Viz Branz

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This Mr Poh is very interesting. Apparently, he made lots of money from Viz Branz but he probably will lost lots of money on ASA group. His recent purchase in San Teh is again giving him good profits.
The latest announcement (dated 6Oct10) shows that Ben Chng added another 5,908 lots on 4Oct10 and 5Oct10, at between $0.295 and $0.30, raising his personal shareholding in Viz Branz to 46.9426%.....

It looks like his desire for Viz Branz is insatiable. He knows better than anyone the true value of the business, and how much he can eventually sell his shares for. If I were in his shoes, I would need a big potential upside to move me to buy in volume at the current historical high prices.
The latest announcement (dated 8Oct10, Friday) shows that Ben Chng added another 3,432 lots on 6Oct10 and 7Oct10, and paid between $0.305 and $0.31, raising his personal shareholding in Viz Branz to 47.9129%.....

Is Ben Chng planning to make Viz Branz his personal subsidiary by crossing the 50% mark soon?
Today's announcement says that Ben Chng added another 3,650 lots on 8Oct10 and 11Oct10 (yesterday) and paid between $0.31 and $0.315, and his direct shareholding now stands at 48.9445 %.....
goodness, tat's about SGD$1 million per day! :O
He's going to privatised it or give out HUGE dividends for himself!
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
yesterday there is an announcement about sales of vizbranz shares from this guy mr Poh Choo Bin From 5.0039 % To 4.6258 %
The just released FY10 (ended 30Jun10) AR makes very interesting reading.....$FILE/viz%20branz%20SGX.pdf

Based on the improving financial performance in the last few years, it is quite clear Viz Branz's management has been making great efforts to raise the profitability of the core instant beverage business.
Today's announcement says that Ben Chng added another 3,996 lots on 12Oct10 and 13Oct10 (yesterday) and paid between $0.30 and $0.305, and his direct shareholding now stands at 50.0743%.....

I think it is relevant to note that together with the 23.2069% held by his father Chng Khoon Peng (Group Executive Chairman), plus another approx. 0.336% under his remainding 1,200,000 warrants yet to be converted..... [17Sep10 announcement on shares] [17Sep10 announcement on remaining warrants]
, and another approx. 5.2% held by his sister Chng Soo Yeian and other directors who can be assumed as parties acting in concert with the Chng family, we have a situation now that the Chng family's control over Viz Branz is already close to 79%.

I think it is getting more and more interesting for the remaining public minority shareholders!
Looks like they want to take the company private. Will they screw minority shareholders by paying a crappy price?

What is character of Ben Chng and family like, are they honorable folks?

Chng Koon Peng sold 420 lots at 30.5 cents on 19 Oct on the open market

Wonder what's going on. Is he just rebalancing his portfolio or else are they sending mixed signals with Father selling and Son buying?

By selling at 30.5 cents now, if they really want to privatise, he's probably going to have to pay more for the same 420 lots back in a GO.

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