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感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
梁文福- 知音- 《钟声依旧》完整版MV facebook

感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
Good morning valuebuddies.
Take a closer look.
Started to buy or still watching?
[Image: uc?id=1fYFNOqmZywhfgtpdTSL427lO1iyX3Yqt]
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
Dividend stocks

Good morning valuebuddies.
Let's just take a look at the dividend of the following:

Micro Mechanics, Straco and iFAST

In term of cents, all increasing nicely.

Of course, MM likely will not gives special dividend this year 
due to the cyclical down turn.

We see.

Meanwhile, wish every valuebuddies a peaceful and pleasant holiday.
Easter Eggs-travaganza with Gudetama @ Jurong Bird Park
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450

Thank you all valuebuddies for accompanying me in my investment journey.

I wish everyone a happy and happening Easter Holiday.

如果 命运可以订做 

如果 有另一次选择 
我想我还是会 把手让你紧握 
快乐地 陪你去坎坷

感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead.

That we are in a good place right now is only the start of a new existential phase in a never-ending journey.
It would be a mistake to think of a good place as a destination.
Far from it, a good place is where we work harder than we ever did before and face ever greater challenges,
but in the process experience more fulfilment and joy than ever before.

Above all, in all that we say and do,
we constantly remind ourselves to be thankful and to never take anything or anyone for granted.
Indeed, we are thankful to God for our employees, our board of directors, our clients, our project partners and you, our shareholders.

Mr Jeffrey Hing (Executive CHairman)
Mr James Tham (Managing Director)

Penguin AR 2018 Page 13
(Link to Penguin AR 2018)
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
[Image: uc?id=1xXqfz8v49qiF5d299K_K5aIt5t90USd-]
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
20190425 Paul Chew initiation report in Penguin
Those growth area which Karlmarx did not mentioned was highlighted by Paul in details.

(Link to Paul Chew Bull and Bear website)


We are positive on its outlook. The strong balance sheet has helped Penguin weather the offshore and marine downcycle of 2015-17. Several competitors have either exited the business or fallen under debt restructuring. The current upturn in oil prices and offshore rig activity is another positive for the company. We also see Penguin diversifying outside its primary oil and gas vessels into other categories, including government and offshore windfarm vessels.

Initiating coverage with BUY rating and target price of S$0.61

PS. Paul Chew also covering Micro Mechanics closely too.
[Image: eight_col_Emperor_Penguin_in_the_Weddell...1541217672]
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
Just a reminder to Singapore entered into technical recession as of today.

On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted annualised basis, Singapore’s GDP shrank 41.2 per cent in the April to June period, deepening the 3.3 per cent contraction in the preceding three months, said the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on Tuesday (Jul 14).

This means that Singapore has entered a technical recession, defined by economists as two consecutive quarter-on-quarter contractions.

Wear mask and keep your social distance, valuebuddies.
Another cool day started with birds chirping happily in the wood.

I would like to expressed my gratitude to all valuebuddies who made my journey not just fruitful but meaningful too.

Thank you and I will be forever in debt to you.

Throughout the years, there are a lots of learning opportunities and again thanks to the kind sharing by valubuddies, I had benefited tremendously in term of knowledge gained and tangible benefits too.

When I looked back at my top counter, MM, I see how lucky I was.

With my eye setting at this Friday, 28 Aug, I wonder what would be it's performance?
Will Chris declare the same dividend or may be slight adjustment or may be no dividend this time?

In any case, C19 is still evolving (mutating), and during this crisis 危机, it would be prudence to set aside a reasonable amount of cash to handle contingencies as well as opportunities that come along.

It's ok to be either way.  My conviction (and faith) in MM long term performance remains unchange.
Thou, my eye will be watching for its published KPI like a hawk.
Throughout the years, I had gain an understanding that a great company/stocks cannot continue to grow indefinitely.
There will be a point in time that something had changed and despite being a great company, it is stuck in "cash-cow" quadrant with visibly declining top line.

In search for justification to continue holding on to MM, 2 blogs (bloggers) presented in front of me:
  1. Dr Tee from ein55.com 27 May 2020 
  2. Brian from 3Fs.com 
Dr Tee, wrote in 27 May 2020:
Micro-mechanics is a multi-role giant stock, suitable for different personalities of investors. It could be a long term growth stock (supported by growing businesses with strong cash flow and little debt). It is also ideal for medium term cyclic trading with “Buy Low Sell High” optimism strategy. It may be considered as a defender for dividend stock investor with about 6% dividend yield currently. Each of the 3 stock strategies require different entry and exit plans.

I like and I agreed with Dr Tee's observation on MM and I'm holding MM as a long term growth stock which at the same time double up as a defender dividend stock.  
Recently, due to the C19 which caused lots of volatility in MM stock price, I was also toying with the idea of medium term cyclic trading.  However, I am very busy at works (and social) that I could not give up my time to trade.  As of today, all my MM shares is like the everygreen pine tree, growing happily in Jiu Zhai Gou.
[Image: visitJiuzhaigouchina.jpg]

Unlike Dr Tee, Brian wrote widely and shared intimately on those topics relevant to me.
Tracing Brian entries and exit of MM is interesting.
I am sure Brian's experiment in accumulating wealth is a on-going process and I wish him more and more success.
For those interested:
Brian first try on MM was in Nov 2017 with an entry price of 84 cents.
His latest try was in July 2020 with an entry price of $1.85.

MM is a great company which is build to last.
Valuebuddies who is keen to learn should consider buying some MM shares.
Get it's annual report and read from 1st page to the end.
I'm very sure this will be a good learning experience.

Thank you for reading, and gratitude to those who had helped me in my journey too.

Wear masks and be mindful of the distancing rules, valuebuddies.

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