Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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《观世音菩萨告知同修台长的前世》 wenda20140511A 51:10



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《佛学问答》shuohua20131227 19:53



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[emoji295] shuohua20140808 25:36



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[emoji295] wenda20141005A 52:56


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[emoji295]卢台长白话佛法系列1-9册免费赠送有缘人[DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK]如您想阅读白话佛法开启自己的智慧,增加自身的能量,欢迎您即可留言/信息我们。这一切皆免费结缘。[emoji295]

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[阎王说 妈妈时间没到 让她回去]



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Wenda20131208B 42:56

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Inspirational Stories 071
Young Dharma followers should wake up early to offer incense and to perform their daily recitations of scriptures.

I would like to share one of my dreams with everyone. In this dream, Master Lu was visiting Shanghai and stayed in a hotel. Every morning and night, we would offer incense and perform daily recitations under Master Lu’s instructions and then Master Lu would give Dharma talks. I participated in the worship with other senior Dharma followers in the hotel. On the third morning, I headed to the hotel in a hurry and when I got there, it was already 6:40am. I saw a lot of Dharma followers queuing so I asked one of them if I would be able to get in and join the worshipping assembly. A volunteer staff said to me that the assembly started at 4:40am. It was at that moment that I realised I had been late for two hours, and it happened for the past three days. I was totally unaware that Master Lu started the morning assembly at such an early time. I was ashamed and regretted that I was two hours late.

By the time I got into the assembly, Master Lu’s Dharma talk was coming to an end. As I arrived late, I could only stand at the back of the assembly hall. Master Lu’s face was serious and he looked disappointed. I looked around the hall and saw that the number of elder Dharma followers significantly outnumbered the number of young Dharma followers and vice versa for the queue outside the assembly hall. Master Lu’s Dharma talk ended at 7:40am and he invited us to have a vegetarian breakfast, which consisted of fresh vegetables and soy products. I was very upset and did not want to eat because I was ashamed of myself. Many young Dharma followers were also standing on the side and reflecting on their slackness. I then woke up from my dream and it was exactly 5:40am. I knew it was the Guan Yin Bodhisattva reminding me to wake up early so I could perform my daily recitations.

I would like to deeply repent for my slackness. I used to always find excuses to sleep in, such as being too tired and busy. That was so undiligent of me! In fact, the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu knew about this and thus enlightened me through my dream.

Additionally, the dream also suggested that the elder Dharma followers are more diligent in their Dharma practice than the younger Dharma followers because they get up very early to worship and to recite scriptures. Meanwhile, many younger Dharma followers stay up late and as a result, they often miss offering incense on the hour.

After receiving this kind reminder from the Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I find it necessary to share my dream with everyone and to encourage young Dharma followers to be diligent in their Dharma practice.

Deepest gratitude to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Master Lu and Dharma Protectors. Deepest gratitude to all the senior Dharma followers!

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Male Listener: Printing Dharma books is Dhamma-dana giving. Master, may I ask if a child with brain illness accumulating merits, will the same amount of money meant for life liberation but used to print Dharma books instead bring forth the wisdom sooner? Master, please enlighten us.

Master Lu: It is like this. When you print a thousand copies of Dharma books, and distribute them to a thousand people; you have already gained merits. Everyone who receives the books will have gained merits. When there are 50 people, 100 people or 500 people who already have started recitations from the books, then your merits will become “immeasurable”. It is just that simple. (Understand now). What you have distributed is compassion, therefore there are merits. However, when other people are able to practise on the Dharma books, your merits become immeasurable, therefore, it is best to print Dharma books. I would like to add that if the books are printed by yourself, then it is just an idea; however, if you have requested someone else to print the books on your behalf, you will have to inform Bodhisattva: “I so and so today wish to do so much merits, I have requested so and so to assist me in printing the books”. For example, our 2OR Charity Organisation, you say: “I, xxx, today xx month and xx day, request 2OR Charity Organisation to print xx number of books and hope to cross over even more people with affinities”. You have to say these words to Bodhisattva, do you understand? (Oh, must say these words). Regardless of whom you have requested to assist in printing the Dharma books, you have to say these words so that if that person did not carry out the task, he will have to bear the karmic retribution, understand now? (Oh, including delegating someone else to do life liberation and we must also inform Bodhisattva?). Right, “Today, I have spent so much money for life liberation. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva show compassion and be my witness and bless me with a healthy body or bless my mother ….” If the delegated person did not carry out the task, he will develop cancerous disease very quickly. Haha, (Master, if he did not liberate the lives, he will contract illness but how will this affects us in terms of merit?). There are still good effects. (Oh, what is the effect in percentage?). 50%. Haha, this question of yours is very intelligent. This means you have much wisdom. You have delegated the wrong person and gained only 50%. (Alright, thank you Master, for your compassionate discourse).

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Female Listener: Master, may I ask, if I vowed to Bodhisattva and said “I wish to cultivate successfully in this life”; does this mean all my past lives’ negative karmas will be brought forth to this present life to be eliminated? Will I have to face much more hardships than expected? Once the karmic debts are totally repaid, will everything become smooth sailing all the way?

Master Lu: It should be like this. If you repaid your karmic debts unwaveringly…. it would be totally repaid and completed. For example, you needed thirty years to repay your housing loans, now you said: “Bodhisattva, please help me, I wish to totally eliminate my karmic debts”. I will clear whatever debts I have. “pop,pop,pop”….the thirty years’ loan would be repaid completely within these few years, just like your karmic debts; because you were unwaveringly cultivating and crossing over people to repay them. Once the karmic debts are eliminated, there are no more outstanding debts left. (No more) It is the same reasoning, right? (It is Right. Deepest gratitude to you Master, for your compassionate discourse!).

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