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Thank you musicwhiz.

I am very grateful to the kindness and generous sharing of all valuebuddies.

As mentioned many time, you will not not how much I had learn from you.

But, I really benefited from all your posts - be it in vb.com or your blogs.

After followed musicwhiz for a while, I had decided that 2 out of his entire portfolio make sense for me to be vest:
  • Boustead Singapore
  • BP

From my trading record, Boustead was first vested on 28 Mar 2018 at a price of 
80.5cents, the last purchase was done on 19 Mar 2020 at a price of 

It was a "catch-the-falling-knife" operation.

Only reason why I carried out such a risky market operation came from the confidence gain from musicwhiz's (blog) posts.

Again, from my trading record, BP was first vested on 2 Mar 2020 at a price of 
90cents, the last purchase was done at 11 Nov 2020 at a price of 

Once again, it was a "catch-the-falling-knife" operation.

And, the only reason why I carried out such a risky market operation came...
again from the confidence gain from musicwhiz's (blog) posts.
Big Grin

BP dividend xd 5 Aug 2021
Final  0.009
Special 0.145
Total  0.154

Let's wait for tomorrow final and special dividend from Boustead Singapore.

And once again, thank you musicwhiz!

You have no idea
Above your lowered head
What the bright lights are
Shining towards
It’s fine to take your time
But I hope you notice, at last
The one and only
You are my celebrity
Good morning valuebuddies,
Again waking up to the bright sunshine with birds chirping happily in the woods.

Wish everyone a happy Vesak day.
[Image: vesak-day-happy-budda-purnima-wishes.jpg]

We read a lot.
When we read, do we try to understand what the writer trying to says and follow him? or do we try to interpret what the writer says in our own circumstance?

For me, I always like to read.  I like to read financial bloggers' posts. I digest and I see how it could be apply in real life, how I could benefit from their kind sharing.

I always do this, it's part of my gene.

Thank you and gratitude to all for your generous and kind sharing.

I learn a lot and I hope you do too.


Good morning, everyone.
Waking up to another bright sunshine day with birds chirping happily in the wood.

Thank you valuebuddies for your kind sharing.

Yesterday, managed to buy one box of YangMei at the market for $7.

Since I had never eat this for many years, I googled and check out how to eat.

Well, unlike lychee and Longan, YangMei can be eaten whole aka no skin.
Need to rinse first and then soak in salt water for 10 mins.  Some says add baking soda so that it can stick the dirt together but I didn't.

Well, the large one is sweet and smaller one slightly sour. Well, for the sake of antioxidant, it's edible.
Big Grin

[Image: uc?id=1lYmrYCX6ZNlYF0XdwM0J-YUWjrqa_Cak]

Thank you valuebuddies.
Hope you enjoy your YangMei too.

[Image: url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cinstagram.fiev22...d%3D4f375e]

Thank you valuebuddies for all your help.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

I do hope that you enjoy the investment journey as much as I do.

There are plenty of opportunities, 
some of them will yield 10-20% gain eg. SpShip, APOil, 
some of them 2 baggers eg. PIL, Powermatic, Boustead, BP
Some of them 10 baggers eg. BWL, Medtecs, MM
Some of them 100 baggers: BTC

I feel that Terrence is very frustrated ... given the current increasingly volatile investment atmosphere.
100 baggers is definitely a great target to find.
Problem is until and unless you are very steady, highly likely that you will not hold until it's 100x. Very likely, at 20x, you would already sold out.

Also, 100 baggers will only make a difference if you invest a good amount.
For example, if you invest only 1k, then 100 baggers only 100k.
If you invest 10k, then it would be 1m.

The problem of a 100 baggers is they usually are not proven aka term as risky investment when they were small.
Unless you know the potential of the industry and the particular stocks rather well enough, you won't be able to invest a significant amount of $$$.
If that's the case, bottomline - even you spotted a 100 baggers and hold it until 100x, your wealth won't be moving too much.
Big Grin

Of course, averaging on the way up is one possibility and that's my favorite way  to buy.  
I won't buy stocks that go down aka if a stocks is going down, I won't buy.
Everytime when I buy, the stocks will go up.
Stock that go down, I won't buy.

Of course, of course, it would be different for BTC.  Tongue
BTC and ETH (especially BTC) had potential to become 100 baggers.
I think sooner or later, more and more people will be catching up with the frenzy excitement of the Cryto.
[Image: CRYPTO%20Meta%20Image.jpg]

As what amazing Ah Lan says, your own road, your own journey.
Enjoy - Alan 中国最强音

Good morning valuebuddies.
Hope everyone have a nice weekend.

For those who follow me, we had just completed a 14-18days budget road trip in Italy.
For those who did not, this is what I meant (click to read):[url=(click to see Itinerary)][/url]
1. Starting in Milan.
2. Train to Lake Como (Varenna) - stay for at least 2 nights
3. Train to Florence - at least 2 nights
4. Bus to Siena - 1 or 2 nights
5. Bus to Rome - at least 3 nights
6. Overnight train to Venice - at least 2 nights
7. Train to Verona (lunch) - Bergamo - at least 2 nights.
8. Train to Milan - 2 nights
9. Home sweet home

It's a budget tour because:
a. It's build 100% based on long distance bus and trains
b. Each leg (bus or train) cost about 10-20 euro which is really cheap.
c. The night train from Roma to Venezia cost less than 30 euro which is really value for $$$.  It save $$$ aka save on hotel charge, save time aka sleep and then next day in Venice. But, most important of all, a unique travel experiences that you won't get any where.  This night train WILL form your memories for many many years to come.
Big Grin

Oh, did I hear someone says wanted to try self drive holiday?
Yes, you could do this, again 14-18days depends on the availability of your annual leave.

1. Touch down in München, take your car (not Merc or BMW).
2. Drive to Dresden - at least 2 nights
3. Drive to Berlin - at least 2 nights
4. Drive to Weimar - 1 night
5. Drive to Friedrichshafen (or nearby) - 2 nights
6. Drive to Milan - 2 to 3 nights
7. Drive to Venice - 2 to 3 nights
8. Drive to Salzburg - 2 nights 
9. Drive back to Munich and return car (depends on you 1 to 2 nights)
10. Home sweet home

Ok, first things first, you should not drive this route if you're not comfortable to drive.  This trip is easily 3000km and it's designed to satisfy those who wanted to drive (like crazy).  Tongue

Next, it's important to book a normal car and not luxurious model. This is because this itinerary include a shopping trip in Milan and also side tracked to the most romantic city in the Whole-wide-world Venezia.
Oh, that means that the Mercedes S500 that you rented in Germany won't be able to go to Italy.
So, may I suggest you settle for a common model such as Audi A4?

It's a rather sophisticated car with lots of bells and whistles. Try it if you had not experience an Audi before.
[Image: 0598_2016_11_07_16_38_50.jpg]

Next point.
Since you're not going for the budget itinerary, so I would assume that you're going to splurge?
In this case, do consider Visa Luxury collection hotel or those credit cards benefits that you had. 
This Visa program will come with complementary breakfast and one free room upgrade.
What we could do is to book one class below the executive room.
Once upgraded to executive room, we will have lounge access which is an amazing experience.  You will get to taste the international food plus some local specialties too.  Especially if you drink then this would be highly recommended and naturally would form a memorable moment for many many years, again.
Big Grin
[Image: Hotel%20Metropole%20Venice-006338-17-pat...1596735212]

Thank you for reading and wish you a good weekend ahead.
Good morning valuebuddies,
Again, waking up to the birds chirping happily in the wood.
Today sounds like a busy day.  Cool

If I may, for those valuebuddies who had not vested in 5dd yet, do consider taking out $350 and buy your first 100 shares of 5dd.

The objective is not to earn $$$ or get a fat dividend.

The objective is to put 5dd into your portfolio so that you'll be more tune to the news and development from 5dd.

What I meant to says is: there are a lot of things 5dd is doing correctly and worth your time investigating more.

In particular, it's in a cyclical industry and you should try to find out more, what 5dd is doing that smoothen the impact of it's performance during the extreme up and down cycle.

Find out what is the different things 5dd is doing and the reason why it's management choose to do things different from other companies.

The learning experience for me is exceptionally good.
There are a lot of ah-ha moments which defined my investment style.

Enjoy the journey.
Your journey, your own path.
Build to last!

Thanks for reading.
Good morning valuebuddies,

Again, waking up to birds chirping happily in the wood.

My heart is filled with gratitude of all the helps that valuebuddies given.

You might know it, I had been benefiting from your kindness all these while.

Thank you.

Another bright day appears, hope all enjoy a great weekend.

Good morning valuebuddies.

Since Cyclone do not want to talk about St******, I thought just sharing some important transformation for SL here as part of my investment journey.

@Cyclone, do remove this post if you wanted to. I'm ok.

Two announcements to talk about:
1. This morning @ 7:23am: appointment of JLL and CBRE, international real estate agents

2. 27 Mar 2021: Transformation
divestment of part of its portfolio of properties under its hospitality business segment and moving to an asset light strategy with respect to hospitality assets. It will however continue to maintain its hotel management business.

explore the expansion of these sectors outside of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom into other mature or developed markets.

likely to receive and review many divestment opportunities which are in line with its corporate growth strategy. Some of these may be in the nature of acquisitions, divestments and joint ventures.

[Image: e5dfd89151ef99b808d2b1d15dc08b67.jpeg]

Stay home and stay safe, everyone.
St****** @ 54

@Cyclone - if you're not comfortable with this post, just delete it.  I'm putting it up as part of my journey, that's all.

On 15 Jun 2021, I read Lim Tan "Idea of the day" with interest.

On previous day, SL closed at 51 cents due to the news that it had appointed agents from Australia-based CBRE and JLL to sell six of its hotels in Australia and New Zealand. A total of 1,569 five-star-rated rooms which could rake in over $1b from the sales.

Even after the sale of six hotels, SL still retains Stamford Plaza Brisbane - redeveloped; 60% stake in 8 Finsbury Cirucs, a commercial-residential complex in London and Dynons Plaza in Perth.

According to LimTan"
the entire hotel portfolio in its books at just $343m.  The sale of just these six hotels at $1b would translate into a gain of 87 cents per share (based on 783m shares).  Added to it's current NAV/share of 67 cents, this sale could lift SL's NAV per share to $1.54. At 51 cents, SL is captialized at $399m, PE 48x, PB ratio 0.76x and yields 1%. Note that 27 Mar 2021, SL price was 38 cts.


<vested few days ago>
St****** @ 54

FY2021 Result as at 31 Mar 2021
Rev $113m (vs 195m) -41%
GP  $15m (vs  24m) -39%
NP  $10m (vs  27m) -61%

2H2021 Result as at 31 Mar 2021
Rev $73m (vs 100m) -26%
GP  $10m (vs  8m) +33%
NP  $7m (vs  12m) -35%
Div 0.5cts (vs 0.5)
NAV 68cts (vs 62cts)

Cash and bank balances    $113m (vs 58m)
Short term bank borrowings $20m (vs 22m)
Long term bank borrowings $379m (vs 354m)
  • While all our hotels are opened, our business remains affected by COVID-19 due to the lack of demands from international and domestic travellers. So far, it is uncertain when the business will return to normalcy.
  • Under the property investment segment, the commercial tenancy situation for the London property remains unaffected by COVID-19. The Perth property was sold in March 2021.



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