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Singapore registered highest temperature in the month of May 2022@36.7 degree C.
So, I was very glad to be waking up last 2 days in a cool and windy morning.  Gratitude  Heart

I wish all valuebuddies a nice weekend ahead.

Enjoy what Jessica Tan think about digitalisation:

Gratitude.  Heart
Hi Valuebuddies, this morning was sunny and within short timeframe, it's raining so heavily.  Things changed and things really change.

Qn: JD Health vs Alibaba Health vs Ping An Good Doctor by Dr Wealth, any change to his analysis - in term of which one is the better Chinese TeleMedicine stock?

Anyone who is following the financial bloggers would realised that some of them had given up blogging - for obvious reason.  In a bull market, everything is so easy. Any stocks that we picked, goes up.

However, in a bear market, it's really no fun.  Unless you're really lucky, the more you buy the more it dropped.

Of course, some time, by luck, the stocks go up but come back down to the entry price, just a few days later.

No fun at all.

It's quite clear that a lot of our valuebuddies is rather loaded and is looking for great stock at low price to buy.  I am quite happy that valuebuddies is on the look out for new ideas and I'm pretty sure that whatever they brought, the share price will go low (lower).    Tongue

How I know? I'm one of the valuebuddies mah.  The more I buy, the more I noticed that the price dropped further.

The more the price dropped further, the more I buy.  Big Grin

Of course, I reminded myself of the falling knife but I think that great company at a good price is hard to find.  This is a opportunity to be able to buy them. If not now, then when?

Obviously, any clever valuebuddies will says, since you already know, then why not pause and buy later at a lower price.

Well, I'm too dumb to adopt this smart strategy.  Instead of wait, I modify the waiting to buy little little. Of course, the low commission rate helps me to execute this strategy (buy small small) easily.

Everyday, I'm buying because I really think that the price is right.

However, I would like to says that everyone circumstances are different and unless you have regular income or heavily loaded, please do not buy at this moment.  The stock market definitely will dropped.

Do you agree?

Good morning valuebuddies, 
It's a nice gesture for WJ to share his appreciation for valuebuddies (in I suppose) reaction to yoyo's post.

Quote:PS: my nick - Yoyo (up and down, shake shake, not steadfast) means that I cannot control my emotion well, and am not good in any industries, investment methodologies.

I don't think Yoyo is unique. Everyone gone thru that stage and my guess is a lot of us (including me) will be Yoyo all the time.  It would be un-imaginable that we had high conviction on a investment and stick with this for long term after when it's value is fully realised (I meant NTA, FCF, PE etc sell target already reached/breached).

Everyone is the same, so Yoyo, you're just normal human being (value investor).

"High Conviction" - my foot.  Tongue

This is a term make popular by BTC/virtual currency investors.  We love to congregate and reinforce each other "High Conviction."

It was fun until it crashed and a lot of "High Conviction" become a joke and everyone now knows who is swimming naked.  Big Grin

Looking back, it was a fun-filled journey and it's sad that most Crypto investors are losing $$$.  Most just hang on and not doing anything or as "High Conviction" told use -- to HODL and believed that one day the wave will return -- Moon!!!

Enjoy 忘不了

为何一转眼 时光飞逝如电
看不清的岁月 抹不去的从前

就像一阵风 吹落恩恩和怨怨
也许妳和我 没有谁对谁错

Good morning valuebuddies, 
Another cool morning with birds chirping happily in the wood. Chill.

Yesterday was Haji and wish all Muslims a blessed Aidiladha. And happy long weekend, everyone!

[Image: hari-raya-new-dates-2022.jpg]https://mustsharenews.com/hari-raya-new-dates-2022/

Good evening. Nice to see that a few valuebuddies are in the buying mood again. With the C19 coming (especially in China), the impact is yet to be felt? or we had gone thru the worst scenario already?

For me, I'm buying during these period as I don't know when would be a better time to buy.

Take care everyone and for those kana C19, speedy recovery.

Good morning, a lot of people know Mr 1M65 or Mr CPF for teaching on CPF.

Recently, Mr CPF changed his tone and dipped into sharing of stocks pick. 

In today video (shared less than 1 days ago), Mr CPF shared that he is buying and showed a few charts to prove that market is having bull run - despite a lot of bad news - but bad news is not very bad and the stock market rally.


Good evening, valuebuddies.
A calm and relaxing weekend.
Wish all healthy and keep a happy heart.
Enjoy: Rod Steward "Have I told you lately that I Love you?"

My heart was filled with Love as I write this post.

Gratitude - to all valuebuddies who had helped me in my investment journey.  I'm still learning and I'm really happy that everyone's sharing exceeded my expectations.

Thank you, once again.

Among many investment advice or wisdom, I think that invest based on our own area of competence make perfect sense.

I mean, it's quite easy, for those company/industry/sector that's fall within your area of competence, not only you're familiar with these companies performance, you would also had better guesstimate when there are major/structural changes, how would these changes impact the company future.

Exactly opposite.
When investing outside our competency, then a lot of time, we will need to rely on PE/PB/FCF etc guesstimates.  At best they served as a rough beacon, at worst, all these ratio was outdated due to some recent changes.

I recalled once, I got a stock idea from valuebuddy BK.
When I first time, download and read the annual report.
Holy! Is this my company annual report?

Everything described in the AR is so familiar. Everything is literally what I meant.

Immediately, I can tell what are some of their matrix below par and which are still consider ok to me.

Of course, I did not buy the stock or follow up because this company is sub-par.  Tongue 

That's the first time, I fully appreciate why Warren stressed the important of investing in your area of competence.

There is nothing to loss actually.  Big Grin 

[Image: north-america-banner.jpg]

Good evening, valuebuddies.
Listening to Rod Stewart I don't want to talk about it.
I can tell by your eyes that you've probably been cryin' forever
And the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror

It had been a tough 2 weeks and I do hope everyone had a nice weekend - just like I did.

Being able to help others is a nice feeling/thinking Smile

What else could we asked for?

Gratitude and I must says that you all had been very helpful to my investing journey.

Thank you.

[Image: Untitled-design-30-5.png?w=1125]
Next tuesday is 9th Aug and Happy Birthday, Singapore.

While listening to True Colors, wishing all valuebuddies a brilliant investing journey.


With the US Speaker landed and left Taiwan, a lot seems to be quiet and nothing much changed....
Mr 1M65 thinks otherwise.
He had already put in $750K and with $250k remains - he is not going to put in any of these $250k now.

Something changed.

Can you feel it?

Can you see?
[Image: 2000x2001_015345212559.jpg] https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202208050019

Good afternoon valuebuddies,
Wish everyone a relaxing weekend.

Enjoy  我是一只小小鸟

有時候我覺得自己像一隻小小鳥 想要飛卻怎樣也飛不高


Looking forward to meet you soon.


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