paullow portfolio

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Maybe not as i have quite a lot of steng n stamland bought at lower average price than now. I am looking at a few other counters n doing more research before deciding on whats best.
Thanks yeh.
hi paul. my average price for STE 3.74
stamford LD 0.595

not low, i wonder should i average down?
Hi yeh,
I think u need to consider
1)ur conviction of ste n sl
2)timeline of investm
3)other investment options
4)ur investm temperament
amongst others.
To ave down or not u need to consider ur own unique situation n curcumstancrs n then decide accordingly. If theres nothing or in delimma then it might be better to leave cash as cash
Paullow. I am curious. I think u are one of the few forummers interested in tcil. Tan chong recently invested in f&b industry ..

What are your thoughts on this development?


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hi thor666,

personally, i know of this outlet coming at the groundfloor of its queen's street property when i did my regular "rounds" some months ago, but i wasn't aware of the exact f&b business.

i think at the moment, this f&b outlet is probably too small to make any impact, compared to tcil motor and property segments. its just a small sideline. we just got to watch and see.

maybe i will visit that outlet when its open and have a bite there.

thanks for your question.

(13-11-2014, 12:54 PM)paullow Wrote: I think u need to consider
1)ur conviction of ste n sl
2)timeline of investm
3)other investment options
4)ur investm temperament
amongst others.
To ave down or not u need to consider ur own unique situation n curcumstancrs n then decide accordingly. If theres nothing or in delimma then it might be better to leave cash as cash

Greatx reply! Big Grin very seasoned investor indeed! Big Grin
This advice is sound and should be ask and answer by each investor by his/her-self, his/her-self only! Big Grin
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
cant view your blog.
(14-11-2014, 01:08 PM)yeh Wrote: paullow,
cant view your blog.

Hi yeh,

Try this:
Hi yeh

just google on
its there.

Nam lee added.
reason besides the usual pb, pe n div reasons, is that nam lee is mono dividend ie pays its lump sum dividend in march.
As discussed in my blog, i tend to divide a yr into 4quarters n make sure i have dividends evenly distributed in each quarter. Dividends in the first quarter will go towards strengthening my companies which will produce more dividends 2 quarters of the yr later n so on.
1) keep accumulating assets the whole year
2) works in down n up markets
3) removes fear component as dividends will come (remember go for companies which pays unskipped decade long dividends)
4) aids retirement as regular income is there when the time comes
5) works as well for anyone with small sums as well as larger sums, no need big capital to invest this way. Remember, its the long haul we are talking abt
6) can pass down to children or incorporate into trust as not much time needed for such strategy. No need to watch market closely n no need to follow company announcements very closely.


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