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Wenda20151127 52:20 【菩萨保佑同修增加收入】
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{转}:各位师兄晚上好:我王松的梦境分享,大约在前段时间晚上做了一个很清晰的梦,我和女儿在冰上走,我女儿突然掉进冰窟里,我急得直哭啊也没救上我女儿,过了有一会儿,我女儿也没爬上来,我心里想我女儿肯定淹死了,赶紧回家找人打捞尸体吧,我到家后过了一会儿,门突然开了,我看见我女儿自己回来了,我高兴极了,女儿对我说:“妈妈是条大鱼把我托起来救了我”,我说:是妈妈放生的鱼变得很大很大把你托起救了你女儿,我对着周围的人说是我放生的鱼救了我女儿啊,我王松放生迄今为止大约放有2万多条,这放生的功德救了我女儿一条命啊,花多少钱也买不回我的女儿啊,我一人修行全家受益啊,这放生的鱼都有灵性啊,请大家都多多放生啊,花钱放生救鱼实际上在救我们自己的命啊!放生帮我们化解灾难啊,因为这段时间有些忙请原谅我今天才写下这段梦境跟师兄们分享,感恩大慈大悲救苦救难广大灵感观世音菩萨!感恩各位龙天护法菩萨!感恩恩师卢军宏台长!我王松一定会好好精进修行,生命不息,放生不停[DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK]!感恩合十
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Female Listener: Fellow disciple asked if we can pray for blessings as follow: Bodhisattva, please bless me with supreme realisation, infinite brightness, immeasurable wisdom and boundless positive energies. Do we need a lot of merits for such a request?
Master Lu: Remember, talking about it is useless. What is the point of saying it well if you do not possess adequate ‘energies’? Your body must have the ‘energies’ to allow your prayers to be answered. (Fellow practitioner wished to ask if we can pray for it this way when reciting Little House, that is reciting Little House will be better if our hearts are in a tranquil state). Whatever you said is acceptable but the most important question is that you must have the ‘energies’ to carry out what you had asked. (If we have adequate ‘energies’, will we need a lot of merits for our prayers to be answered?) Of course (Then, it will be better not pray for it and keep the merits). That is right. In the first place the merits were insufficient and once you prayed for it, the merits will be depleted. (Deepest gratitude to Master)
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wenda 20140817B 07:28
Female Listener: Greetings to you Master! (Your recitation is too slow, how many times can you recite in a day at this speed?) I am reciting Little Houses now, my speed is slightly slow and I can recite 2 Little Houses a week because I have to work during the day. May I seek Master’s advice on this problem; I am not sure whether to recite the Heart Sutra or the Wang Shen Zhou when I am walking or in a travelling vehicle... as there are many people around me, I do not know if this situation will affect the quality of the sutras.
Master Lu: Not a problem, as long as you do not focus on any particular person, your energy field will not leave you. This is why people closed their eyes when doing recitations. When your eyes are closed, you do not see the outside environment, therefore, your energy field will remain intact. How does the energy field desert you? One mouth, one nose and a pair of eyes (Oh, did Master said earlier that my speed was slow?) “Wu-deng-deng-zhou”, as if you are leading others in the recitation. (Because when I recite every word, I actually felt that I was crossing over those words). That is alright, this method of recitation is a little slow, and that is why your sutras are insufficient resulting in you not having enough quantity! Having qualities but insufficient quantity does not mean that you guarantee qualities in recitations. When other people are able to recite fast, they are actually reciting from the heart, thus the qualities of the recitations are just as good, silly girl. (Oh, thank you Master).
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『看淡人间名利情缘 智慧无我真修实修——2015年2月8日悉尼好事围玄艺综述大型解答会卢军宏台长开示摘要(下)』
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