Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Master Jun Hong Lu’s
Public Talk, Tokyo, Japan
October 9, 2016


As human, we should not shun reality. We should gather all our strength to stand up, as we have come to this Human Realm to battle against life’s many tribulations.

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[Image: 165aace24c6d995486e95848304a3c73.jpg]

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【台长开示】为什么 大年初一 对我们很重要?



INSTAGRAM:english: @XLFM8; 中文美图:@ciaixinling

如果决定跟着卢台长Master Jun Hong Lu传授的观世音菩萨的心灵法门修,可以每天先开始做基本功课:

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[emoji259]温馨提示,Gentle reminder[emoji259]
(Chinese and English versions)




[emoji255]家中有无佛台的师兄们,【农历十二月三十日 除夕和年初一】两天加起来[emoji842]礼佛大忏悔文[emoji842]共念誦[KEYCAP 8][KEYCAP 7]遍(以上遍数是包含当天功课的遍数),祈求消除今世业障[emoji255]







[emoji259] Today, 27th January 2017, the 30th day of 12th Lunar month, is the eve of Chinese New Year [emoji259]

Please perform more virtuous deeds and recitations, be a vegetarian, refrain from killing, free captive lives, do no evil and perform good deeds.

You may recite up to [emoji644][emoji643] times "Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance" (Lifo), inclusive of the daily homework*. This [emoji644][emoji643] times Lifo is the total number of times for the two days (CNY Eve day and CNY day).

All Buddhist friends (with or without altar at home) can recite the additional Lifo. Pray to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to eliminate the negative karma on specific misdeeds that we have done in our "current life".

* Note:
1) For pregnant/confinement ladies, and children below 5 years old, the number of Lifo (including homework) for all special festive days, must not exceed 7 times.
2) For those Buddhist friends with altar, you may offer the first incense tonight at 12 am and perform recitation throughout the day.
3) For those Buddhist friends without altar, please perform heart incense before recitation. Recitation of Lifo from 10pm to 5am is NOT advisable.
4)These Lifo are recommended to target on a specific issue (to repent in this lifetime), for example maligned or defamed others behind their back, read books or watched videos that contain inappropriate content, and so forth.

#Additional Notes:
A) Recitation of this additional Lifo is not compulsory.

B) If you are unable to complete your intended number of additional Lifo, you may use the pre-prepared self- cultivated Lifo.

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, in giving us the opportunity to recite more Lifo to eliminate our negative karma.

Wishing all advancement in Buddhism practice, accumulation of meritorious blessings, wisdom and Dharma bliss.

Thank you

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[emoji847][emoji173]HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR AND BEST WISHES TO ALL DHARMA FRIENDS![emoji173][emoji847]

Wenda20161230 25:18

(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu, although we did not wish for it but when we think of certain issues, our merits are also being consumed. Is it true that whenever desires and wandering thoughts arise, depletion of merits will ensue? Will having more desires and wandering thoughts lead to leakage of more merits?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, of course. When a person accumulates lots of merits and at the same time, has increasing wandering thoughts, won’t there be any leakage?

Caller: Yes, indeed.

Master Jun Hong Lu: If you are an officer who subsequently succumbed to greed and corruption, will you deplete your merits?

Caller: Yes, definitely.

Master Jun Hong Lu: Finally, you will be caught. It is this simple.

Caller: I understand now. Thank you for answering my question, Master Lu.

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[Image: 2b0da93c5260c75024dc4359aff6cd6c.jpg]

Wenda20170127 52:36



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Wenda20170127 52:36



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