4 in 10 S'poreans not saving for retirement

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41% is considered very high! Could this be a case where people "need" their creature comforts and hence cannot save as a result? Tongue

The Straits Times
Published on Mar 21, 2013
4 in 10 S'poreans not saving for retirement

Many put the blame on high cost of living, according to survey

By Magdalen Ng

MORE than four in 10 Singaporeans say they have not set aside a single dollar for retirement - that was a startling finding from a new survey.

The HSBC survey also learnt that people were not saving mainly because of the high cost of living.

Retirement planning has been a major headache for many Singaporeans, who continue to rely on their Central Provident Fund savings as their basic nest egg, a reliance many financial advisers say is outdated.

Still, 41 per cent of about 1,000 Singaporeans polled in the survey said they have never saved for retirement.

Of these, 47 per cent claimed they are held back by the cost of day-to-day living while 31 per cent said they have never really thought about it. Some 38 per cent said buying a property is the biggest obstacle to saving for retirement, an unsurprising fact, given that property prices have soared in the past few years.

Other top reasons include unemployment, financing children's education, and starting a family.

But the poll also found that more than half of those surveyed said they want to achieve a good standard of living after retirement.

The poll of nearly 16,000 worldwide was conducted online.

Chief executive Christopher Tan of wealth management and financial advisory firm Providend believes that it is all about managing expectations.

"If retirement planning is important and a priority, you will make the effort to save, even if it is $100 or $200 a month that you can spare," he said.

He also said many young adults may face difficulty saving if they buy houses and cars that they cannot afford comfortably.

"Younger people also lack the sense of urgency when planning for retirement. When you are just starting your family, retirement will be the last thing on your mind. I'm not saying that is correct, but that is what is happening," he added.

Lawyer Gerald Goh said his priority is to buy his first property and a car. The 29-year-old said: "I will start saving for retirement only after buying my first property, and I am nowhere near there yet."

But insurance agent Bernard Lin, 28, had already started to squirrel away money for retirement three years ago, by putting money in endowment plans. He was motivated to do so after he realised his parents and clients do not have enough for their old age. "I also see some clients who have saved for retirement, and they are stress-free," he said.

"If you don't start saving young, it will become taxing in the later years when you have less earning power, or when your health is poorer."

The survey also found that those who consulted a professional adviser for their retirement planning accumulated the most wealth in their retirement savings, averaging $324,070. This was more than 50 per cent higher than the accumulated savings of $220,383 for those who did not, said HSBC.

Similarly, respondents with a formal retirement plan are financially better off than those who rely on informal methods, and those who have no plans at all.

My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/
exactly the high cost of living is the very reason why many unable to save. - struggling.
To someone in his 20s, I wonder if there is a difference asking him "do you save" and "do you save for retirement". I thought there is a high chance that I will get a yes for the former and no for the latter.
(21-03-2013, 08:39 AM)egghead Wrote: To someone in his 20s, I wonder if there is a difference asking him "do you save" and "do you save for retirement". I thought there is a high chance that I will get a yes for the former and no for the latter.

I don't think there should be a difference. Most people will understand that saving is for the future, so the two questions will equate to the same thing.

Still, I am very surprised that 41% do not save. But it would be useful to drill down - are these people earning perhaps below the median income level? Huh
My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/
But remember, some people save for the wants like $20k holidays, $150k cars, $100k marriage celebration, etc. My guess is that people do save but blew the saving off on the wants.
Perhaps it is a good time to revisit this attached article again, even though it was written in 2005! It's still relevant!

Attached Files
.pdf   Phillip Loh - 7 Keys to Money Happiness.pdf (Size: 115.31 KB / Downloads: 36)
My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/
Many still have loans to serve after 60, rather common nowaday.
“risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
4 in 10 means around 2million people are not saving how the hell they come out with 4 in 10 ? they just pluck it from the air did they interview 2million people to get 4 in 10? They just found 1 cock lawyer to quote then use that to assume people at large are not saving and get miw to write articles.

I got feeling this something new and to do with cpf
(21-03-2013, 09:31 AM)sgd Wrote: 4 in 10 means around 2million people are not saving how the hell they come out with 4 in 10 ? they just pluck it from the air did they interview 2million people to get 4 in 10? They just found 1 cock lawyer to quote then use that to assume people at large are not saving and get miw to write articles.

I got feeling this something new and to do with cpf

The HSBC survey also learnt that people were not saving mainly because of the high cost of living.
Still, 41 per cent of about 1,000 Singaporeans polled in the survey said they have never saved for retirement.
For most wage earners, saving for old age is never enough. Must definitely learn to grow the money saved to at least keep up with inflation.
But a HDB's mortgage loan of 20 to 30 years will set you back by 10s of a thousand if not reaching 100s.
Gone are the good old days where you can paid on the spot your HDB purchase (even EXECUTIVE HDB) with a little cash and the rest CPF fund. i did that twice. i didn't know how to invest then.
And me and wife were average ordinary wage earner.
Very sad now for the younger generation.

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.

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