Stop judging people by how much they earn

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That's true arthur. IMO it would be additionally tough for someone who practices and publicly expound such views to get to that position without uncommon socio-political advantage. Even though it's not exactly a very "heavy" position.

On many points, the articulation sounds right and rational. Regretably, i have also heard that there is difference between talking and walking; though cannot verify as, to be fair it could be misinterpretation, plain bias or just more politics.
While not a perfect saint or an exemplary specimen, LWL always struck me as someone who does not intentionally takes advantage of her connection. (Based on hearsay so I might be wrong)

Social advantages are inherently hard to shake off. It would be similar to how a child from a rich family has a better opportunity to excel in his study vis-a-vis a child from a poor family.

Of course, we are digressing from the topic at hand here.
In all fairness to LWL, we do not know what's her character like.
Perhaps she could be an advocator of "lesser mortals", but one lady does not make up the voices of the majority.

Neither does printing a full page articles helps in cultivating Singapore towards a more kind-hearted, tolerant society.

Social advantages are indeed hard to shake off, but if "elitism" is infused into the mindset of the priviledged youngsters then we are looking into a segmented society, a class division.

See Wee Shu Min, the girl who proudly proclaim to the world "Get out of my elite, uncaring face", coupled with her MP daddy who defended her daughter's thoughts.

This is why the thread title "Stop judging ppl by how much they earn" comes about. Bcos Singapore is getting segmented into different social classes and the top honchos think they deserve it while the below are "lesser mortals".

Not that other countries are not judgemental based on one's possessions but right in this little red dot, materialism comes speedily into the picture when different classes develop more rapidly than norm.

We are losing the very spirit of what makes us unique as a nation and why we should be proud of our citizenship.

Will we take up arms if the need to be comes one day? Or will Changi Airport and Harbourfront be crowded with ppl who has the means and connections to get out if that very day arrives?
I think the leaders of this nation has to step back and ponder on this issue carefully. No GDP growth in the world is worth such a scenario.

Yeah I know it's a little OT to talk about LWL, but I always got the impression that she is a person who will champion right over wrong, good over evil blah blah haha. From the way she writes, she seems to advocate simple living and not judging people according to material possessions. Smile
My Value Investing Blog:
Quote:Honestly, it's not how much you earn which matters, it's how much you KEEP.

Totally agree with you on this MW.
It's how much you keep and save and re-allocate that truly matters.

Personally, I do not like the notion of judging one based on monetary metrics, e.g. $ in the bank, # of property held, net worth, etc....
I feel that $ is too subjective to judge, the utility of $ varies from one to another.
Is it just my overly active imagination but why is it that inevitably it seems a lot of forum topics (from listed companies to others) converges/borders on govt bashing?? Confused

I dun think that materialism or the issue of the rich-poor divide is unique to Sporean. Other countries - some with a much longer history of nationhood still grapple with the issues.

Yes, the govt is not perfect and there have been many policies mistakes from all 3 Sporean administrations. But by and large, sometimes we need to ask ourselves a simple question: Are we nit-picking?

I do not think that it is wrong for the govt to focus on economic development and GDP at the expense of other moralistic and altruistic ideals. Indeed I would argue that economic prosperity makes a lot of the other altruistic ideals possible. Would we have racial and religious harmony if we have not prospered?? Possibly not. Its hard to be tolerant if you are always hungry and in debt.

If Spore did not have its economic success for the last 30 yrs, would we be having this conversation? Or would we be talking about bread-and-butter issues like unemployment, high crime rates, slums, sanitation, education, law and order etc?

I know a lot of people would not agree with some of the things I said. And some will probably even label me as a PAP lapdog. But it always easier to complain about the govt not doing a good job; rather than to give it credit for doing a good one.
Ok fair enough lonewolf I agree with the points mentioned. The Govt mostly does a good job, it just needs to improve on some key aspects. Tongue Perhaps that is a more fair statement to make. Even though I do my share of "Govt bashing", I still acknowledge that they have done an overall splendid job with the country. Smile
My Value Investing Blog:
Agree that they did quite a good job.
But, looking at the salary and allowances that they are getting, I suppose we should be more demanding over the performance?
I am ok with high salary. But since high salary is being paid to our ministers, I demand above average performance and "doing your best" is not a good excuse anymore.
At the same time, they should expect less gratefulness from the citizens. No choice leh, got more $$$ means less respect...

I suppose we are so grateful to our 1st generation leaders is simply because they did it solely for the nation and they had sacrificed their family times and $$$.

LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Barker, Hon swee sen, Lim Kim San etc could easily lead a much easier life.
(18-01-2011, 12:59 PM)yeokiwi Wrote: Agree that they did quite a good job.
But, looking at the salary and allowances that they are getting, I suppose we should be more demanding over the performance?
I am ok with high salary. But since high salary is being paid to our ministers, I demand above average performance and "doing your best" is not a good excuse anymore.
At the same time, they should expect less gratefulness from the citizens. No choice leh, got more $$$ means less respect...

I suppose we are so grateful to our 1st generation leaders is simply because they did it solely for the nation and they had sacrificed their family times and $$$.

LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Barker, Hon swee sen, Lim Kim San etc could easily lead a much easier life.

Yeokiwi. Very well put.

There is a difference between 1st generation leaders who established and made Singapore what it is.

As often I here from the corporate side, you are not rewarded for working hard, you are rewarded for achieving the goals. Currently they are measure based on GDP growth ( from what little I know), and thus they are working towards that, but maybe their performance should also measure other areas which relates to the well - being of citizens etc..

The other thing I don't like, which is present in all governments I guess, is that when they made a mistake , they don't say its a mistake, they do a spin story to make it something else. but then that's politics anyway.

The current batch of ministers, couple of them are really worth their salt. Quite a no. of them seem to be career politicians based on the impression you get.
Hah, quite a few cynical people here heh. I dun really care how LWL got her position, only that she is competent and dedicated to her work, which I hope she is. I quite like her articles, tho not those about her family.

Imo, our government is not perfect but good enough. Tho I still bitch about it haha.

Thing is, are these ministers able to command the same level of salary in the private or public(but not ministerial) sector? If the diff is not wide, I cannot fathom why these people would want a thankless job which can potentially(or inevitably hehe) incur the wrath and curses of the nation


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