GP Batteries International

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The board of directors (the “Board”) of Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited (the
“Company”) announces with great sadness that Mr. Andrew NG Sung On (“Mr. NG”), the
Vice Chairman and the Executive Director of the Company, has passed away on 17 April 2014.
Mr. NG is also Chairman and Chief Executive of GP Batteries International Limited, a
Singapore-listed subsidiary of the Company.

On behalf of all employees of Gold Peak Group, the Board expresses its deepest sorrow over
the death of Mr. NG and conveys its condolences to his family. The Board also expresses its
deepest gratitude for the enormous contribution to the Group by Mr. NG over the past decades.

By Order of the Board
Victor LO Chung Wing
Chairman & Chief Executive
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
what happened? accident or illness?
What a say news!!! RIP Ng Sung On

Senior executive of GP Batteries jumps to death from office roof

'Depressed' vice-chairman of GP Batteries had been troubled over business, source says

A senior executive of international battery maker GP jumped to his death from the roof of his office building in Kwai Chung yesterday.

Andrew Ng Sung-on, 64, the vice-chairman and executive director of Gold Peak Industries (Holdings), who is also chairman and chief executive of GP Batteries International, was found lying unconscious on the ground outside the eight-storey Gold Peak Building on Castle Peak Road in Kwai Chung.

He was confirmed dead by paramedics at the scene.

They believed Ng jumped from the roof of the building, where his briefcase and tablet computer were found.

A police source said Ng was seen leaving his office at about 3.30pm and had gone up to the roof a few minutes before he jumped.

No suicide note was found and officers found nothing suspicious.

The source said he had been troubled by his company's business over the past few months and had been depressed.

A post-mortem examination was expected to confirm the cause of death.

According to the Gold Peak website, Ng joined the company in 1975 and had been vice-chairman of the group since 1990.

Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) was founded in 1964 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1984.

Ng was also the founder of the group's micro battery and rechargeable battery divisions, and he had been chairman and chief executive of its Singapore-listed subsidiary GP Batteries International Limited since 1993.

GP Batteries is a major supplier of primary and rechargeable batteries.

The company's website claims that it is the largest consumer battery manufacturer on the mainland.

Ng held a master of science degree in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.

He is survived by his wife and a son.

Group chairman and chief executive Victor Lo Chung-wing said in an announcement through the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing last night that the board wished to express its "deepest sorrow" over the death of Ng and conveyed its condolences to his family.

The board also expressed its "deepest gratitude" for Ng's "enormous contribution to the group"
how come rooftops in HK can be so easily accessible..? tot there should be security access control or something..sounds fishy case to me

金山電池主席 公司跳樓亡

金山電池主席 返工跳樓
記者:詹家志 溫瑞麟


吳崇安畢生從事電池業,曾多次率團到內地考察投資環境,年前並代表公司與美國波士頓電池(Boston Power)組成策略合作聯盟,試圖在日韓五大廠商壟斷的鋰離子電池市場掀起一波革命。





女同事認屍 激動流淚



"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
The company seems to be rather interesting from a cash flow perspective. The company has been able to produce a full year operation profit before WC of ard 51 to 55M annually. Assuming a cash outflow due to purchase of PPE of 20M and tax and interest expense of 14M. It seems GP batteries business is able to produce 17M annually. Dividing by current no of shares, that means the business generates cash of about 10 cents per share annually. Market is now pricing this company at about 5.5 x P/FCF.

This brings to me a few questions: 1) Why the need to raise rights when business has been cash flow positive, 2) Are there any imminent threats to GP batteries to the extent market is pricing it rather low?, 3) are there things we, retail investors, do not know about the company ?
Then why the boss commit suicide?? Seemingly from depression or stress.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
(01-05-2014, 05:43 PM)opmi Wrote: Then why the boss commit suicide??

He was the junior boss???

Looks like GP batteries will be doing more write offs, I think they may write off another 15M for Q4. Wonder what is the true worth of that $1.60 NAV written in the balance sheet.

Assuming GP battery's PPE, interest in associate, debtors and goodwill are only worth 50% of its value in B/S, this means 216M should be written off, leaving only an equity of 105m. This is about 10% more than its current mkt cap of 93M. However, as many has written previously, it is also understating the value of a subsidiary and Bolder Tech's Singapore property. Interesting exercise to know what is the true worth of this company's balance sheet.
Gp batteries full year results is out.

The company took approx 17M impairment this 4Q, within expectations. Interestingly, FCF per share before WC changes is about 11.8 cents/share. This puts GP batteries at about 4.6x P/FCF.

Net current assets is only about 23M vs mkt cap of 89M. However what is interesting is its NAV is at 310M, giving it a P/B of 0.28X. It seems market is pricing/expecting more write downs on its PPE/goodwill, which i too agree may be written down further. The company also seems to have too much cash which hopefully should be used to pay down loans next FY

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