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(14-06-2014, 07:58 PM)chialc88 Wrote:
(14-06-2014, 04:49 PM)Zelphon Wrote: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=783924348319401

Thanks Zelphon for the video clip.

I remind myself I need to spend more time with those who really needs our help.


Heart Love Compassion

Earth day - save the world everyday.


PAP MP Hri Kumar responded !!!


He stammering...

He must be shocked !!!
(14-06-2014, 09:55 PM)Zelphon Wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70AbFnGD928

PAP MP Hri Kumar responded !!!


He stammering...

He must be shocked !!!

Thanks Zelphon, once again for sharing.

I felt very much for Ms Yap too.

My understanding after watching the video, I don't think Hri is stammering and neither he is shocked.
His responses make sense to me:
GENERALLY: Rules has to be respected. If I make a wrong choice, I'll have to live with the consequences.

SPECIFIC CASE: If I had a individual circumstances or not able to navigate the system, I should approach my MP and my MP will do their best to help. That's what a MP are for.

Heart Love Compassion
We need more LOVE, without LOVE, we will die.
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
This old lady begging the authority in a public forum for her money for heaven sake lah this is an ardent long time supporter of PAP!! why she being reduced to such a level.


This morning, a forum to discuss matters of Central Provident Funds took place at Thompson Community Centre. The forum entitled, “CPF – An Honest Conversation: Public Dialogue with Thomson-Toa Payoh Residents” was hosted by Hri Kumar, PAP MP of Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC and is said to be open to only residents of the ward. A elderly lady, who does not have any dependent, spoke up on the CPF issue and begged that her CPF money to be returned to her as she wants to use her money to settle down while she still can.

She mentioned that she was a teacher, a civil servant prior to retirement.

The transcript of what the elderly lady said.

I got some very very sad issue and I am going to bring up to Hri Kumar.

My father and mother were evicted from Bukit Brown, they were living there for 70 over years. and because of the eviction, and because of the cremation, the exhumation, the re-sighting of them made me suffer lapses of memories. I suffered lapses of memories. I forget my dates, I forget my medical dates, and the most important of all things , I forgot to pay my property tax.

And you know what happened? I was given a letter, I was fined, I was given a letter, again I forgot, I admit it that I was wrong, I was very wrong to be in that state of mind and the next thing was I received a letter from Development Bank of Singapore.

Shame, shame on the controller of Property Tax. Shame on DBS. For resorting to become big bullies. (At this point, she is seen crying)

I was given…

At this point, she was interrupted by the moderators of the forum.

I am coming back to CPF.

I was given this letter, telling me that they “hacked” into my personal POSB book, scoured my amounts and took away the money from my bank to give to the property tax. Do you think it is ethical?

Do you think its ethical? Do you think it is right?

Right now I am very sad.

I was born in the year of 1938 and my friends, my Malay friends told me that when they retired, they got their ordinary account as well as their Retirement Account (RA) account. So they told me, why don’t you get yours? In fact a friend of mine, a friend of mine, I always advocated that I love Lee Kuan Yew very much, I love the PAP very much.

So when I went to the CPF board to ask for my account and you know what they say?

“You can take your ordinary account”

I retired in 1998, I did a two year in associate, I did as an associate teacher until 2000.

And when I retired in 2000, I told myself, since I have my food, I don’t need it. Money put in the government is the safest. And I think it was wrong. It was wrong.

When I get to CPF to get my money, when I get to CPF to ask for my money, they told me that I can take my ordinary account but when it comes to RA, after ten years, after ten years you can take one month of repayment.

I am free from all these rules and regulations. This only concerns those under 1958 and downwards. Those born before 1958 should get all the money back. Do I get mine? Can I get mine?

“Yes, that is a good question. That is the reason why we are here to address it.”

I am very keen, Mr Hri Kumar. I voted him.

I am a spinster. ok? I am a spinster. I have no children of my own. So I am asking Mr Hri Kumar, the god mother. I want my money back. How do I do it?

That is a very good question that we want to have in the discussion here. That’s the reason we want to break it up and actually have all residents air their views, air their concerns.

I think the rest don’t concern me. The rest don’t concern me. I am not concerned over how many percentages you get, what I want is my money back and I want to arrange for my funeral and I want to arrange for my rites and I want to arrange for a nice settlement. Can I have it?

That’s all I want. Give me back my money. CPF, give me back my money. And make it as soon as possible. Because 76, I won’t be able to live. I got to ask, I got to make arrangement with God to make me live 50 years to get my RA back. So will you please?

At this point, the lady was approached by two organizers from the forum and was asked to move away from the microphone by a female organizer Mr Hri Kumar was noted to allow the lady complete what she had to say.

No, no, no, you don’t have to do that. Yes and that is why I picked this opportunity to speak to you because I will never be able to speak anymore. Give me, anybody from CPF board? Is there anyone from CPF board?

You are talking about CPF and you don’t have any representative? So Mr Hri Kumar, please. Help me get my money back and I am going off now. Thank you very much.
Does anyone really know her specific case? I don't think so, but we feel free to comment as if we know her case.

(15-06-2014, 01:55 AM)flinger Wrote: Does anyone really know her specific case? I don't think so, but we feel free to comment as if we know her case.


I can sympathize and pity with this old lady despite her party allegiance but your words show you will eat your own kind.
PAP supporters has ZERO rights to ask for the returns of their CPF money. They must accept whatever fate the government has bestowed upon them and agree with all decisions the CPF board makes regarding their money. PERIOD. The logic is simple. If you vote for the PAP, you implicitly agree to be bound by their policies and abide by whatever policies they think is good for you.
I understand where she is coming from and why she is voicing out her frustration, It was her right to voice out in an avenue she felt it was right too. Whether she was right or wrong in what she said...she voiced her feeling and frustration. She felt wronged and thus she is voicing out .

My earlier statement was simple, Do you really know her case? Do you know circumstance that let to her case? Do you know what the interactions were between CPF Board and her specific case? What choice she made previously about her CPF and why she is having this problem? Why she had issues? Any decisions she made that she forgot or misunderstood? Any choices she made that she forgot or misunderstood ? etc...etc...

For all we know, CPF might be wrong here or the old lady might be wrong.

I don't know and I'm very sure you obviously don't know anything more than what was in that article and that soundbite, but using that , you bash people.

Maybe you never heard of this phrase before, " Jumping the Gun", but that is what you are doing.

But based on your reaction to my comment, it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.

(15-06-2014, 02:29 AM)sgd Wrote: I can sympathize and pity with this old lady despite her party allegiance but your words show you will eat your own kind.
This kind of case is the typical merc-knock-down-old-folk accident. The unanimous view or judgement before evidence is the merc driver is at fault.
You can't win any verbal argument on spot.
The right way is to take it offline and resolve it with social workers.
For those who sympathise her, there is no need to wait for the gov to act. You can help her and scold the gov at the same time.
Who is right and who is wrong? I don't know... We must respect and follow agreed rules BUT what if you keep changing the rules. Anyway Hri Kumar just got himself a 'godmother'. Grats^^
You can find more of my postings in http://investideas.net/forum/
Just read the paper this morning. This lady lives in a landed property lah. I trust that she will get the help she deserves.

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