Viz Branz

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In some countries, the sale channels are quite fragmented. There are many little provision shops, mama shops, 7-eleven and minimarts around the country.

In order to bring your products to the whole countries, it may be necessary to tap on those that have a wide distribution network.

Lam Soon, being a daily neccesities' provider(cooking oil, detergent, soaps etc), has the distribution network in place. To Viz branz, it makes sense to tap on Lam Soon network to distribute its products rather than building your own network(vans, trucks, sales teams, warehouses.. etc)

For Lam Soon, it helps to reduce their cost of operating their distribution networks.

i see...thanks for e Lam Soon is just like QAF which has its own distribution sub, Ben Food (Pte) Ltd?

I thought the Singapore equivalent is the PSC.

Most of the minimarts in Singapore are stocked up by them.
Certainly, Super and Viz Branz do not have the best teh tarik, as theirs are all 3-in-1. For the matter, not even Malaysia - the supposedly "king" of teh tarik - can claim it any more!.....Enjoy this.....
Shareholders and those interested to find out more about Viz Branz's very well-established instant cereal business in PRC can review the wide range of cereal products being marketed by the PRC subsidiary from its website.....

From the website's homepage, we can go review the other asepcts of the business in PRC - including the current promotions and advertising videos.
Just checked my bank account this morning and noted a very nice credit from Viz Branz's $0.0075/share Final dividend for FY10 (ended 30Jun10) - the 4th and last dividend payment for the FY. Feeling great!

For those who are into arts, you may be pleased to know Viz Branz is a continuous sponsor for the just ended Dansfestival......
and the coming Huayi festival.....
Free tickets are available through participating in the lucky draws..
Those who like or consume Viz Branz products - "Cafe 21" 2-in-1 instant coffeemix, "CappaRoma" 3-in-1 instant coffeemix, "Gold Roast" coffeemixes, etc. - may be interested to know that there is currently a promotion going on at FairPrice supermarkets. Do take advantage of the lower prices and save!

Viz Branz, as a sponsor, is also giving away free tickets to 200 lucky music lovers for the coming Mosaic Music Festival to be held 11 -20 Mar2011.....
An interesting article in WSJ this week talking about how nutritional food and vitamins are taking off in China as more and more Chinese become diabetic and are more aware of their health standards.

Although Viz only has exposure to 4 provinces, hopefully they can stand to benefit some from this long term trend.

Btw anyone knows their market share vs Quaker Oats?

On 17Dec10 (last Friday), Viz Branz issued an announcement that its PRC-based flexible packaging subsidiary, Shantou Oriental Packaging Industry Co., Ltd ("SOPI") - which is re-locating its operations to new premises - has contracted to sell its old factory premises for Rmb 7.9m (vs. BV of Rmb 7.76m, and recent professional valuation of Rmb7.3m), in cash.....

More info on SOPI.....
Among the 3 listed (on SGX) local producers of instant beverages, I believe Viz Branz is the only one possessing its own in-house supply capability for the critical flexible packaging materials, which is also efficient enough to sell or supply to external 3rd-party customers on a selective basis.

I wonder if Viz Branz would again declare another special 'hong pao' interim dividend in conjunction with the coming CNY, just like what the company did in last FY.....
(21-12-2010, 11:12 AM)dydx Wrote: More info on SOPI.....
Among the 3 listed (on SGX) local producers of instant beverages, I believe Viz Branz is the only one possessing its own in-house supply capability for the critical flexible packaging materials, which is also efficient enough to sell or supply to external 3rd-party customers on a selective basis.

hi dydx, for my education, are the listed three Super, Viz and FE? tks

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