Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (Holdings)

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(31-05-2014, 05:26 PM)desmondxyz Wrote:
(31-05-2014, 05:03 PM)CityFarmer Wrote:
(31-05-2014, 01:29 AM)Greenrookie Wrote: ...
So, I guess we have 3 scenarios

1) case dismissed after legal challenge or investigation

2) Ren gets away with the alleged illegal profits confiscation and a fine. No criminal prosecution.

3) Ren gets criminal persecution and company is banned from
Involving in HTM trades.

So whether YZJ is a steal or falling knife depends on which is the likely scenario. If it is 1), u get a smart rebound.

2) impact is hard to justify

3) will mean a very severe write down in the company's HtM assets.

Will trading be halt pending the 3 outcomes is anyone guess.

I don't intent to read from 3rd parties news reports. Speculative news reports are in high demand now. Big Grin

I do focus on direct comments from related parties. May be one article in ST today, which the reporter has directly clarified with YZJ CFO.

Would you mind posting the article here for the benefit of fellow valuebuddies?

It is ST article, the content is the same as GG post #399 on CIMB. Obviously the source of the info is same for ST news reporter.
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
avoid S-Chips at all cost, YZJ will likely to be a Sinking Ship for sure
why pay 8 times earnings for so much risk
when you can pay 12 times earning for kep corp semb corp?
Mr. Buffett's quote of "Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful” is easy to understand, but difficult to execute. Big Grin

I don't intent to convince anyone here.

I am listening, and always re-examining my YZJ story with new input(s). Some are pure noises, some have their valid point, but clearly biased, some good experiences were shared.

I will still stick to my story. I might not be right, and hopefully it can be a successful case of "Greedy When Others Are Fearful" Big Grin
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
cant imagine him staying in hotel81..just read the article
The three agreements that were signed between 成清波 and 任元林.


As a listed company, can these kind of agreements be signed without informing the rest of the shareholders?

The main accusation is based on the following paragraph:
Quote:甲方: 成清波
乙方: 任元林

极配合;对于天津国恒 2013 年度财务决算和财务会计报告书编制必须有乙方人
员参加并会签,同时甲方必须确保天津国恒 2013 年度盈利和在经乙方同意的情
权利。另外,如果标的股票股价连续 3 个交易日下跌,或跌至 1.5 元/股以下,乙
Thanks for above posting, my understanding is that 成清波 want to expose this scheme and perish(同归于尽) with 任元林. Since this is illegal, both of them will be punished, right?

(31-05-2014, 08:52 PM)HoHo Wrote: Bro GG, of course they tell you don't be alarmed, how you expect them to shoot their own foot? Wink Around half of yzj net profit came from structured products, this segment is bound for BIG TROUBLE. 50% is alot especially the China govt already wanted to clamp down such illegal lending practice.
(31-05-2014, 02:39 PM)Nick Wrote: http://nextinsight.net/index.php/story-a...-high-life

(Not Vested)

I cannot help but wonder at how young the CFO was (33 years old in 2009). A quick search revealed that she joined as deputy CFO in June 2008. She must have had some connections or simply a wunderkid, to become CFO of a 1.5billion market cap company at a pretty tender age of 33 years old.

I have to once again declared that I have no Vested Interests and my aging experience may no longer be relevant to the current market dynamics as the current analysts may have visited YZJ's facilities and have a better understanding than a expired desktop analyst.

I had a good review of the latest annual report 2013:

i) earnings at YZJ peaked in 2011 but dividends have been maintained, hence payout has risen
ii) strangely enough, earnings and asset exposure from financing activities have risen and management has clearly indicated that they will continue to raise exposure in this area with tighten risk management. In addition, they have also diversified into real estate development
iii) on point ii), one can stretch their imaginations that the strategies is somewhat similar to say a Keppel Corp here. However, I urged caution here since Keppel's conglomerate and diversified activities were build up within Singapore's colonial based legal framework. China in my mind has their own legal system which continues to evolve but remains quite confusing to many foreigners. Anyway for info, Keppel Corp got into banking as it was the last Singapore Inc to be issued with a banking license (even HL Group failed to secure one) while Keppel Land was formerly known as Straits Steamship and was acquired with a little history behind.

As in previous threads in recent months, there were already red flags on the state of China ship building industry - Rongshen, Cosco and even JES - all reporting very tough conditions due mainly to excess capacity in China and rising labour costs. As it stands, YZJ is a bright spot in a sea of "red" and hence it is quite natural for analysts covering the stock to accord it favourable ADD/BUY ratings.

However, in view of the declining net profits since 2011 (notwithstanding sustained dividend payout) and its strong diversifications into non-core businesses such as financing (very likely shadow banking style financing) and property development (on macro basis not view positively), it is sufficient "Red Flags" to GG.

I do not think there is anything wrong to make money from the corporate point. However, diversification usually come about as a result of toughening conditions within the traditional core. To add to the concerns, to be involved in financing without "proper licensing" or mainstream "banking license" can be a high risks activity. Since the rates being charged are high to compensate for the risks involved, there is no stopping from authorities to clamp down such legalise activities should it be deemed to against social harmony or deemed to encroach the traditional banking businesses.

I really don't know since China is so big and my mind has been badly poisoned by all sorts of bad news from China in recent memory.

I maintain my call: Extreme caution warranted.

Not Vested
(31-05-2014, 10:31 PM)yeokiwi Wrote: The three agreements that were signed between 成清波 and 任元林.


As a listed company, can these kind of agreements be signed without informing the rest of the shareholders?

The main accusation is based on the following paragraph:
Quote:甲方: 成清波
乙方: 任元林

极配合;对于天津国恒 2013 年度财务决算和财务会计报告书编制必须有乙方人
员参加并会签,同时甲方必须确保天津国恒 2013 年度盈利和在经乙方同意的情
权利。另外,如果标的股票股价连续 3 个交易日下跌,或跌至 1.5 元/股以下,乙

Hi YeoKiwi and CF,

I read through the original agreement: (the 046 report)

the terms of conditions include (pg 6)

There is condition of secrecy, hence minority shareholder are not awared. Hmm... Isn't 成清波 shooting himself?


If that is the case, the third accusation (三)涉嫌侵犯上市公司独立运作
Doesn't hold, isn't it?
They are making a loss

Company suspended on 5 May

Also, since the shares are transferred to TaiXingLiyuan, TXLY is effectively the biggest shareholder with management rights, but because 成清波 has the rights to repurchase the shares, TXLY thereby gave management rights to 成清波 and co, subjected to various conditions, apparently, the profitability and no suspension conditions are not meet.

The crux of the argument is insider trading, the buying of shares after the agreement is sealed. I read the document a few times, I couldn't find a clause that stated YZJ cannot buy more of Tianjin GuoHeng Railway.

Also, the harsh conditions of profitability, no lower than $1.5 etc, are merely conditions, does it constitute as insider info? There is no guarantee of profits.


Accusation 4 (Above)is even more bewildering.
将标的股票以大宗交易方式过户至泰兴市力元投资有限公司。 (pg8)

I assume 大宗交易 means married deal, that was agreed during the supplement contract, when TXLY come into the picture.


I am not a lawyer, but if I can find so many question marks, it does not seem like Ren will just lose the legal battle when it starts.

(Divested, but still interested)
life goes in cycles, predictable yet uncontrollable; just like the markets, but markets give you a second chance
Bro GR, things are not so simple, now 成清波 want to expose this scheme and perish(同归于尽) with 任元林, 成清波 himself is a very trustworthy confession and powerful witness against 任元林. Don't see everything from this piece of agreement. Both men may go to jail.

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