Frasers Cpt (FCL)'s moderation discussion

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Moderator log:

As promised, I have deleted all posts on the topic. I will continue to do so. I do sense there is still valid doubt, thus a moderator log below

Q: There are numerous praises in this thread, which are baseless or speculations. But I did not see any warning?

The key reason to ban a baseless accusation, is due to the unfair non-recoverable damages done. I seldom, or never heard of non-recoverable damages done by praises. Due to limited resources, we focus on baseless accusations, more than baseless praises. The praises were normally rebutted by buddies if they were truely baseless.

Moderator CF
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
(15-10-2014, 03:10 PM)CityFarmer Wrote:
(15-10-2014, 02:56 PM)freedom Wrote: What I am questioning is the basis for baseless accusation?

How about constant assertion that the company will do this or do that, won't do this or that? What is base?

Will "never has his interest been to reward minority shareholders." be baseful if the commenter mentioned anything about what FCL has done in the past? After all, FCL had done a lot of things. right or wrong, is judged by what or who? What is exactly baseless?

Like "FCL has taken debt to acquire AustraLand, so never has his interest been to reward minority shareholders"?

"FCL has listed its hospitality assets together with assets from Charoen's private holdings, so Charoen only interested in making himself rich"?

Are any of the statement above baseful or baseless?

Judgement call required to determine. Typical inputs for the judgement is base on historical posts, the context the post was posted and various other factors.

The level of moderation will also depend. In this case, a pre-warning was issued, rather an an official warning with record.

It might go into endless argument on the judgement. Let's get other moderators to vet it. If the vet is OK, the case will close. Further post on this matter will be removed till other moderators' comment.

Cyclone and Kazukirai, please comment

Moderator CF
Good evening CityFarmer, Moderators and everyone.

A bit off topic.

convince and convince.

We should keep it simple and not play with words. Capitalizing the first three letters will invite unnecessary trouble. Tycoon has a lot of cash but only one reputation. Please take a look at fragrance group thread a post by GG dated 19/9, #62. Goodnight.<not vested here and there>
Not a call to Buy or Sell

Mr Bump: All I Can Smell Is My FEAR
I did not know some high flyer's reputation will be damaged by this forum. So instead of keeping view balanced, more resources focus on protecting reputation of someone who almost has no knowledge of this forum whatsoever.

Singing baseless praise has more damage to everyone visiting this forum more than any reputation damage as investors are misled by baseless praise. What to do? Do your own diligence? What about misinformation? Misrepresentation?

Maybe we ought to protect someone who we don't know and does not know us, instead of everyone coming here to seek information.

Instead of long argument, I would prefer the moderator's advice being "please back your assertion". After all, are the accusation out of logics?

(16-10-2014, 08:27 AM)freedom Wrote: I did not know some high flyer's reputation will be damaged by this forum. So instead of keeping view balanced, more resources focus on protecting reputation of someone who almost has no knowledge of this forum whatsoever.

Singing baseless praise has more damage to everyone visiting this forum more than any reputation damage as investors are misled by baseless praise. What to do? Do your own diligence? What about misinformation? Misrepresentation?

Maybe we ought to protect someone who we don't know and does not know us, instead of everyone coming here to seek information.

Instead of long argument, I would prefer the moderator's advice being "please back your assertion". After all, are the accusation out of logics?

Bro Freedom,

I have read through the whole argument between some of our value-buddies and your good self which I sort of learnt a lot from.

Quite obvious, there is someone out there - a suspected ex-value buddies who is trying to strike an imbalance in our VB society. He is moving around in sheath, putting up with one liner which is very damaging to our own VB social fabric. Our moderator thus far has been doing a very good job in helping us move the discussions and I support his move to challenge baseless comments. We never know who will be reading our forum and trust me, it might be too late if we don't put a stop to all these comments. I have seen forums closing down due to all these irresponsible post.

As fellow value investor, we should focus on the fundamental of our investments and forum related - good piece of information " Important sharings " I like VB forum as almost everyone is free to challenge and make comments if there might be misinterpretation whatsoever. I sincerely hope this to carry on.

Fellow value buddies, I believe we are all much better than all this bickering and commenting on something very trivial. Let's move on to more constructive posts and engage this upcoming interesting correction. Personally I hope our VB forum would still be around and going strong for many financial cycles to come, as I have learnt and benefited a lot learning from all learned buddies.


From a very concerned VB,
I second that. Let's move on. I have benefited from this forum due to the constructive debate and information provided by VBs like GG, etc.. I'm guilty of not providing any info due to my work and traveling but hope to do so soon..
Winston Churchill:-
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see."
(16-10-2014, 08:27 AM)freedom Wrote: I did not know some high flyer's reputation will be damaged by this forum. So instead of keeping view balanced, more resources focus on protecting reputation of someone who almost has no knowledge of this forum whatsoever.

Singing baseless praise has more damage to everyone visiting this forum more than any reputation damage as investors are misled by baseless praise. What to do? Do your own diligence? What about misinformation? Misrepresentation?

Maybe we ought to protect someone who we don't know and does not know us, instead of everyone coming here to seek information.

Instead of long argument, I would prefer the moderator's advice being "please back your assertion". After all, are the accusation out of logics?


Moderator's comment:

The key isn't whether the Towkays care or aware. The key is what should be the right thing to do as a responsible forum. Doing the right things for the forum, do matter to me, as moderator in this forum. I might not have done it perfectly, but it is one of my self-imposed KPI.

“勿以恶小而为之” (Translation: Don't do wrong things though they may be insignificant)

Backing of assertion? I have done it. We have full vote of moderator team on the assertion. Further explanation has been given in previous post in this thread. You might have different opinion, but it is final, and no further backing required. Otherwise we might need a full-paid moderator job to cater for months-long appealing proceedings. Big Grin

We are doing further investigation on the matter, as we found abnormalities during the period. Further update will be disclosed in this thread after confirmation
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡

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