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For a company with a history of being listed for more than 40 years, Im surprised nobody has started a thread on it yet.

They currently own certain proprietary technology with the potential to disrupt the shipping market. Helping shipping companies save millions of dollars in fuel expense is a multi billion dollar industry by itself. Book value of 2.44cents and currently trading below that book value.
It used to trade high, hovering around 3cts plus. I remember there was a deal to acquire a 30% stake in a company, partially owned by Russia President's cousin.

Even their technology right now, it is developed by Russian scientists. I guess the hype died down after the deal was called off. From the way I see it, they are using ACAMA as a proxy vehicle to launch their business in Asia.

Top 20 Shareholders
Allingham Investments + Victor Levin + Polyakov Mikhail are all Russian controled.

Yeo Cheow Tong was our former Minister too.
Yeap the technology was developed by the 2 russians. Seems like they have a local research team based in Singapore to work and develop it further. Does anybody know who Dr Kwa Siew Hwa is? Is she related to the Lees?
More on the management team behind Neftech Pte Ltd.
Neftech says it achieved a major breakthrough in its research and development on fuel saving using its proprietary technology in 2011. After months of continuous rigorous testing on ships culminating in a field test conducted, witnessed and verified by the American Bureau of Shipping Consulting Inc (ABS), average fuel savings of 7.6% were achieved for the main engine and 8.6% for the auxiliaries. The test was performed on the APL Cairo and was commissioned by Neptune Orient Line subsidiary APL. The 2,400 APL Cairo has been using emulsion fuel generated by Neftech’s fuel saving system for more than 30 months.

Following this, APL again commissioned ABS to conduct a survey on the general condition of the main and auxiliary engines of APL Cairo. ABS reported “no abnormalities or pitting was noticed. The exhaust trunk was noted to be rather clean and devoid of any major soot deposits”. Convinced of the benefits of Neftech’s technology, APL purchased four units of Neftech’s fuel saving system for installation on the main engine of the APL Cairo and her sister ships.
- See more at:
Neftech mentioned that they bear all the cost for installation of their product, and share the saving with agreed percentage with the ship owner. And they already did on APL , CMA, and Pacific the frustrating part is no profit reported till now. Doubt arise and share price keep on dropping for 7 - 8 months, no stop. Still keep half faith in them...
Taken from ACMA Q1 statements eariers this year

"Fuel comprises more than half the cost of a shipping company’s operating expenses and keeping this expenditure to a minimum is important to their
management. Despite the relatively slow start to Q1 2014, management is confident that Neftech will turn in significant profits in 2014."
I still hv a Tikam stake in this counter... Hopefully it will run up in the last rally...
Notification of Inclusion on the Watch-List Due to the Minimum Trading Price Entry Criterion

Singapore Exchange Limited ("Exchange") has notified the Company on 4 June 2019 that it would be placed on the Watch-list due to the MTP Entry Criterion with effect from 6 June 2019.

The Company will take active steps to meet the requirements of Rule 1314(2) of the Listing Manual within 36 months from 6 June 2019, failing which the Exchange would delist the Company or suspend trading in the Company’s shares with a view to delisting the Company. As provided under Listing Rule 1314(2) and Practice Note 13.2, the Company will be assessed by the Exchange for removal from the Watch-list if it has remained on the Watch-list for at least 6 months and records volume-weighted average price of at least S$0.20 and an average daily market capitalization of S$40 million or more over the last 6 months prior to the date of the Exchange’s review.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.

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