Foreland Fabrictech

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(15-09-2014, 09:24 AM)sgmystique Wrote: Status update:

We have started getting signatures on our petition to the SGX regarding the happenings at Foreland.

I would like to request as many shareholders as possible to come forward and join us in our efforts to get answers to all our queries (these are detailed in the letter we have drafted out which is attentioned to the SGX). The number of shares you own is not important but YOUR SIGNATURES ON OUR PETITION ARE!!!
I would request you to send me a private message with your contact details and I can bring the letter which we are signing across to you.

We are planning to SUBMIT OUR PETITION TO THE SGX LATEST BY FRIDAY (19th September). Please appreciate that we need to have a sense of URGENCY on this matter before the value of our investments comes down to ZERO!

I would appreciate the support of as many Foreland shareholders as possible. Please remember WE HAVE TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS OURSELVES. IF WE CONTINUE REMAINING SILENT PEOPLE CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING THEY WISH!!!

Do let me know if you have any queries that I can assist you with.


(06-09-2014, 07:08 AM)sgmystique Wrote: Dear Valuebuddies,

This is an earnest request. If you know of any Foreland shareholders (No matter how small, Foreland has more than 1100 individual shareholders. I met up with just 7 of them at the AGM) please ask them to contact me/ send me a private message.

We are a small group of exisiting shareholders who feel quiet genuinely aggrieved by all that has happened. We are hoping to get as many shareholders together as possible and give it our best shot to get any WRONGS done to us set RIGHT.

We are willing to put in as much time and effort as is required to get this done. You can be assured of that.

Please find outlined our plan of action (with timelines):

1. Prepare a detailed letter (Max of 2 pages) addressed to
(a) SGX
(b) SIAS

Timeline: To be done by 7th September 2014 (Sunday)

2. Fix meeting in Tanglin Mall for shareholders to sign the letter to SGX and SIAS

Timeline: 14th September 2014 (Sunday)

3. Submit duly signed letter (By as many shareholders as possible) personally/ by e-mail/ by courier to:
(a) SGX
(b) SIAS

Timeline: By 21st September 2014 (Sunday)

4. Write to Straits Times & Business Times Forum

Timeline: By 21st September (Sunday)

5. Plan a meeting of all shareholders after the submission of letter to the SGX/ SIAS as well as efforts in publicising the case through the local media.

Timeline: By 28th September (Sunday)

6. Make a physical representation to the SGX by visiting them (In case there is no reply to our complaint letter)

Timeline: By 3rd October (Friday)
Responsibility: As many shareholders of Foreland as possible.

We have already started work on Point 1 and we would like to make sure that the action plan detailed above is carried out by the timelines indicated.

Do wish us luck Smile

I would like to lend my support to your action even though I am already resigned to the fate of this counter and am cursing those pathetic crooks from China who seem to be able get away with daylight robbery esp with SGX turning a blind eye to their shenanigans. So instead of remaining passive, the least I can do is to lend you my support. Good Luck !!!
Hi hurricane,

You seem to be in the same boat as a lot of us. It would be a big help if you can also sign up the petition that we have prepared.

Please let me know when/ where I can meet up with you and get your signatures. (You can send me a private message with your personal contact details)


(15-09-2014, 12:53 PM)hurricane Wrote: I would like to lend my support to your action even though I am already resigned to the fate of this counter and am cursing those pathetic crooks from China who seem to be able get away with daylight robbery esp with SGX turning a blind eye to their shenanigans. So instead of remaining passive, the least I can do is to lend you my support. Good Luck !!!
"You are right not because the world agrees or disagrees with you, rather you are right because your facts & reasoning are right."
Not sure how to send a private message....
Hi Friends,

We have been able to get a few signatures on our petition to the SGX Smile


Please pass the word around to those you know. We plan to submit the letter to SGX latest by this Friday (19th September) and as you will appreciate the more support we have the better the impact it will have on the exchange to DO SOMETHING TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS and BRING THE CROOKS TO THE TABLE!!!

"You are right not because the world agrees or disagrees with you, rather you are right because your facts & reasoning are right."
Status Update:

We personally submitted our petition requesting an investigation into the happenings at Foreland to the SGX yesterday (19th Sep 2014). They have promised to take a look at our petition and respond back to us, hopefully by the 3rd October (2 weeks).

We could gather 6 shareholders of Foreland who collectively own slightly more than 2% of equity in the company to sign on the petition. My sincere thanks to hurricane who was the only one from who responded to my appeal to fight the apparent wrong doings at the company Smile

I was a little disappointed to find a very lukewarm response to my request for fellow shareholders to join in this fight. Either we have been unable to reach out to the right set of people (shareholders of Foreland who as per the AR 2013 number more than 1100) or people have decided to accept the happenings at Foreland without a fight!

Anyways, we have decided to take this quest to get to the truth to a logical conclusion. If any other valuebuddies feel like joining the fight please send me a private message with your e-mail address and contact numbers and I shall respond back asap.

I will keep posting the latest updates and I hope this encourages more people to step forward to set a TERRIBLE WRONG, RIGHT!!!


(16-09-2014, 07:54 AM)sgmystique Wrote: Hi Friends,

We have been able to get a few signatures on our petition to the SGX Smile


Please pass the word around to those you know. We plan to submit the letter to SGX latest by this Friday (19th September) and as you will appreciate the more support we have the better the impact it will have on the exchange to DO SOMETHING TO PROTECT OUR RIGHTS and BRING THE CROOKS TO THE TABLE!!!

"You are right not because the world agrees or disagrees with you, rather you are right because your facts & reasoning are right."
Hi Sgmystique,

My comments: Yes, valuebuddies is not a good forum to extend your outreach. Many here are not owners or were past owners (who divested from Foreland upon realizing our folly).

Should you require a greater outreach to Foreland shares in a re appeal, I would recommend posting on, nextinsight, or even HWZ. The members there are less inclined to value analyse and sift out between the clean and dirty S-Chips. No offence to these forums. Its just my personal observation as I do screen through the 3 forums (except HWZ) on a daily basis.

Link for sharejunction (foreland thread):
It is indeed unfortunate to be in such a situation.

I myself own share of Fibrechem, which had been suspended since Feb 25, 2009 and there isn't a single update since Sept 2012.

While I had mentally prepared that I wouldn't get a single cents back from it, and had the invested amount write off. I would prefer that there is at least a formal closure, but it seems not happening / not going to happen anytime soon.
Hi starcraft_76,

Why don't you buy 10 lots of Foreland and join us in our fight.

You will be surprised to know that when we went to the SGX to personally hand deliver our protest letter, reception said this was THE FIRST TIME ANY INVESTOR HAD PERSONALLY COME DOWN TO SUBMIT SUCH A LETTER. And this after the countless millions or should I say billions that have been swindled from Singapore investors over the years...

They infact took 15 minutes to find out whom they should forward the letter to Smile

I am personally conviced that we are on the right path and we need more people who think the same to join us. Forgive me for getting a little philosophical but there is a saying in Hindi:

"Boond boond sagar bhare". It means ” The Sea (In this case it would mean our efforts to get justice) is Filled One Drop at a Time”. Work on things a little each day and eventually you’ll be amazed at what you have over time.

Hope to have you with us on this journey Smile


(20-09-2014, 11:02 PM)starcraft_76 Wrote: It is indeed unfortunate to be in such a situation.

I myself own share of Fibrechem, which had been suspended since Feb 25, 2009 and there isn't a single update since Sept 2012.

While I had mentally prepared that I wouldn't get a single cents back from it, and had the invested amount write off. I would prefer that there is at least a formal closure, but it seems not happening / not going to happen anytime soon.
"You are right not because the world agrees or disagrees with you, rather you are right because your facts & reasoning are right."
Hi CY09,

Thanks a lot for your suggestion Smile

I made the posting on Sharejunction yesterday and I already have 2 more shareholders who have responded saying they want to join the fight.

Will do nextinsight today.


(20-09-2014, 01:33 PM)CY09 Wrote: Hi Sgmystique,

My comments: Yes, valuebuddies is not a good forum to extend your outreach. Many here are not owners or were past owners (who divested from Foreland upon realizing our folly).

Should you require a greater outreach to Foreland shares in a re appeal, I would recommend posting on, nextinsight, or even HWZ. The members there are less inclined to value analyse and sift out between the clean and dirty S-Chips. No offence to these forums. Its just my personal observation as I do screen through the 3 forums (except HWZ) on a daily basis.

Link for sharejunction (foreland thread):
"You are right not because the world agrees or disagrees with you, rather you are right because your facts & reasoning are right."

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