Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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你会忘记很多的仇恨; 你会看到每个人都很可爱;


有一天当你要离开这个世界进入 另一个世界的时候,不会被浑身的伤痛折磨;

[CURLY LOOP]151211《师父世界佛友见面会》


Wenda20160205 01:17:28 台长对观世音菩萨掌管人间的开示


台长答:掌管人间,其实就是说天上、地下、人间……表面上看起来人间是有人在管理,那么冥冥当中是不是有天和地的助缘呢?“天时、地利、人和”嘛。所以这个东西就是说,现在观世音菩萨正好轮到天时,末法时期,是由观世音菩萨在掌管,帮助人间救苦救难,全部都是人间的一些琐事,为什么求观世音菩萨连小的事情都求得灵呢?因为是观世音菩萨在管的。有很多大菩萨,他不管,所以你就是求了他,他也是通过很多渠道,就是通过你修心,另外达到一定的境界之后,他才能帮到你。而观世音菩萨他正好是管的,所以你不管求他什么,都能求到,明白了吗?(哦,人间是佛菩萨轮流来掌管的,这个天时正好是观世音菩萨掌管我们,是这样理解吗?)是啊,在佛经上也讲,阿弥陀佛,接下来就是观世音菩萨掌管西方极乐世界(明白了)你去查查佛经,佛经上都有记载,早就有记载了(那师父,是不是玉皇大帝就是协助观世音菩萨在处理一些事物?)玉皇大帝他是管天界的,顺便就是管人道、人界,他是这样的。所以有些事情表面上看起来是谁在管,实际上都有牵连的。我就问你一句话,如果一个怕老婆的男人,他在外面单位里管事,有时候他太太就能在家里管住他公司里的事情(是的)呵呵……(谢谢师父慈悲开示!) — with Teresa Lai.
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wenda20160122 27:25



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Inspirational Stories 073 The Inspirational Effect of Making a Vow to be a Vegetarian

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!

First of all, I would like to repent to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to Master Lu for my ignorance when I was a child as I used to kill a lot of small animals.

I would like to share with everyone a delightful change that happened to me after I made a vow to be a vegetarian.

Before I started practicing Buddhism, a lot of lumps developed on the upper half of my arm. They looked like rashes and they were sickening to look at. Moreover, my arms were very strong. My husband joked that my arms were stronger than his, even if he played basketball all the time. At the time, I only wore long-sleeved tops. When I was pregnant, I did not buy any maternity dresses as they were mostly sleeveless. I also underwent massage therapy which helped as the lumps became less obvious but this only lasted for a few days which annoyed me quite a bit.

After I started to practice the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and recited scriptures, my arms became tinner and many of the lumps disappeared. For some time now, I have increased the number of times I recite the Pure Land Rebirth Dharani. After I made a vow to become a vegetarian, the lumps gradually turned into scabs and flaked off my skin. Now there are only a few lumps left and I have the confidence to wear short-sleeved shirts.

For one and a half years, I was not determined enough to be a complete vegetarian – I continued to eat the vegetables from meat dishes. (Note: a complete vegetarian abstains from anything that touches meat or meat products) Now I understand the effects of making a vow to be a vegetarian in front of the Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I found the experience so powerful and inspiring as my skin condition was cured within such a short period of time. This is the reason why Master Lu always kindly suggests to us to make a vow to become a vegetarian.

Deepest gratitude to the merciful Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to Master Lu. As a result of our Buddhist practice, we continually experience positive changes in our lives.


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Wishing all Shi Xiongs happiness, health and prosperity throughout 2016![emoji1317][emoji1317][emoji1317][emoji4]


Female Listener: Master, When a bad thought crossed our mind or when we said a wrong word if we recite the Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan immediately; will this eliminate the karma totally? Can we recite some Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen every evening before retiring to bed to eliminate the whole day’s wrong doings from our actions, thoughts and words?

Master Lu: It is not possible to eliminate totally by reciting Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan. However, if a wrong has just been committed, it can be resolved by reciting some Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan and admitting your wrong doing so as to freeze this karmic seed. But you will still require reciting Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen because reciting Chi Fo Mieh Tsui Chen Yan will only freeze the karmic seeds from growing bigger. Do you understand? (Oh, I understand now. Because every day I felt my actions, words and thoughts…it is not possible not to commit any wrong). Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen, whatever wrong you have committed, recite Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen. (Okay. Deepest gratitude to you, Master)

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078 Regarding making Great Vows and fulfilling Great Vows

Q078: Respected Master Lu, can you please explain the difference between making Great Vows and fulfilling Great Vows? What should we do?
• Performing recitations, making Great Vows, performing Life Liberation are the three Dharma Gems given by the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva. We must use them appropriately.
The power of Great Vows is very important for every Buddhist cultivator.
• Making Great Vows involves you presenting yourself in front of Guan Yin
Bodhisattva and reciting the following prayer in your mind or quietly,
“May the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva protect and bless me, <your full name>, and perform miracles, help me
to resolve my <confusions, problems, disasters,misfortunes, etc>, and I will be vegetarian on the 1stand 15th of the lunar month for the rest of my life;
2. not eat live creatures for the rest of my life;
3. not perform the act of killing for the rest of my life;
4. persistently perform good deeds every day;
5. offer gold plating for statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas;
6. cross over <number of> people, and help them to be liberated from the sea of suffering within <amount of time>;
7. perform virtuous deeds, make donations to print <number of>

To read on, please refer to the ebook's URL (English version, 4 Metaphysics, pdf 3.14 MB).

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