Duty Free International (formerly: Esmart Holding)

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The Board of Directors of Duty Free International Limited (the “Company”) wishes to declare a first interim ordinary dividend (one-tier tax exempt) of SGD 0.01 per ordinary share for the
financial year ending 28 February 2015, payable on 8 August 2014 to shareholders registered in the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members of the Company as at 5.00 p.m. on 30 July 2014.
Notice is hereby given that the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members of the Company will be closed on 31 July 2014 on which no share transfer will be effected. Duly completed registrable transfers received by the Company’s Share Registrar, Boardroom
Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd., 50 Raffles Place, #32-01 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623, up to 5.00 p.m. on 30 July 2014 will be registered before entitlements to the dividend are determined.
By Order of the Board
Lee Sze Siang
Executive Director
18 July 2014
expect a special dividend in Dec when it receives final payment of 50M ringgit from Berjaya in Oct this year
The M'sian model has stagnated since 1990s - plenty of leakages to who's who and paper shuffling on similar assets many times over.

Well connected people will benefit at least in public eyes but economically and structurally M'sia appears to be a ticking time bomb.

Where is Halim Saad - the poster boy of Renong?

Good Luck
(18-07-2014, 10:53 PM)greengiraffe Wrote: The M'sian model has stagnated since 1990s - plenty of leakages to who's who and paper shuffling on similar assets many times over.

Well connected people will benefit at least in public eyes but economically and structurally M'sia appears to be a ticking time bomb.

Where is Halim Saad - the poster boy of Renong?

Good Luck

thanks... but duty free zon (DFZ) when it was listed in bursamalaysia has been making profit even during the horror time in 2008. And has been generous in it's dividend, and with the few potential catalyst I listed, I vested for the long term Smile

Summary of the potential catalyst:
1) Upgrading to mainboard
2) Berjaya Vincent Tan may be interested to take it private
3) New contracts obtained in KLIA terminal 2 provides more revenue and hence potential profit
4) Restructing of Malaysia airline by Khazanah Nasional due to MH371 and MH17 may lead to selling off of non-aviation related business, so duty free international may revive talk with ERAMAN duty free for a merger to create a billion dollar revenue company.
5) Potential special dividend when they receive the 50 million ringgit payment from Berjaya by Oct this year.
Ex div this Friday.. 1 cent dividend

Malaysia Airline going to be delisted.
MAS plans to present a revival plan to its biggest stakeholder Khazanah Nasional this week, sources told the financial portal yesterday. The options range from privatising the company to bankruptcy, both of which involve a delisting from Bursa Malaysia.

Would there be a chance that Duty Free International can revive the proposal to buy over Eraman Duty Free so that KLIA can focus on aviation related business and leave the duty free business to duty free Zon?

It will be a game changer for Duty Free International (parent Atlan) if the deal can be revived.

Latest Video on Duty Free International parent Atlan
duty free remains one of the laggards. Potentially > 40 cents once it's turn comes
Duty Free International has restart the share buyback for the last few days.

If it continues to buy back for another 2 weeks, then a repeat of 2012 is in sight. Let's hope it does

(08-08-2014, 11:43 PM)Sincerity Wrote: Duty Free International has restart the share buyback for the last few days.

If it continues to buy back for another 2 weeks, then a repeat of 2012 is in sight. Let's hope it does


waiting for the seller at 30 cents to let go at 29.5 cents Smile hope the buyback will continue for 2 more weeks, then we will see a breakout

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