Another slow drive to
Oradour-sur-Glane, bathing under the sunny yet cool weather,
makes one really thanks our creator for it's grace.
WWII had long gone.
Fortunately, French government decided to keep Oradour-sur-Glane as it is.
Walking down the center of it's main boulevard sends a chill runs down my spine.
Reading it's history, let me realised the important of fighting for freedom.
On 10 June, Diekmann's battalion sealed off Oradour-sur-Glane and
ordered everyone within to assemble in the village square to have their identity papers examined.
This included six non-residents who happened to be bicycling through the town when the SS unit arrived.
The women and children were locked in the church, and the village was looted.
The men were led to six barns and sheds, where machine guns were already in place.
According to a survivor's account, the SS men then began shooting, aiming for their legs.
When victims were unable to move, the SS men covered them with fuel and set the barns on fire.
Only six men managed to escape.
One of them was later seen walking down a road and was shot dead. In all, 190 Frenchmen died.
The SS men next proceeded to the church and placed an incendiary device beside it.
When it was ignited, women and children tried to escape through the doors and windows,
only to be met with machine-gun fire.
247 women and 205 children died in the attack.
The only survivor was 47-year-old Marguerite Rouffanche.
She escaped through a rear sacristy window, followed by a young woman and child.
All three were shot, two of them fatally.
Rouffanche crawled to some pea bushes and remained hidden overnight
until she was found and rescued the next morning.

Rest In Peace, my friend.
*Frame On*
The following fake conversation was purely imaginary and completely baseless.
Q: Thank you boss for allowing a frank and open interview.
Boss: Don't need to thank. Shoot.
Q: OK. Recently, there are a lot of -ve connotation in your company.
Boss: Not just recently. It started since 2016.
Q: Yes, of course. But, what changed your mind?
Boss: What are you referring to?
Q: The buy-back that push up company stock price.
Boss: What do you mean?
Q: I mean, why did you start to buy back your company stock?
Boss: What makes you think that it's my idea?
Q: You mean.....(stretching and decreasing volume aka implying someone else.)
Boss: Yup. Not my idea. It's a waste of money.
Q: Yes. You mentioned that before. Lawyers and administrators will get a cut.
Boss: Yes. Move on. Next question.
Q: Got it. But I must says that the share buy back does have a significant +ve effects to your company stock price.
Boss: And?
Q: And, your consistent buying and slightly increasing in buying price allows you to increase your ownership of your company.
Boss: Mmm. Let me ask you a question.
Q: Yes?
Boss: If you like to eat McDonald, do you want to let the price go up or down.
Q: You mean Big Mac price?
Boss: Yes. Up or down.
Q: I like to eat, of course, I want the price to go down.
Boss: Then, what's so good about paying higher and higher price to increase my company ownership? Ignorance.
Q: Sorry. I thought that's what you wanted.
Boss: Think again. I already said, it's not my idea.
Q: Sorry. What's your idea?
Boss: You tell me. Giving current scenario of buying back, what could make the stock price drop significantly?
Q: You're buying back at increasing price. May be you can stop buying back?
Boss: Yes. Stop buying back might lower or stablised the price at current price. I asked again, what will cause the price to drop?
Q: Erh. You stop buying back and tell people that you're not buying back any more?
Boss: What's the reason for not buying back any more?
Q: Mmm. You found a new investment and you need to cash to pay for the investment?
Boss: Might be a good reason. However, some growth investor will stay or buy more of my company stocks if they see my investment merit.
Q: Mmm. What about you says you need the cash to weather the crisis ahead?
Boss: Yes. You're on the right track.
Q: So, you're going to stop the buy back?
Boss: What do you think?
Q: The Big Mac example again?
Boss: Of course. What do you think?
Q: But, you had just started the buy back, less than 10%. What about the 90% of buy-back mandate?
Boss: Not my problem.
Q: So, when are you going to stop the buy back?
Boss: Why you asked me? It's not my idea.
Q: Aren't you afraid, erh, I mean worry about a big shot coming in to snap up your company?
Boss: You go and look up my profile. Other than business, I am also 有头有脸.
Q: So, you not worry about other people start to accumulate your company on the dip?
Boss: They can try. I am not worry.
Q: Ok. Another big news is that you are suing a shareholder.
Boss: What's wrong?
Q: Erh... You use company fund.
Boss: So what?
Q: Erh. It's your shareholder.
Boss: So?
Q: Erh. You should not do that. Even SGX says so.
Boss: I think we should end this interview.
You ask SGX guys come to my office and tell me I cannot do this. ok?
Q: No lar. Chill, boss. Will catch up next time.
Boss: No problem.
*Frame Off*
Next stop - searching for human origin