Guan Yin Citta & Master Lu

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《 白话佛法广播讲座二十二控制业力,断除迷惑。用菩萨的境界,改变人间的境界。》






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Wenda20150424 57:00 没有缘分出去弘法度人该如何消业障


台长答:很简单,任何辅助的功德都会对自己修心有好处的。你 [ 度人 ] 也是帮助自己,[ 印书 ] 也是帮助自己,[ 放生 ] 也是帮助自己做功德修心的,都是好事。


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饭桶也好,水桶也好,垃圾桶也好,实际上木质都一样,桶也是一样,但因为装的东西不一样 ,所以招来不一样的对待。因此,人活在世上也是这样,虽然外表上都是一样,但因为内心不同,所以就造就了不同的待遇与人生。今天,我们把慈悲装进了心里,处处为别人着想,为别人分担痛苦与烦恼,将佛法带给他们利益众生,我们得到的将会是他们的尊敬与爱戴,一生快乐。


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2015-05-09 心灵彼岸


Wenda20141228B 09:14 菩萨对同修说“宿债已还清”

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Inspirational Stories 094 The Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Brought Hope to Us

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and to the merciful Master Lu! Deepest gratitude to the Dharma follower who is going to share her experience with us.

Since 10:30am, I have been distributing materials and DVDs regarding the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. By noon, I had distributed most of them. Even though it was snowing lightly, my whole morning was filled with Dharma bliss.

Later that day, I met a Dharma follower who wanted to share her experience. I visited her and wrote down everything she described. She said, “I have had cancer twice, undergone 3 surgeries, 1 minimal invasive, 12 rounds of chemotherapy and 35 rounds of radiotherapy within the last two years. Nothing can describe the amount of pain I have been though. Before I started practicing Buddhism, I felt hopeless and desperate.” In those days, she had no choice but to undergo those surgeries.

Thanks to the mercifulness of the Guan Yin Bodhisattva, she was introduced to the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and started to recite scriptures and Little Houses. Since then, her health has improved and she is now cancer free! She is living well and has established a positive attitude towards life. The pain we have suffered will probably be incomparable to hers.

Our New Year wish is to share her story to inspire more people. She said, “It was worth going through all that pain because it led me to Buddhism and the Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I now understand what I should do with the rest of my life”. I was deeply touched by her words. We have to live a meaningful life and always see that there is hope.

I hope everyone will keep Master Lu’s New Year enlightenment in mind.

We should take good care of our body, grow our wisdom and stay away from wrongdoings. We should try our best to save more people, repent for our sins, accumulate merits and cherish Buddhism and our life!

I would like all Dharma followers to cherish the Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Master Lu and the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door!
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Inspirational Stories 090 The Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Cured My Mother’s Stroke

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, to the merciful Master Lu, to the Dharma Defenders, and to all the senior followers at the secretariat of 2OR Oriental Radio.

I would like to share with you a miracle that recently happened in our family.

At around 4am on 10 September 2014, my younger sister called and told me that our mother suddenly had a stroke and she was not able to move or speak. My sister already called the ambulance and she wanted me to meet them at the hospital. Since this incident occurred earlier than 5am, I was not able to offer incense to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva. However, I recalled Master Lu saying that the Guan Yin Bodhisattva will hear us if we kowtow 13 times. Therefore, I kowtowed and made a vow that I would release 300 fishes for my mother and offer 21 Little Houses to her karmic creditors. I also prayed to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva to ask her to ease my mother’s pain and to help her regain her health quickly.

On my way to the hospital, I kept praying to the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and asking her for her blessing. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor advised us that we should send our mother to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as her life was in danger. Furthermore, we were told that strokes may lead to a series of sequelae and it may take 3 to 5 years for a patient to fully recover. At the time, we decided not to send our mother to the ICU. Instead, we decided that we would take care of her ourselves and therefore, we had to sign a declaration which stated that the hospital is not responsible for any medical consequences.

I felt really sad when I saw my mother lying in the bed, unable to speak or eat. I kept praying to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva for mercifully helping my mother and said that I would continue to be diligent in my Buddhist practice and be committed to propagating the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

Two days later, I performed life liberation as it rained the following day. At around 6am, I bought 230 fishes and released them. After I arrived at the hospital, my sister told me that our mother was able to speak, even though she still had some troubles understanding us. After I heard the good news, I was very delighted. I feel very grateful towards the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the merciful Master Lu.

The next day, I released another 100 fishes and after, our mother could understand what we were saying. She could also move her arms and legs. On the following days, I performed life liberation every morning and offered 21 Little Houses to my mother’s karmic creditors. My mother’s condition continued to improve and she was able to walk. Her doctor told us that it was a miracle since it was exceedingly rare for a stroke patient to recover so fast.

On 25 September (15 days later), my mother was discharged from the hospital and she showed no signs of having any sequelae. Due to this incident, both my older and younger sisters have developed faith in Buddhism. I will gradually introduce them to the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

Also, due to this incident, my faith in practicing Buddhism has strengthened. The senior followers around me were impressed and felt inspired by my family’s experience. I am deeply inspired by the amazing powers of the ‘Triple Gems’ (reciting scriptures, making vows and performing life liberation) of the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

I will continue to be perseverant in my Buddhist practice and introduce Buddhism to as many people as possible.

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, to the merciful Master Lu, to all the Dharma Defenders and senior followers at the secretariat of 2OR Oriental Radio!
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The following is an extract from “Metaphysics Q& A” radio program which aired on 20th April 2014.

The caller passed on some comments from a Tantrism cultivator — it was told the little house is able to repair and restore our souls. Master Lu endorsed and appreciated his opinion. It has really expressed the idea of ‘All roads lead to Rome’ in the cultivation of Buddhism.

Caller: Master, the power of little houses is so miraculous that they even can repair our souls. Because one’s soul can damage its energy field and further affect the person’s body.

Master Lu: Exactly! You really get it!

Caller: It was said by a friend who is a Tantrism cultivator. He has pursued quite a lot of study in Guanyin Citta Dharma Door.

Master Lu: There you go. Tantrism cultivator is studying our Guanyin Citta Dharma Door!

Caller: He is intelligent.

Master Lu: True! That is intelligent. There are millions of approaches in Buddhism learning, instead of attacking, we should acquire other’s strong points in order to make up our weaknesses. The same applies to doctors, they are here to cure sick people so no reason to compare with each other among different areas.

Caller: Yes, Master. He admires your philosophies.
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The conversation during “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” radio program which aired on 4th January 2011, raises awareness of the significance of practising the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. To encourage more people to be more diligent in their cultivation, Master Lu is able to examine the fate of an individual and also see the names of foreign spirits occupying their body. Master Lu’s talent is exhibited in the extract below.


Master Lu: Hello!

Caller: Hello! I am from Qingdao Province. Can you please have a look to see if there are any karmic obstacles and foreign spirits occupying my body? I was born in 1938, the year of the Tiger.

Master Lu: You are in a better state than before. But you have to be cautious, as you have problems with your stomach.

Caller: Yes.
Master Lu: Also your lower back.

Caller: Yes.
Master Lu: You have problems with your joints.

Caller: Yes.

Master Lu: Also, one of your arms is always sore. Do you understand?

Caller: En, I understand.
Master Lu: Due to the soreness in your arm, you often cannot lift it.

Caller: En. Are there any foreign spirits occupying my body?

Master Lu: There is one spirit occupying your neck and it looks like it is either your mother or your mother-in-law. Let me have a closer look to see who it is. She has a bit of a hunchback and often wears a hat in winter. Who is she?

Caller: I have no idea.

Master Lu: She is not very tall and not that chubby. Let me have a look to see what her name is…does she have a word “HUA” in her name.

Caller: She has a “HUA”…I know who she is.

Master Lu: Anyone?

Caller: Yes, yes, yes! Master, you are so amazing! So how many Little Houses do I have to recite for her?

Master Lu: 11 Little Houses. She is the one who is causing you to feel pain in your neck.
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2012 Hong Kong Dharma Function – Extraordinary Case 09

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Hong Kong 2012. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties with their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person are to be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name are to be stated.

A 4 year-old child with cerebral palsy could not speak or walk. Master Lu was very merciful and compassionate, and pointed out that there was a powerful foreign spirit occupying this child’s body. The wrongdoings committed during the child’s previous lives had caused the karmic fruits that the child is experiencing in this life. Master Lu particularly instructed parents that when young children have fever, it should be taken seriously. This would be the time when foreign spirits attempt to enter children’s bodies.


Master Lu: Alright. You may ask now.

Enquirer: Hi Master Lu, my daughter was born in 2007, Year of the Pig. When she was 9 months old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Now she’s four and a half. Can’t talk, can’t walk.

Master Lu: Is it the child that you‘re holding now?

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: Ah. So unfortunate. What year was she born?

Enquirer: 2007, Year of the Pig.

Master Lu: Cerebral palsy?

Enquirer: Yes.

Master Lu: 2007. Ah. Her souls and spirits are not complete. Oh. How about this… It will be difficult for this child to live to an old age. Do you understand? Please don’t be upset. I can only see two methods. First one is to perform a large amount of Life Liberation as soon as possible. Do you understand? The other one is to perform the Recalling of Souls and Spirits, so that her souls and spirits would return to her body. You need at least 1300 Little Houses. Wait until you finish reciting 1300 Little Houses, and see if there are any changes in her condition. What I can see now is that the foreign spirit occupying her brain is not an ordinary one. It’s a powerful one, like… The spirit on her body is similar to a deity. Do you understand?

Enquirer: I understand.

Master Lu: This deity would often cause her to, um… Sometimes she would cry, and say some strange things afterwards. Sometimes she gets sick and has a fever continuously.

Enquirer: She has been constantly having fever since she was six and a half months old.

Master Lu: Remember…

Enquirer: She has been having a fever every second week.

Master Lu: Let me tell you something. In this world, whenever there’s a foreign spirit trying to enter someone’s body… Please be sure to remember that, when children are having fever, you must take it seriously. When a foreign spirit intends to occupy a child’s body, it will first cause the child to have fever. Once the child has a fever… When the child has lost consciousness, and is not in control of the mind, the foreign spirit can then enter the child’s body. When the child is conscious, the foreign spirit can’t occupy the body. This is also why people who are drunk are susceptible to having foreign spirits entering their body. Do you see? When you are not drunk, foreign spirits can’t enter your body. When you are drunk, you lose control of your mind, then foreign spirits can enter your body. Do you understand? When you drink, don’t get drunk. Alright. If you want to invite this deity to leave, you would need at least 1000 Little Houses. Also, you need to recite the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen) continuously. You need to recite this at least 5 times per day. Do you understand? This is because this child committed wrongdoings in her previous lives. Alright?

Enquirer: What about the Daily Recitation that I should perform for her?

Master Lu: Now you should recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 49 times per day for her. The Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance (Li Fo Ta Chan Hui Wen), like I just said, 5 times per day. The Heart Sutra (Hsin Ching) 49 times per day. Alright? The most important thing is Little Houses. Alright?

Enquirer: Thank you.

Master Lu: Okay.
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Inspirational Stories 083 I Regained My Health in Less Than Four Months after Practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door

Recently, I communicated with a Dharma follower who started practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door four months ago and as a result, she experienced drastic changes in her life. I would like to share with everyone her experience, which will hopefully inspire more people to practice the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door.

“I am 52 years old and my birthday is on the nineteenth day of the sixth lunar month, which is also the Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day. My mother said that I was born on a good day but I did not know why since I frequently got sick even though I had not committed any wrong doings. My mother enquired a fortune teller, who predicted that I would die at the age of 48.

Before practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, my body was very week and I had already undergone three thyroid gland surgeries. The third surgery was performed when I was 32 years old and they removed the whole thyroid gland so I could avoid getting cancer. As a result, I had to take medicine to maintain the internal secretion.

My father committed a lot of killings and he died ten years ago after he fell over. Since then, I have been quite sick as I was diagnosed with problems in my heart, trachea and internal secretion system. I found it quite hard to walk when my illness became quite severe. I experienced heart stoppage every several minutes and I needed to take several rests when I went out to buy groceries. I could not cook and could only take small sips of water. In March this year, I went in for a drip at the hospital because of a cold and it took me one hour to walk home (it would only take 10 minutes on average). For ten years, I have had health problems and this caused me to think that I had a tiring and exhausting life.

Before practicing the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, I believed in Buddhism but I did not recite any scriptures. However, I sometimes recited the holy names of Buddhas. My mother said I would have died a long time ago if I had not believed in Buddhism. Since my mother and siblings all practiced the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, I gradually became familiar with it. In the beginning, I helped my mother to recite scriptures when she asked me. On 29 July 2014, my mother asked me to visit the local Guan Yin Tang with her and my siblings. I took a cab there and when I walked to level two, I was already out of breath. A senior follower tried to speak to me as soon as I walked in but I told them I needed to rest first. She told me that if I recited Little Houses, it would save my life. Since both my mother and siblings were all there, out of politeness I agreed to recite a Little House. I recited one Little House and burnt it straight after. Amazingly, straight after I burnt the Little House, I was able to drink a glass of water without taking small sips and I was able to walk home without any difficulties! From then on, I started to recite scriptures and Little Houses and also performed life liberations on the first day of each lunar month. I have now finished reciting over a hundred Little Houses.

Since I started to practice the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door four months ago, I have experienced drastic changes in my life. My face now looks much healthier and I am able to carry heavy items while I walk home. I no longer suffer from heart stoppage and I am able to do quite a bit of housework. My whole family is quite impressed by the magical power of the Little Houses and is delighted to see that my health has improved drastically. The Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is real and I will continue to practice it with great diligence and perseverance.

Deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, to the merciful Master Lu and to all the senior Dharma followers who have helped me!”
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