Karin Technology Holdings

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roger that
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(14-05-2013, 01:59 PM)BlueKelah Wrote: sorry Apple fanboys... Just based on apple product distribution alone i wouldn't touch this company. Bad move from management especially now that apple is in decline. Apple is currently being owned by samsung and other tech company, without steve job's vision they will just survive until some stupid move from management cause them to lose their cash hoard and earnings..

If karin started distributing samsung products then may be reconsidered Big Grin

Angel Just being smug this time guys but 'I told you so' as above my post almost a year ago just like I think OSIM is a big a$$ ripoff....
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
The company will be releasing its financial results for the half year ended 31 December 2014 on Wednesday, 11 February 2015.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
A commendable set of financial results amid challenging business environment.

Some highlights :
Karin Technology achieves record net attributable profit in FY2015
• Highest earnings since the Group’s listing in 2005.
• Outstanding performance despite challenging operating environment and subdued consumer sentiments.
• Proposes a final tax-exempt cash dividend of 9.0 Hong Kong cents, lifting total dividend for FY2015 to 17.6 Hong Kong cent. This translates to a dividend yield of around 9.6% based on last transacted price of SGD 33 cents.

Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
(27-08-2015, 09:56 PM)cyclone Wrote: A commendable set of financial results amid challenging business environment.

Some highlights :
Karin Technology achieves record net attributable profit in FY2015
• Highest earnings since the Group’s listing in 2005.
• Outstanding performance despite challenging operating environment and subdued consumer sentiments.
• Proposes a final tax-exempt cash dividend of 9.0 Hong Kong cents, lifting total dividend for FY2015 to 17.6 Hong Kong cent. This translates to a dividend yield of around 9.6% based on last transacted price of SGD 33 cents.

Yeah Baby!

really great result. i hope the market does not brush off this surge in earnings and 35% increase in dividends, like they did for its half yearly results.

For the first half ended 31/12/2015, revenue was down 18.3% to HK$1,262,156,000, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014 of HK$1,545,110,000.
As a result, gross profit declined by 41.5% to HK$86,677,000, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014  of HK$148,225,000.
Gross profit margin was 6.87%, compared to the first half ended 31/12/2014 of 9.59%.
Net profit after tax was HK$3,716,000, mainly due to decrese in gross profit, compared to net profit after tax of HK$43,378,000 in the first half ended 31/12/2014. A decline of 91.4%.
Net profit attributable to owners of the Company was HK$5,628,000 compared to the period ended 31/12/2014 of HK$31,776,000. A decline of 82.3%.

Net Cash Flows used in Operating Activities was (HK$7,904,000), compared to net cash flow generated from operating activities of HK$72,751,000 in the first half ended 31/12/2014.
Dividend payments are included in CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES  section.
Net Cash Flows Used in Investing Activities was (HK$1,107,000), compared to net cash flow used in investing activities of (HK$29,402,000) in the first half ended 31/12/2014.

Gearing ratio was at 0.20 times. Cash and bank balances was HK$99,100,000.
NAV per share as at 31 December 2015 was HK$ 299.1 cent (compared to last transacted price of S$ 30.5 cent).
Number of ordinary shares was 214,410,000.

Despite the big drop in profit, the company still declared dividend of HK$ 5 cents per share for the first half ended FY2015.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.

Karin Technology Holdings Limited would like to announce that its 60%-owned subsidiary, KCF A Store Limited ("KFC")  which engages in the selling of Apple products and accessories through its In-Smart retail shops has issued a termination notice to Apple Asia Limited ("Apple") to terminate the Apple Authorised Reseller Agreement in relation to the selling of Apple products today (the "Proposed Termination"). Following the Proposed Termination, KCF's and Apple's respective obligations and liabilities under its Apple Authorized Reseller Agreement shall cease. All the KCF In-Smart retail shops shall cease to be Apple Authorised Resellers with effect from 30 June 2016.

Due to the current challenging business environment, the Group has decided to focus on other areas and a few new opportunities have emerged. Separate announcements will be made when any of them materializes. Hence, we believe that it is in the best interests of the Company to cease as a reseller of
Apple products in due course.

The aforesaid Proposed Termination is expected to have material effect on the Group’s performance for the current financial year ending 30 June 2016.

On the other hand, the distribution agreement between Compucon Computers Limited ("CCL"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group, and Apple for the distribution of beats products through CCL remains unchanged.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
Karin achieves net attributable profit of HK$13.7 million for FY2016

Highlights :
* Revenue contribution from CD and IT Infrastructure segments were maintained
* Weak revenue generated by CEP segment mainly due to increase selling competition in one of our major product line
* Proposes final dividend of 11.8 HK cents per share payable on 17 November 2016
* In addition to the interim cash dividend of 5.0 Hong Kong cents, the total dividend is 16.8 Hong Kong cents for FY2016. 

Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
Today's closing price is SGD 0.31 per share.

Financial Results for the Financial Year ended 30 June 2017 ("FY2017")

Highlights :
1. Revenue fell 16.5% to HK$ 1,867.9 million mainly because of lower sales generated by Consumer Electronics Products segment
2. FY2017 attributable net profit of HK$8.3 million, down 39.3% versus previous year
3. The Group's earnings per share was 3.9 HK cents as at 30 June 2017 against 6.4 HK cents as at 30 June 2016
4. The Group’s gearing ratio remains low at 0.14 times
5. NAV per share as at 30 June 2017 was 320.8 HK cents
6. Proposes final dividend of 9.8 HK cents per share, which together with interim dividend of 7.8 HK cents, brings total dividend payout in FY2017 to 17.6 HK cents.

More details in :
1. http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Karin-An...eID=468540
2. http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Karin-FY...eID=468541
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
Assume 1 HKD = 0.173 SGD

18.6 * 0.173 / 31 = 10.4%

Karin records 7.8% revenue growth in FY2018 as re-investment in retail business pays-off

Highlights :
1. Revenue increased by approximately HK$145.4 million or 7.8% from HK$1,867.9 million for the year ended 30 June 2017 to HK$2,013.3 million for the year ended 30 June 2018
2. Stronger topline on the back of higher contributions from both the Components Distribution and Consumer Electronics Products business segments
3. The Group’s gross profit was impacted by a write-down of HK$5.7 million of inventories to net realisable value, resulting in a 2.0% yoy decline to HK$162.3 million in FY2018
4. Gross profit margin declined to 8.1% in FY2018 (FY2017: 8.9%)
5. The Group’s net attributable profit decreased by 19.2% to HK$28.0 million in FY2018.
6. The Group’s Earnings per Share fell in tandem to 13.0 Hong Kong cents as at 30 June 2018, against 16.2 Hong Kong cents as at 30 June 2017.
7. Net asset value per share was lifted to 204.1 Hong Kong cents from 190.1 Hong Kong cents for the same period.
8. Karin’s cash and cash equivalents remained healthy at HK$54.2 million as at 30 June 2018
9. The Group’s gearing ratio stayed low at 0.32 times
10. Proposes final tax-exempt cash dividend of 11.8 HK cents, lifting total dividend for FY2018 to 18.6 Hong Kong cents.

More details in :
1. http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Karin%20...eID=523005
2. http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/Karin-FY...eID=523006

Karin Technology today closed at 0.31 (+0.005), up 1.639%.
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.

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