Kingsmen Creatives

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Attached is the updated report from DMG on Kingsmen.

So two scenarios - either extend lease or purchase/construct new building.

Option 1 - If lease is extended it would mean no upfront capex in near term and just higher opex from 2016 onwards. If market rents are substantially higher than historical then MLT will actively pursue rental reversion, so I guess rental exp may go up 2x or more? This may bump up opex substantially and NPM may fall below 5%.

Option 2 - If construct new building assume high end of $50m needed, so capex spread out over 24 months. I'd assume they take up a loan of about $25m (50%) and finance the rest using internal cash flow and cash stash. If they have FCF of about $20m a year (FY 2012 was $30m), then they can use $10m + $2.5m from cash balance over 2 years (total $25m) and still be able to maintain 4c/share dividend. Cost of debt should be negligible at 2-3%. But once completed, building would add to depreciation expense which would also lower margins, though by not much (useful life = 50 years), certainly lower than the bumped up operating lease expenses if the lease were to be renewed.

Option 2 seems more sensible as it would smooth out their cash flows + enable them to occupy a larger space with adequate capacity for expansion and growth. It is a more viable long term solution as it would not tie up further capital, and they are not subject to landlord's rental reversion demands.

Also, if they continue to lease, they will face a lose-lose situation - higher operating lease expenses with the same capacity (meaning no room for expansion of their business)! Doesn't seem logical from an economic standpoint.

If the lease is coming due in 2016, they can start to plan by 2H 2013 and still have time to commit to a land purchase and hire a contractor to do a design and build. Question of course is cost and timeline for the payments, plus the amount of gearing they take up and the cost of financing.

So to summarize, I am supportive of building new premises rather than extending the lease with MLT. Even if this means freezing dividends at 4c/share till 2016, I will not mind for the longer-term benefits.

Attached Files
.pdf   March 5, 2013 - Kingsmen Creatives (DMG).pdf (Size: 213.51 KB / Downloads: 22)
My Value Investing Blog:
It seems a wise move to "tikam" during the "fraud"

Congrats to the "tikam" gang which i am happen to be one of them Big Grin
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
Reference CityFarmer's posting on the Kingsmen VB thread of earlier this morning, which I attach below.

I too am pleased for all VB forummers (i.e. including myself) who have been vested in Kingsmen and who have enjoyed the ~ 8.4% (eight point four percent) appreciation in the share price since Kingsmen announced their FY 2012 results during the early morning of 28th February 2013. I see that as at 10.30 am this morning 7th March, Kingsmen shares were trading at S$ 0.84. It appears that Mr. Market appreciated Kingsmen's FY 2012 results.

VB Forummers invested in Kingsmen may also like to know that in exactly the same period, i.e. the begining of trading on the morning of 28th February until 10.30 am this morning 7th March, the share price of Kingsmen's key competitor, Pico Far East, has also done quite well. In fact Pico's share price is up 14% (fourteen percent) in this same time period. And this is without the impetus of a results announcement - Pico had announced their FY results five weeks earlier, on 25th January.

I wonder if we are seeking a re-rating - a positive one - of the sector these two very well managed companies operate in?

I also see that Denver Investment Advisors have increased their shareholding in Pico Far East to 11.27% and that this has now been formally announced by Pico's BoD. If a proof point was needed that these kind of companies (i.e. Kingsmen, Pico) appeal to Private Equity Funds, I would suggest that this is it.

Vested (in Kingsmen and Pico)
P.S. I'll post this on the Pico thread as well.
(07-03-2013, 10:11 AM)CityFarmer Wrote: It seems a wise move to "tikam" during the "fraud"

Congrats to the "tikam" gang which i am happen to be one of them Big Grin
RBM, Retired Botanic MatSalleh

Thx for sharing! Now we know the importance of sectoral comparison... before we pat ourselves on our back... Haha..Big Grin

A picture speaks a thousand words, here goes,

One Month Price Comparison,
[Image: z?s=0752.HK&t=1m&q=l&l=on&z=l&c=5MZ.SI&a...&region=US]

3-Mth Price Comparison,
[Image: z?s=0752.HK&t=3m&q=l&l=on&z=l&c=5MZ.SI&a...&region=US]

YTD Price Comparison, click here

PS. Congrats on your Pico!Cool
Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
------------ 知己知彼 ,百战不殆 ;不知彼 ,不知己 ,每战必殆 ------------
Many Thanks for this Kopikat - I agree with you - your pictorial presentation is far more powerful and illustrative than my woffle. Can you kindly do the same chart for the period 1 September 2012 until today? Reason I ask for September is because that is when this forum started discussing comparisons of Pico and Kingsmen. I am useless at IT stuff (IT came after my generation) - please forgive me for asking for this.

Vested - in Kingsmen & Pico
RBM, Retired Botanic MatSalleh
I won't get too worried about share price performance on a relative sector basis. With current bullish sentiments, it could simply be a valuation upward adjustment rather than a change in fundmentals.

I don't think Kingsmen is going to grow much faster in the next few years compared to the last few years to justify a significant re-rating, but Mr. Market appears to be enthusiastic and emotional, as usual.

My conservative stance would still dictate looking at more prudent forecasts of growth and more reasonable valuations. Examining the long-term mean PER may give an indication of whether the current valuation is approaching the bullish camp, or not.
My Value Investing Blog:
Price Chart for Kingsmen vs Pico from 30-Aug-12 (1-Sep is a Saturday),

[Image: 28lugeo.jpg]

Hmm... I guess one possible interpretation of the Share Price Comparison is that with the PE fund accumulating Pico, thereby driving up the Share Price, some investors may be doing the same for Kingsmen as it's now 'cheaper' in comparison. If anything, the CAD investigation at Kingsmen may have suppressed the share price instead...

For eg., a few years back, the privatisation of Parkway drove up the valuations of all Medical stocks. A subsequent privatisation of Thomson Medical drove up their valuations even further... Now, we have RafflesMed at PE 30+...Rolleyes

If we were to benchmark against STI & HSI, then it looks like Kingsmen is just being lifted up by a rising tide.. Haha...Tongue

[Image: vennlf.jpg]
Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
------------ 知己知彼 ,百战不殆 ;不知彼 ,不知己 ,每战必殆 ------------
Many thanks for this comparison chart KopiKat - I wish I had your knack for being able to turn around these things so rapidly. Your charts are extremely clear and powerful.

As regards the US Private Equity Fund building up its holding in Pico Far East, it only came to light on 6th February that they had passed thru the 5% mandatory disclosure barrier. So I doubt that alone explains the significant outperformance (and I believe the term "significant outperformance" is appropriate) of Pico Far East's share price over Kingsmen's share price during the last six months. And we didn't know about Kingsmen's "Financial Irregularities" until second half January, so I don't think that is at play in the comparison either.

I realise that all (or nearly all) of us who are vested in Kingsmen are pleased or very pleased with the management of the company - but as I have said before on this forum, Pico Far East is also an extremely well managed company and it constitutes a serious competitive threat to Kingsmen across the Asia Pacific region............ IMHO.

Vested - in Kingsmen & Pico
RBM, Retired Botanic MatSalleh
(07-03-2013, 10:11 AM)CityFarmer Wrote: It seems a wise move to "tikam" during the "fraud"

Congrats to the "tikam" gang which i am happen to be one of them Big Grin

This is called calculated move Smile

After all this is based on hindsight. Some will say "I should have bought more then" Dodgy
some pp even whack me .....

Just my Diary


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