Obituary to Curtis Montgomery (Wallstraits)

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But the obituary webpage said wife is named Janet after going back USA. Does this means he divorced Kathy and remarried
RIP Sage.

I benefited greatly from Wallstraits as well. Was just getting my feet wet in late '07 and Wallstraits was the one place that kept most of us who were starting out grounded despite the madness in '08. I don't really remember much of Sage's postings but if it weren't for him, the community wouldn't have existed and VB wouldn't be the same VB it is today.

His book is also a nice read for someone getting started. I have two copies of "Building a perfect portfolio"- one I bought and one I got free after I signed up for access to the more premium part of the forum (didn't help me much but I guess I was less experienced and was looking for a crutch).

Anyhow, keeping VB a great forum for discussion on the fundamentals of SGX listed stocks (and hopefully in time to come, regional) is the best thing we can do to keep Sage's legacy alive.

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