Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Wenda20161016B 47:59
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu, how do we Dharma practitioners put into practice "Not explaining is the best explanation"? Is it possible to achieve this through actions in order to remove all vexations?

Master Jun Hong Lu: You still have to explain when necessary. However, do not explain too much, just make it clear and that’ll do. Because now is the Age of Dharma Decline. This is not the Age of the Right Dharma where explanation was not needed as self-realisation prevailed in everyone: when you stop talking, the other party will follow suit as he will be immediately enlightened. Nowadays people are easily confused, so you have to explain when the need arises.

Caller: Because if we would like to resolve everything in a non-controversial or non-debate manner...

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s impossible. For example, your husband suspects that you are having an affair, what happen if you do not explain and remain silent? He will beat you to death. Is that simple? Can you afford not explaining under such circumstances?

Caller: We still have to explain when necessary, otherwise it will deepen the misunderstanding.

Master Jun Hong Lu: People today are different from people in the past. Their morality and standards have deteriorated.

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Wenda20161028 01:10:53
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Master Jun Hong Lu: You must remember, a person who is diligent in his practice is able to eliminate life’s many karmic passes, and transform his many karmic obstacles.

For example, there is a man whom everyone abhors as he is a thief. One day, a child fell into the water. When no one was brave enough to jump into the water, this man, undaunted by the danger, dashed on bravely and rescued the child. Tell me, would others still regard him as a thief? He will be regarded as a hero! “One act of kindness shall disperse a hundred calamities!” Consequently, if a person is diligent in his practice, he will be able to eliminate many karmic obstacles in his life. Do you understand?

Caller: Yes. Is it true that karmic passes may also happen outside the ages ending with “3, 6, 9”? For example, a karmic pass that is supposed to occur at the age of 29, may occur at the age of 30?

Master Jun Hong Lu: That’s right. It may come early, anytime at all. For example, there are many people who are supposed to pass away at their karmic pass of 69 years old. However, they passed away at the age of 68. It has been brought forward owing to the fact that they had exhausted the good fortune and longevity of their life.

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Wenda20160724B 14:41 (Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: A Dharma practitioner said that whenever he listens to pop music or hums along with it, he would start to shiver down his spine and could sense his own energy depleting. What could be the cause of this?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is very simple. Pop music generates negative energies. Just observe the many young people who are frustrated and down or when they could not think clearly, they will sing pop songs. Which pop music will generate positive energy? For example the song entitled “Emotional Web” by Jackie Cheung, does it produce positive energy? “You are like a web, locking me tightly…” and those music that goes “bang bang”, do you think they are pleasing to the ears? Songs with lyrics such as “I chose you and you chose me”…encompasses a little positive energy in them and provide an avenue for emotional release right?

Caller: Yes, indeed. Nowadays, I have difficulty finding a pop music whenever I felt like listening to one. Somehow, after I started Dharma practice, I am no longer attracted to it anymore.

Master Jun Hong Lu: We really should not listen to such pop music. Actually, Bodhisattva had indicated and disclosed before, that Dharma cultivators should not listen to decadent music as it will cause you to slacken in your Dharma cultivation. Imagine yourself feeling very blissful during your recitations and then you stopped and listened to the pop music for a while. Then when you revert back to your scriptures, you will feel outmoded and will start to alienate from it.

Caller: I understand now. Thank you for answering my question, Master Lu.

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Gentle reminder on English Dharma sharing session.

Date: 20th Nov 2016 (Sunday)
Time: ‪2:00 - 3:30 pm‬
Venue: ‪11 Chang Charn Road, Shriro House‬, #05-01
Singapore  159640
Telephone no. ‪6222 2603‬ 

1. Totem Enquiry: "A Nun with Arthritis problem and Deformed limbs is able to walk without the walking stick after Master Lu's blessing"
2. The recitation of extra Wan Sheng Zhou from Winter Solstice till 3rd day of CNY
3. Highlights of New Zealand Dharma Convention's discourse
4. Testimonial: "How XLFM cured ganglion cyst and also reduced the impact of his Mother's karma outburst"
5. Master Lu's story: "Actions speak louder than Words"
6. Questions and Answers

Note: Decent dress code (long pants, no skirt/low-cut designs/bare-back or sleeveless blouse).

Thank you with metta 

Oriental Radio Practice Centre Ltd (Singapore)

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Wenda20161113B 01:01:58
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master, is it true that being a vegetarian not only will purify our body and blood, but also our Eighth Consciousness, and awaken our Buddha nature?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Certainly so. A person who is on vegetarian diet is very pure. Only when your body is pure, your heart can be so. That being said, when your heart is pure, your Eighth Consciousness will be pure. Hence, with lesser degree of impurity you attain greater purity.

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Wenda20161030A 31:40 
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Caller:  Master Lu, after becoming vegetarian, I noticed it was marked on many vegetarian products that they use or contain “genetically modified soybeans” and “eggs and milk hormone”.  Would the health of fellow Dharma practitioners be affected by consuming such products over a long period of time?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, in fact, issues on genes are rather complex, and I have sought Bodhisattva's advice too.  Generally, it's relatively safe. However, prolong consumption may lead to production of certain hormone which can be harmful.

Caller:  So we shall try not to consume genetically modified food, right?

Master Jun Hong Lu:  Better to avoid.  Nevertheless, to consume small quantity found in a piece of cake for example, there is nothing to fear.   Should you eat transgenic food every day, your genes will be altered eventually. Minimal consumption is negligible.

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Wenda20161021 42:35
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Caller: A fellow Dharma practitioner was woken by his mother in a rough manner. He ended up feeling lethargic and very forgetful throughout the day. Master Lu, is this because his souls and spirits have not fully returned to his body?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. When someone is sleeping, do not suddenly wake him up. Instead, you must do it in a gentle way. Many people are not aware of this, because the moment when a person has fallen asleep, in fact, his souls and spirits have also left his body. A lot of people have such experience: when they were suddenly being called while their souls and spirits were leaving their bodies, their souls and spirits would get lost, especially when this happens at night. That’s also why when you scare someone at night, his souls and spirits will tend to be incomplete.

Caller: How should he resolve this problem?

Master Jun Hong Lu: When one does not get enough sleep, the entire sleep will come to naught. When a person wakes up naturally, his sleep quality is the best. It is not so good to wake someone abruptly, no matter what. This is because we have our biological clocks. Envision the timing before sleep, just like setting an alarm. When you tell yourself, “I’ll get up at eight o’clock tomorrow” or “wake up at seven o’clock”, you will automatically wake up at the intended hour.

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Wenda20120615 35:36
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Let’s say I have ten thousand dollars. Should I use it to perform liberation of captive lives? Sponsor school fees for those unfortunate children? Or should I make offerings to the temple in support of the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism? May I know which one is more important?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Firstly, you should decide on the aspect that is essential to you. If you are praying for longevity on behalf of someone, for sure you should give priority to performing liberation of captive lives; If you wish to achieve more blessings of virtue, you may practise the act of giving. Secondly, with this money you will need to understand the right way of giving. Should your money be used by others to do unscrupulous deeds, you will be held guilty too.

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