Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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Dear Dharma friends,

To allow our English speaking followers to understand better the teachings of Master Lu, our centre will conduct the next Dharma sharing session on:

Date: 26th July, Sunday

Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Venue: 95, Tanjong Pagar Road, 4th level

Tel: 62222603

1. Choices of Life
2. Reasons For Not Seeing Improvement After Practising Buddhism
3. Symptoms Experienced While Doing Recitations
4. Testimonial on practising Guanyin Citta Dharma Door
5. Q&A

Note: Decent dress code (long pants, no skirt, low-cut designs, bare-back or sleeveless blouse).

Thank you with metta,
Oriental Radio Practice Centre
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Wenda20150329A 24:20min


Lady Listener: How are you Master? Please pardon me, as I am not sure if my question involved dream interpretation or Totem enquiry. On a few occasions, my daughter dreamed that Guan Yin Bodhisattva visited our house. At present, we do not have any altar at home. Master Lu told her that we should set up an altar at home soonest. However, our current condition does not warrant us to do so. Master, please give us your advice.

Master Lu: I should be the one asking you this question! Bodhisattva had already asked you to set up an altar, and you refused because of your limitations? (It’s because this place is rented). You have the right to use a place that is rented, don’t you? Or, are you just finding excuses for yourself? (Perhaps, Master could help us determine where to place the altar?) Any place. It is best to place Bodhisattva in your heart! (I do offer heart incense daily). You are so hopeless! How much space would an altar possibly take up in one’s house? You are not ready to give up such a small space and choose not to have an altar? Bodhisattva has come to your house to protect you, and yet you want to chase her away. This is what you did, isn’t it? (I’m sorry). I feel so sorry for Bodhisattva. In the age of Dharma Decline, Bodhisattva told me that, “…most of them are busy earning a living, they do not have time to visit temples. As such, I will go to their house to protect them..” Here you are! refusing to set up an altar. This is such a trivial request. You are so hopeless. What else can I say? Those who do not cultivate diligently, when disaster strikes, they will be frantically seeking help from Bodhisattva, making efforts only at the 11th hour. (Master, can you give us your advice as to how we should go about setting up the altar?) Do your own set-up. There is no need to ask me. Once you have Bodhisattva in your heart, any place is a good place and vice-versa. Do you understand? (Thank you Master). When you have Master to reprimand you, you have a chance to eliminate your karmic debts. Do not regret one day, when it is too late, when disaster strikes. Do you understand? (Yes. I planned to set up the altar however, my husband is not agreeable, as he is worried the oil lamp or joss stick will affect the flooring). Buy a cupboard with a door, you may burn the incense with the door opened. Close the door when it is done. (We are to place Bodhisattva in the cupboard, and the table outside?) No, everything is to be placed inside. Regard the cupboard as a shrine. Do you understand? (Yes, so it should be made of glass?). No, not glass. One with doors, is more appropriate so that you can have the doors shut especially when couples have some intimate moments. (We plan to place in the children’s room, is that alright, as they are still very young). Yes, you may. How many children have you? (Three). In that case, it is still best to use a cupboard with doors. (I planned to put all three children into one room, and I use the other room especially for altar, so in such case, an altar with doors is still best?) Yes. (I understand now. Thank you Master, please forgive me). Remember to cultivate diligently. It is most unfortunate when one does not have a teacher to reprimand them. You have a Master now who has your welfare at heart, reprimanding you for your own good. Unfortunate things happen when there’s no one to tell you the right from wrong. Do you understand? (Yes, Master. Gratitude to you, Master).
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Every thought of us (good or bad) is known by heaven and hell.

Believe it or not is up to you 



——摘自《心念所扰宿业缠绕 》


——摘自《心念所扰宿业缠绕 》


——摘自《心念所扰宿业缠绕 》
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图腾7 - 亡人和蝙蝠灵性导致17岁女孩脑子出问题
Totem 7 - Mental Disorder Caused By Spirits Of Deceased And Bat
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Wenda20120415A 00:53











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● 今天跟大家讲牺牲小我、成全大我。牺牲小我就是说,忘记自己,心中一直想帮助别人,我们现在做人就是因为把自己想得太多了,所以就会忘记别人,牺牲小我就是让自己经常忘记自己的存在,他就不会骄傲,他就不会伤心、不会难过,被人家讲了,他也无所谓,因为他已经无我了。

● 成全大我就是怎么样让自己能够得到一种在境界上的提升,就是说我是大家的,我是为众生服务的,我自己没有什么了不起,我的一切都是为了众生而来,这样的话,你才会有善的念头出来,你才会有慈悲,你才会具足你的因缘。

● 具足你的因缘是什么意思呢?就是说,你才会拥有你所有的因缘。有时候人的因缘机会到了,如果你老想着自己,你就不会有慈悲心,如果你经常想着别人,你的心中就会慈悲。

● 修心、度人我们不要怕付出。我们现在很多人很怕付出,稍微让他做一点事情,马上说我没有时间啊,我很忙啊,我很累啊,应该做的事情也不做了,我很忙,你永远不会有空的,等到很多人躺在床上不能动的时候,你就永远有空了。

● 当一个人的功德具足,也就是说,他完全付出了,他不为自己着想的时候,菩萨一定会加持的,这就叫道理,所以,我们学佛人不要怕付出。
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Wenda20150717A 5745min


Male listener : Master, a dharma friend dreamed of you telling him, “the following are some crucial pointers that determine the value of Little House: 1. Whether the person reciting was on a vegetarian diet prior to recitation. Otherwise, the the Little House will be devalued by 10% - 15%. 2. Whether there was any tongue-lashing before performing recitation. For mild rebuke, the value will be reduced by 15%. As for serious ones it will go down by 80%. 3. One’s sincerity in reciting Eight-eight Buddhas Great Repentance Mantra as part of his homework: Those with low level of sincerity the value will be reduced by 15% - 25%. Master please enlighten us.

Master Lu : That is absolutely right! This is conveyed to me by Bodhisattva. Please make it known to all. Scolding others before recitation will reduce the value of Little House by 15%. (I understand, I will send this information out very soon. Thank you Master)
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《佛性广进智慧广发 慈心广度》 2015.06.27


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