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any idea why it went up almost 3 folds within ~12mth!!!
A spin-off from a group, with total MC of S$92 million, and net asset of S$84 million?

DeClout to spin off subsidiary Proccuri in Mainborad listing

SINGAPORE (OCT 6): DeClout Limited ( Valuation: 1.10, Fundamental: 0.90) is planning to spin off subsidiary Proccuri Corporation in a listing on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX) ( Valuation: 1.70, Fundamental: 2.70), the company said it a filing.

Declout says the SGX has no objection to the proposed spin-off, provided that it complies with listing rules, has received shareholders' approval at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened, and disclosed in a circular to shareholders that the spin-off would boost shareholder value.
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
is the market not recognising the potential unlock in value with this spin-off or am I not interpreting the announcement right? market does not seem to react much to it.
Need such a hassle ? The buy back is only 3.4% of shares in issue. A dividend will just meet the goal of rewarding the shareholders. What do I miss ? 

DeClout commits S$7.2 million from Acclivis divestment  for its inaugural shareholders' reward

* Proposed buy-back of 23.0 million shares at S$0.315/share via an off-market equal access offer, representing 26% of the disposal gain
* Offer price equivalent to historical trading high and represents a 55% premium to loyal shareholders who subscribed for IPO and 1-for-2 rights issue
* Buy back up to 23,000,000 Shares representing approximately 3.4% of the 671,268,974 Shares in issue as at the date of this announcement.

Under the Equal Access Offer, Shareholders may nominate to sell all, part or none of their Shares. Each Shareholder will be entitled to accept the Equal Access Offer in respect of the Relevant Percentage of the Shares he or she holds as at the date on which the Equal Access Offer closes, fractional entitlements to be disregarded. In addition to the entitlement to sell the Entitled Shares, a Shareholder may tender Shares in excess of the Entitled Shares  for acceptance under the Equal Access Offer if other Shareholders do not accept their full entitlement under the Equal Access Offer.

If the total number of acceptances exceeds the Maximum Buyback Amount, the number of Excess Shares tendered by each accepting Shareholder will be reduced accordingly to ensure the Company buys back no more than the Maximum Buyback Amount.

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Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
(21-11-2016, 08:02 PM)cyclone Wrote: Need such a hassle ? The buy back is only 3.4% of shares in issue. A dividend will just meet the goal of rewarding the shareholders. What do I miss ? 

DeClout commits S$7.2 million from Acclivis divestment  for its inaugural shareholders' reward

* Proposed buy-back of 23.0 million shares at S$0.315/share via an off-market equal access offer, representing 26% of the disposal gain
* Offer price equivalent to historical trading high and represents a 55% premium to loyal shareholders who subscribed for IPO and 1-for-2 rights issue
* Buy back up to 23,000,000 Shares representing approximately 3.4% of the 671,268,974 Shares in issue as at the date of this announcement.

Under the Equal Access Offer, Shareholders may nominate to sell all, part or none of their Shares. Each Shareholder will be entitled to accept the Equal Access Offer in respect of the Relevant Percentage of the Shares he or she holds as at the date on which the Equal Access Offer closes, fractional entitlements to be disregarded. In addition to the entitlement to sell the Entitled Shares, a Shareholder may tender Shares in excess of the Entitled Shares  for acceptance under the Equal Access Offer if other Shareholders do not accept their full entitlement under the Equal Access Offer.

If the total number of acceptances exceeds the Maximum Buyback Amount, the number of Excess Shares tendered by each accepting Shareholder will be reduced accordingly to ensure the Company buys back no more than the Maximum Buyback Amount.

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This is called being innovative. It's a tech company, right?  Cool
They have never paid cash dividends, issuing shares as currency for acquisition.

Someone wants to sell at all time high price after rights issue of 102m @SGD0.11 and various acquisitions by shares
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)
Voluntary Conditional Cash Offer Annoucement for and on behalf of Exeo Global Pte. Ltd.

Exeo Global Pte. Ltd. (the "Offeror") intends to make a voluntary conditional cash offer for all the issued and paid-up ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares) in the capital of DeClout Limited. The Offeror is a private company limited by shares incorporated in Singapore. As at the Offer Announcement Date, the Offeror has an issued and paid-up capital of S$6,000,000, consisting of 6,000,000 ordinary shares. The Offeror is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kyowa Exeo Corporation ("Kyowa"), a company incorporated in Japan and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and serves as a regional head office, administrative office and subsidiary management office of Kyowa. Kyowa is a leading Japanese conglomerate in the construction and supply of telecommunications infrastructure, electrical, civil and environmental engineering services, systems solutions and integration services.

The Offer Price represents a premium of approximately 18.18% over the last transacted price per Share of S$0.110 on 3 January 2019, being the last Market Day1 on which the Shares were transacted prior to the Offer Announcement Date (the "Last Trading Day"). When compared to the benchmark prices of the Shares up to and including the Last Trading Day, the Offer Price also represents a premium of approximately 28.71%, 47.73%, 52.94% and 51.16% over the volume weighted average price ("VWAP") per Share for the one (1)-month, three (3)-month, six (6)-month and 12-month periods, respectively.

For each Offer Share: S$0.13 in cash.

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Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
(07-01-2019, 10:31 PM)cyclone Wrote: Voluntary Conditional Cash Offer Annoucement for and on behalf of Exeo Global Pte. Ltd.

Exeo Global Pte. Ltd. (the "Offeror") intends to make a voluntary conditional cash offer for all the issued and paid-up ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares) in the capital of DeClout Limited. The Offeror is a private company limited by shares incorporated in Singapore. As at the Offer Announcement Date, the Offeror has an issued and paid-up capital of S$6,000,000, consisting of 6,000,000 ordinary shares. The Offeror is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kyowa Exeo Corporation ("Kyowa"), a company incorporated in Japan and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and serves as a regional head office, administrative office and subsidiary management office of Kyowa. Kyowa is a leading Japanese conglomerate in the construction and supply of telecommunications infrastructure, electrical, civil and environmental engineering services, systems solutions and integration services.

The Offer Price represents a premium of approximately 18.18% over the last transacted price per Share of S$0.110 on 3 January 2019, being the last Market Day1 on which the Shares were transacted prior to the Offer Announcement Date (the "Last Trading Day"). When compared to the benchmark prices of the Shares up to and including the Last Trading Day, the Offer Price also represents a premium of approximately 28.71%, 47.73%, 52.94% and 51.16% over the volume weighted average price ("VWAP") per Share for the one (1)-month, three (3)-month, six (6)-month and 12-month periods, respectively.

For each Offer Share: S$0.13 in cash.

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A low-ball offer as against its IPO price of 25 cents.
But the GO makes quite a few multi-millionaires of the senior management, given its generous incentive payment.
The second largest shareholder Melvin Poh also stands to benefit as he came to the company only less than a year at an average cost of 11 cents per share.
(07-01-2019, 11:36 PM)Shiyi Wrote: A low-ball offer as against its IPO price of 25 cents.
But the GO makes quite a few multi-millionaires of the senior management, given its generous incentive payment.
The second largest shareholder Melvin Poh also stands to benefit as he came to the company only less than a year at an average cost of 11 cents per share.

An offer is based on what the offeror thinks it is worth now rather than what it was worth 5 years ago. Still, based on the book value, the offer price seems underwhelming.
You can count on the greed of man for the next recession to happen.

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