Older, richer, savvier men more prone to biases

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This article talks about Behavioural Finance - an integral part of investing no doubt.

The second article talks about Fiona Chan and why she thinks she makes a lousy investor!

The Straits Times
Published on May 12, 2013
Small change
Older, richer, savvier men more prone to biases

Men who are older, richer and savvier are more prone to biases when investing, a new survey has found.

The study, by three students from the Nanyang Business School of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), shows that gender, age and smarts all affect investing bias - sometimes in surprising ways.

For instance, men are more overconfident about their investing ability than women, according to students Chiang Jia Bing, Joel Siew and Raymond Toh.

"After a long winning streak, (men) tend to believe they will consistently outperform the market and hence trade excessively," said the students, who polled 221 Singapore investors.

"Unfortunately, this leads to significant errors as they brush aside subsequent mistakes as aberrations."

Men also suffer more from the disposition effect, the survey has found. They sell winning stocks too soon and hold losing ones too long, leading to lower gains and larger losses.

Lastly, men are more likely than women to have "home bias": a preference for investing in local shares over foreign counters.

Because of this, they overallocate funds to the local market and forgo some geographical diversification benefits, the NTU students said.

Older investors are also subject to the same biases, the study shows. In addition, investors also tend to fall prey to loss aversion and confirmation bias as they age.

Confirmation bias is when investors seek only proof of their beliefs and ignore contrary data. Loss aversion, where the pain of losing money outweighs the pleasure of profit, skews a portfolio towards safe investments with low returns.

Interestingly, investors with higher income, education and financial literacy are more prone to the overconfidence and disposition effect biases, but less to loss aversion, the study shows.

The findings are important as investors led astray by bias may have underperforming portfolios, said the NTU banking and finance students, who are all in their final year of studies.

The students, led by their supervisor, Dr Kong Yoon Kee, also noted that the study results are "worrying" because men tend to be more involved in household investment decisions and because Singapore's population is ageing.

"Investment bias is an important element that is often overlooked, and underestimated," they concluded.

"In the light of this, investor advocacy groups should extend financial education to include awareness about investment biases and their risks."

Fiona Chan

The Straits Times
Published on May 12, 2013
Small change
Loss-averse, overconfident... that's me

Investment biases can cloud one's judgment and lead to lower gains and larger losses

By Fiona Chan

Set clear targets for cutting losses

One of the biggest ongoing debates in economics is the validity of homo economicus: the idea that human beings are rational and act in their own interests.

This concept, which underpins many economic theories and models, assumes consumers and investors make logical decisions for the sole purpose of maximising their happiness and profits.

As a consumer, I think I am fairly rational. As an investor, however, I may be one of the least sensible people ever.

There are many well-documented biases that investors are prone to, and unfortunately most of them apply to me.

Confirmation bias, for instance: I often make up my mind about which stock to buy and then look for proof to support my decision.

I also suffer from overconfidence bias - believing that I am right more often than I really am - not just in investments, but generally in life.

But my biggest failings are with regard to risks and potential losses. I am highly loss-averse, which means I feel the loss of $100 much more keenly than a gain of $100.

Worse than that, I am afflicted by the so-called "disposition effect", which is the tendency to sell shares that are rising in value but hold on to those that have fallen, in the stubborn hope that they will one day claw their way back into positive territory.

In other words, I lack one of the most basic investing skills: I am psychologically unable to cut my losses. There are, sadly, plenty of examples to illustrate this, but I shall give just one. In 2011, I bought one lot of shipping company Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) at slightly more than $1.40 per share.

In lieu of exhaustive analysis, I had simply noted that NOL's price had recently suffered a steep drop from what I thought of as its "usual" price of around $2, the value it had held over the previous year.

This is also a bias, known as "anchoring", in which an initial approximation of an object's value affects one's perception of its subsequent values. Because I thought NOL shares were worth around $2, $1.40 looked cheap to me.

To cut a painful story short, NOL's price continued to fall after my purchase and is now struggling to stay at around $1.10.

Despite valid grounds to bite the bullet and sell the stock - continuing red ink, a challenging industry outlook, possible better use of my money elsewhere - I simply find it too painful to convert my paper loss into a real one.

As I see it, there is a variety of reasons people like me shy from cutting our losses.

One is the unshakeable belief that stocks go up and down in cycles, and that if you just hang on long enough, your loss-making stock will eventually turn into a profitable one.

But this argument has two problems. The first is that not all stocks regain their past highs no matter how long you wait, and a falling share price is often indicative of deeper troubles that portend even further price drops.

The second problem is that the money that is tied up in your languishing investment could be invested more wisely in other assets and make up for having to cut your losses. The $300 or so I've lost on NOL, for instance, could easily have been made back by now if I had bought shares in any Singapore bank.

The other reasons for failing to cut losses are even less justifiable.

Sometimes investors just do not like to admit when they have been wrong. If their paper loss is never realised, technically the stock can still do a U-turn and prove them right for holding on so long.

There is also inertia: People tend to monitor their well-performing stocks, but ignore those that have deteriorated beyond a certain threshold.

I offer my investing story as a cautionary tale. To avoid following in my footsteps, I suggest setting a clear limit for cutting losses and remembering that after a stock has lost 50 per cent of its value, it needs to rise by 100 per cent for you to just break even.

If all else fails, knowing your own biases can at least help you formulate a better investment strategy. I now bank on blue-chip dividend yield plays, so even if the counter falls, my total return may not be a complete write-off.

The really tragic part of this whole story is that, according to recent research done by students at the Nanyang Technological University's Nanyang Business School, my investing habits resemble those of an old man.

Messrs Chiang Jia Bing, Joel Siew and Raymond Toh and their supervisor, Dr Kong Yoon Kee, polled 221 Singapore investors and found that age and gender are correlated to certain decision-making biases (see story on Page 40).

Specifically, they found that the disposition effect is a quirk of older male investors, although it is also the most prevalent bias among all investors and particularly affects the higher-educated.

"Cutting losses protects one's capital should the investment go awry," say the students.

"It is good practice to set cut-loss levels when initiating investments and be disciplined in keeping to them, rather than reasoning that adverse market movements are temporary and reversible,"

Wise advice indeed. Now if only I could overcome my bias against accepting counsel from those younger than me.

My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/
Is a preference on blue chip stocks, a form of bias: "Blue-chips bias"? For example, there are non blue chip stocks who have great business models but tend to be ignored as they are not in the blue-chip category. And blue-chip stocks that have complicated business models and not as great business (noble etc).

I always hear people say "Buy XXX, because it is a blue-chip stock". Of course I will ask so what..
(12-05-2013, 11:39 AM)CY09 Wrote: Is a preference on blue chip stocks, a form of bias: "Blue-chips bias"? For example, there are non blue chip stocks who have great business models but tend to be ignored as they are not in the blue-chip category. And blue-chip stocks that have complicated business models and not as great business (noble etc).

I always hear people say "Buy XXX, because it is a blue-chip stock". Of course I will ask so what..

I tend to equate this with a mistaken view of what constitutes "safe" and "less risky".

With blue chips getting more coverage from analysts, chances are that they are either more fairly valued or else over-valued (since everyone knows so much about them, there is less information asymmetry and you can gain less insight). Add to that the fact that not all blue-chips remain blue as their business models may also get threatened, this makes them more risky than what is perceived.

Of course, mid and small caps suffer from a lack of coverage because they are not as established, and therefore one must put in more effort and due D to achieve the same comfort level.

So conclusion - there is no free lunch in this world!
My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/
We are all creatures of habit......Sad
My Dividend Investing Blog
i had read:-

{5 days before "ENRON" filed for bankruptcy, Credit rating agencies still gave "ENRON" a respectable credit rating. Congress deliberated whether the credit rating agencies should be monitored. (another words were the credit agencies in cahoot? -my comment)

The agencies may have presumed that the firms were accurately reporting their accounting, or the auditors were honest in their assessment of the financial statements.
If the accounting is faulty, no amount of credit analysts or regulators will detect a firm's financial problems well in advance. }

So Arthur Anderson was mainly responsible. Therefore not allow to exist anymore. (My comment).

What is the moral of this real story?
i think we all may have our own interpretation depending who we are.
What's yours?
Ikan Bilis.

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
(12-05-2013, 09:38 AM)Musicwhiz Wrote: "It is good practice to set cut-loss levels when initiating investments and be disciplined in keeping to them, rather than reasoning that adverse market movements are temporary and reversible,"


Does not make sense at all. I buy pennies and a lot of them goes down beyond 50% at some point or another. Started buying Sincere Watch HK at 60 cents, bought up to 120 cent, and then bought all the way down to 32 cents. In that case, am I supposed to set my cut-loss level at 90% so that it does not keep on being breached? And against which buy price???
(12-05-2013, 09:38 AM)Sunday Times Wrote: "After a long winning streak, (men) tend to believe they will consistently outperform the market and hence trade excessively," said the students, who polled 221 Singapore investors.

"Unfortunately, this leads to significant errors as they brush aside subsequent mistakes as aberrations."

Men also suffer more from the disposition effect, the survey has found. They sell winning stocks too soon and hold losing ones too long, leading to lower gains and larger losses.

I like confident people but I know life is rarely so black and white.

I would very much like to examine the data and methodologies employed as I would have imagined that such a study is fraught with significant challenges in interpreting the data.

First of all, how do they select the sample of 221 investors (selection bias)? Since they classify investors as man or woman, young or old, rich or poor, savvy or novice, the total permutations is 16. If so, average sample size for each category is <15? I will leave to fellow analysts to mull over whether such a sample size is meaningful.

The second point that I would like to make is that context is very important in assessing whether a share investment is successful or not. If one looks at OSIM's price chart for the past 10 years, depending on time frame taken and entry point, one could be a runaway success or abject failure. However, it is difficult to conclude within a short period of time (such as within 1-2 years time frame), whether a stock is considered a success or NOT.
Quote:HIT & RUN
The second point that I would like to make is that context is very important in assessing whether a share investment is successful or not. If one looks at OSIM's price chart for the past 10 years, depending on time frame taken and entry point, one could be a runaway success or abject failure. However, it is difficult to conclude within a short period of time (such as within 1-2 years time frame), whether a stock is considered a success or NOT.

i can't agree more. i have said many times investing in the stock markets or any investments is a lifetime "hobby". Like any "proof"? (Someone on this forum have share this S & P 500 calculator. (http://dqydj.net/sp-500-return-calculator/#wrap). Go and try out yourself and you will know. It all depends on time frame taken and entry point.[b] i like to add also exit point And then repeat. If you have managed the preservation of your "trading" capital well. i say it one more time. "Investing is a Lifetime Hobby".

Of course, there are day traders, swing traders, trend traders...all kinds of traders still existing in the markets. Are they also thinking it's for a lifetime or "HIT & RUN", "HIT & RUN". Then retire before giving back all their gains? Ha! Ha! Go and ask them. i like to know. (i think they think the same as us. At least some of them still trading after "donkey" years.)

(12-05-2013, 10:51 PM)smallcaps Wrote:
(12-05-2013, 09:38 AM)Musicwhiz Wrote: "It is good practice to set cut-loss levels when initiating investments and be disciplined in keeping to them, rather than reasoning that adverse market movements are temporary and reversible,"


Does not make sense at all. I buy pennies and a lot of them goes down beyond 50% at some point or another. Started buying Sincere Watch HK at 60 cents, bought up to 120 cent, and then bought all the way down to 32 cents. In that case, am I supposed to set my cut-loss level at 90% so that it does not keep on being breached? And against which buy price???
Ya lol! It only make sense if you are "Forexing" or some kind of trader.

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.

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