Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Wenda20111028 29:00
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Master, you checked my Totem some time ago and advised me clearly on my Daily Homework and Little House. During the same reading, you mentioned that I seem to have inadequate karmic rewards from my past lives. Is there any scriptures that I need to recite to increase my karmic reward?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is absolutely possible to increase a person’s karmic reward through recitation of scriptures. In fact, when you recite Little House, *_Great Compassion Mantra, Heart Sutra_* and when you refrain yourself from any bad deeds, you are actually increasing your karmic rewards. So are performing liberation of captive lives, performing recitations, making great vows, all of which are the means for increasing your blessings and longevity.

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Wenda20160722  01:05:43
[Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: Master Lu ever mentioned that we are not to put on cap during recitation.  However, for some Dharma friends, the outdoor nature of their jobs compel them to put on safety helmets. If they perform recitations under such situation, are they able to connect to Bodhisattva's energy field?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Recite softly without letting others noticing it. This will avoid inviting unwholesome speech from others, which will cause them to create negative karma. With the helmet on, you will not be able to release energy field from the top of your head. Therefore, you can only do it through your mouth.

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Wenda20160923 01:07:18
(Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program)


Caller: Master Lu, how do we cultivate compassion while eliminating our devilish thoughts?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Always be compassionate, and the devil will stay away from you. Always listen to positive words and practise diligently. Do not take to heart the shortcomings of others. That’s it.

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Wenda20160722 59:04
[Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program]


Caller: Master Lu, a fellow Dharma friend always feels pain in the throat while performing his daily recitation. Thus, can he perform recitation in silence with only movement of the mouth and throat? Is this proper?

Master Jun Hong Lu: It is totally fine.

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Wenda20160122 20:33
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]


Caller: Master Lu, a few days ago, there was a man who had his totem read by you where he asked you about his wealth luck. Master asked him: “Have you turned full vegetarian?” When he replied that he had already vowed to be a full vegetarian. Master told him that he had been blessed doubly and also informed him that his wealth luck will be much more than destined.
Master, please enlighten us; firstly, he had vowed to be a full vegetarian, secondly, you had blessed him doubly resulting in an increase of his destined wealth luck. Did his merits for becoming a full vegetarian bring forth his wealth luck? Will making a vow to become a full vegetarian can also advance a person’s career?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes. When a person converted into a full vegetarian, his career and wealth luck will be good. There are some words I cannot tell you. You just need to look around; nowadays there are many big bosses who converted into vegetarians.

Caller: That is right.

Master Jun Hong Lu: So did many idealists. Therefore, you receive wealth luck occasionally because you do not kill livestock. A person who does not kill livestock will not leak wealth but instead will be able to accumulate wealth easily. He does not create negative affinities with animals and human beings, so this type of people will have very good wealth luck. You think about it when you have a healthy body, will your luck not be good? Many people may have lots of money but became bankrupt because the monies are used to look after sick persons at home.

Caller: Yes, it is so.

Master Jun Hong Lu: How can there be no relation in consuming vegetarian food? It is better than his destined wealth luck; he is accumulating merits and fortunes.

Caller: I understand now. Thank you for answering my question, Master Lu.

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[Image: 3fb3c58e2111c4cf9a346b186a400c9b.jpg]

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Wenda20141212 23:41
[Master Jun Hong Lu's call-in radio program]


Caller: Can we wash the red cloth, which is to be placed underneath for dotting the _Little Houses_, when it gets dirty after prolonged use?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, absolutely alright.

Caller: Can we use it as per usual after washing?

Master Jun Hong Lu: Yes, there is no issue with that.

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Wenda20130310B 02:02
(Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program)


Caller: Is there a co-relation between a person’s foundation in Dharma practice and the worldly blessings that he receives? How do we achieve equilibrium between praying for worldly and heavenly blessings and accumulation of virtues? As Dharma practitioners, should we ask for worldly and heavenly blessings?

Master Jun Hong Lu: In the process of cultivation, it is a natural phenomenon for a Dharma practitioner to receive increasing worldly and heavenly blessings. Hence, it has nothing to do with whether a person asked for it or not. In the absence of worldly and heavenly blessings, the foundation that determines the eventual success in cultivation will not prevail. In fact, even to make it to Western Paradise, worldly and heavenly blessings is a prerequisite.

Caller: There are many Dharma practitioners in our group are of the opinion that we should not pray for worldly and heavenly blessings, but to focus purely on cultivation instead.

Master Jun Hong Lu: It’s very simple. During your years in primary school or university, you are advised not to give too much thoughts to what you wish to achieve and to just focus on your studies. In this case, tell me, will your effort in studies still bear fruits?

Caller: I understand now.

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你采取違背良心道德的手段,如貪污受賄欺詐坑蒙拐騙賭博等取得別人(或眾人公家集體)財物的同時,別人(或眾人)的災禍疾病也就跟著轉移到你或你家人身上去了, 要由你或你家人來替別人(或眾人)受災受病啊!髒財來了,災也來了!正是“拿人錢財,替人消災。” 不義之財後頭緊跟著的是災禍啊!占便宜把災禍也占來了啊!而損失財物的一方,他的災禍疾病也跟著財物走掉了,他不再受災受病了。財走了,災禍也走了!這就是“破財消災” “財去人平安”的道理。吃虧是福啊!破財時,要看得開,不生氣怨恨,就百病不侵, 否則會氣出病來的。
還有一種情況是家裡出敗家子。子孫吃喝玩樂,專干壞事,忤逆不孝, 你眼睜睜看著敗家子將你的不義之財揮霍殆盡,你被氣得半死,最終人財兩空!因此說,不該得的,千萬不能得,它後面會跟來凶災病痛和敗家子啊!
Time From: 23:46
Time To: 31:00

你采取違背良心道德的手段,如貪污受賄欺詐坑蒙拐騙賭博等取得別人(或眾人公家集體)財物的同時,別人(或眾人)的災禍疾病也就跟著轉移到你或你家人身上去了, 要由你或你家人來替別人(或眾人)受災受病啊!髒財來了,災也來了!正是“拿人錢財,替人消災。” 不義之財後頭緊跟著的是災禍啊!占便宜把災禍也占來了啊!而損失財物的一方,他的災禍疾病也跟著財物走掉了,他不再受災受病了。財走了,災禍也走了!這就是“破財消災” “財去人平安”的道理。吃虧是福啊!破財時,要看得開,不生氣怨恨,就百病不侵, 否則會氣出病來的。
還有一種情況是家裡出敗家子。子孫吃喝玩樂,專干壞事,忤逆不孝, 你眼睜睜看著敗家子將你的不義之財揮霍殆盡,你被氣得半死,最終人財兩空!因此說,不該得的,千萬不能得,它後面會跟來凶災病痛和敗家子啊!
Time From: 23:46
Time To: 31:00

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