昌。传五百人,功名连绵。传一千人,名登赤箓,知悔改者,减罪。
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Master Jun Hong Lu's Discourse (177)
August 22, 2017
Q: I noticed fellow Buddhist friends will walk backwards towards the prostration mat after offering incense in the Guan Yin Hall. Even I myself will walk a considerable distance backwards after performing prayers. I wonder if it is appropriate as I am a little confused after Master mentioned that we should not walk backwards.
A: It is alright to walk backwards for a short distance. For example, out of respect, a monk will walk backwards towards the door while exiting from my room. To walk backwards inside the Guan Yin Hall is to avoid turning our back towards Bodhisattvas. However, you should be careful not to tumble.
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Wenda20170706A 25:31
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)
Caller: When it comes to the dictation of karma, how does Bodhisattva transform such relationship?
Master Jun Hong Lu: Such transformation has to be worked out through our own effort. It is not something that Bodhisattva does for us.
Caller: I see.
Master Jun Hong Lu: Today, if negative karma is to befall, Bodhisattva may pre-empt us through dreams; for example, dreams depicting us meeting with car accident, or stricken with cancer. Consequentially, we will be awakened to a realization and will do our utmost in performing recitation, learning Buddhism and cultivating spiritually. Gradually, we will gain control of our health condition, as we are well aware that Bodhisattva is there to bless and protect us. On the same note, how do we make our cancer disappear? It is through our incessant recitation of scriptures, making great vows, and performing life liberation.
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