曾渊沧 Dr Chan Yan Chong

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Dr YC Chan - 2 September 2013 newsletter:

In May this year, US Federal Reserve started talking about withdrawing from the markets. Singapore stock market subsequently tumbled in June, rebounded in July, and fell again in August. The market trend inSingapore was similar to that in US, but its stock performance was worse than in US and Hong Kong stocks.

Lately, Singapore is in the midst of the so called new Asian financial crisis.

Indon rupiahs; Thai bahts; Malaysian ringgits and Philippino pesos and stock markets have fallen sharply. Singapore market is affected by what is happening to all these neigbouring countries as capital is being withdrawnfrom this region.

However, I do not think the recent so called Asian financial crisis would be as disastrous as in 1997.

理由是新加坡正处於近日的所谓新亚洲金融风暴的内眼,近一段日子,印尼盾、泰 国铢、马来西亚零吉、菲律宾比索的币值都大幅下跌,股市也下跌,这些国家全是新加坡的邻国,新加坡股市很自然地会受到影响,资金从这整个地区撤出。

不过,我不认为目前的所谓新的亚洲金融风暴会像 1997 年那样的惨烈

The situation of the Asean countries and India is much better than it was in 1997. The values of the currencies of the Asean countries then were linked to US$. The economies of the Asean countries had been declining at the time whilst the US economy was booming. The US President Clinton was the first president who led the country to have budget surpluses since Wrold War II.

The exchange rate of the US$ to other major currencies appreciated; there was no reason for the values of the currencies of the comparatively weaker Asean countries to link to US$, thus opened up for the international crocodile George Soros to attack these currencies. Now the currencies of the Asean countries are free floating, with no internatinal crocodiles to snipe at. The recent fall of the currencies is a natural reaction, an orderly process without panic, a far cry from the tense situation when Indon President Suharto was being ousted then.

Besides, George soros learnt a lesson in 1998 from the then Malaysian Prime Mininster Mahathir Mohamad who immediately stopped free exchanges of Malaysian ringgits and banned Singapore from trading Malaysian stocks. All the international crocodiles’ deposits in Malaysia were freezed, and they suffered hefty losses as a result. Once beaten, twice shy, I believe these big crocodiles dare not over do it again; otherwise they might be trapped in thenet of their own making.

US stocks dipped further in August for fear of US market withdrawal bceome official in September.

There is nothing to worry about; it is going to happen sooner or later, in fact the sooner the better.

Market withdrawal offers a good OPPORTUNITY to Collect Stocks at Low levels.


[Image: jbbcqyfbh3tvr3.png]

US will not withdraw from the markets before economic recovery, and will not do it to jeopardise its recovery. Thus, withdrawing from the markets is an indication of USeconomy is recovering and is therefore nothing to fear.

American soldiers might attack Syria was one of the reasons causing stock markets to fall in August.

But since 1991, Whenever US soldiers Went to War, the Stock markets went UP,

[Image: jAOEnjbNiaDQQ.png]

Dipped BEFORE the war started.


但是,从 1991 年中东战争至今 ,每一次美军一出动,股市皆升

On the contrary, most people will flee upon any sign of market correction.. Confused

Quote:Market withdrawal offers a good OPPORTUNITY to Collect Stocks at Low levels.

Sadly, I have yet to master the virtue of Buy Low Sell High. Sad

However, we could emulate the correct mindset from experts gradually.Idea

Question: How to Avoid Losing Money in the stock market?


Answer (Hu Li Yang): There are plenty of people who asked me why they usually lost money in the stock market? The reason is that they belong to the Normal people category.

[Image: jAyb4Yff3M2Gt.png]


My investment philosophy is BUY Low, however, only Extraordinary or Weird people will earn money by Buying at the LOWEST price.


During the financial crisis, Normal people dare Not enter the stock market. In contrast, "they" will gladly enter the market when bull market is confirmed, ended up buying at the highest point.

[Image: jcqGrmusGJNVf.png]

To be successful in stock market, you need to become Extraordinary.


Emotional control is very crucial. When others are ecstatic, you need to feel gloomy.

When the stock market surge, everybody is celebrating, you need to remind yourself to be cautious of the probability of risk.


When others are Fearful, You need to possess the mindset that this is an opportunity for you to pickup bargain stocks by AVOIDING Herd Mentality.

[Image: jGfyZAmetF5pz.png]


(03-09-2013, 02:42 PM)Ray168 Wrote: On the contrary, most people will flee upon any sign of market correction.. Confused

Quote:Market withdrawal offers a good OPPORTUNITY to Collect Stocks at Low levels.

Dr YC Chan : When will US Fed start the tapering?

http://www.cnfol.com 2013年09月23日 13:34 中金在线港股 





Probability of US Tapering this year is low.

Investors will definitely ask: When will be the tapering occur? It's October this year? Or December?



According to my estimation, the chance of Fed tapering this year is low since no tapering measure is being implemented in September.

[Image: jgZiQj2W7kiPI.png]

Even though tapering occurs, it will be very mild, which is acceptable to the stock market.

[Image: jFW3eA47uEcOx.png]








With 2013 ending, What is the Outlook for 2014?

曾渊沧博士 Dr YC Chan – 20 December 2013 Newsletter:

With US continuously setting Record Highs, lots of people are worried that the stock market has reached the peak with bubble formed.

[Image: jbyLTOOI8WKLlN.png]
I think the stock market is NOT likely to burst yet. Now is Only the EARLY Stage of Bubble.

[Image: jypLMuYyZBPeL.png]
Everyone needs to Remember


- DON’T INVEST too Much Fund into those Speculative Penny Stocks with No Underlying Business Fundamentals.


Thanks Candy.

Dr Chan is a Singaporean.
[Image: 05_n.jpg]
Picture from eastweek.com.hk

One of his recent article caught my attention because it explains a very important questions that I had been asking for the past 4 months.


6th Dec 2013


Above is an extract from http://www.sharesinv.com/zh/articles/43065

Briefly translated as follows for the benefits of non-Chinese reader:
I had repeated highlighted the low PE and PB for HK stocks.
We should be optimistic and embrace breakthru of higher records!

Singapore STI shoot up to 3,464 with great momentum in May 2013.
However, its currently range bound for a long time.
1. Why Singapore could not continue its break thru like US or HK?
2. Why is HK can shake off the negative sentiment of China market but not Singapore?

Please read shareinv.com for Dr Chan's answer.
Dr Chan explanations make sense to me and hence I re-publish it here so that you can gain his insight too.
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt  https://valuebuddies.com/thread-2915-pos...#pid152450
(30-12-2013, 04:01 PM)chialc88 Wrote: Thanks Candy.

Dr Chan is a Singaporean.
[Image: 05_n.jpg]
Picture from eastweek.com.hk

One of his recent article caught my attention because it explains a very important questions that I had been asking for the past 4 months.


6th Dec 2013


Above is an extract from http://www.sharesinv.com/zh/articles/43065

Briefly translated as follows for the benefits of non-Chinese reader:
I had repeated highlighted the low PE and PB for HK stocks.
We should be optimistic and embrace breakthru of higher records!

Singapore STI shoot up to 3,464 with great momentum in May 2013.
However, its currently range bound for a long time.
1. Why Singapore could not continue its break thru like US or HK?
2. Why is HK can shake off the negative sentiment of China market but not Singapore?

Please read shareinv.com for Dr Chan's answer.
Dr Chan explanations make sense to me and hence I re-publish it here so that you can gain his insight too.

Some how the above link does not work.
Found it after googling http://www.sharesinv.com/zh/?p=43065
Should this post be under Investment Guru or Advertisement?

This can also be looked upon gathering notice about this "guru" before he launches a book or some $$ 3-days courses.

Furthermore, there are certain people here who are linked to the late Dennis Ng's forum.


For past weeks, we are seeing a surge in certain newcomers who post a lot of questions and yet have all the answers. No, he/she isn't looking for advise. Rather that individual is trying to do some subtle advertisement.

Valuebuddies, please do not waste your breath to answer unnecessarily.


Wrong forum to advertise coz VB unlikely to pay
for overpriced courses. Hahaha.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
What is wrong with Investing Guru launching books or coaching course to benefit the novice investors who may chalk up humongous investment loss Huh

($50k trading loss for me before attending class) Confused
without the necessary tool?

Some people prefer a faster lane in life through attending courses. Shy

Sharing of information doesn't matter which forum one is linked to either, I shared in Dennis Ng's forum as well as Pertama forum too.

[Image: jFZQ2NtXPXR1l.png]

(31-12-2013, 09:31 PM)arthur Wrote: Should this post be under Investment Guru or Advertisement?

This can also be looked upon gathering notice about this "guru" before he launches a book or some $$ 3-days courses.

Furthermore, there are certain people here who are linked to the late Dennis Ng's forum.


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